Title: Psychological Warfare Characters: Mukuro, Xanxus Summary: The Cradle Affair, this time with more Mukuro. Notes: For cliche_bingo, prompt: "Darkfic." Full bingo card is available here. Part of the Firebrand 'verse. Dark like a very dark thing. 791 words.
"Oh, they call me Mukuro." He called on his trident. "Rokudou Mukuro."
I know the tone was serious and all (or, considering it was Mukuro, probably half-serious) for the dialogue, but I seriously can hear him saying that in a James Bond voice! I just laughed. XDD;; I really like your Firebrand verse!
Comments 2
I know the tone was serious and all (or, considering it was Mukuro, probably half-serious) for the dialogue, but I seriously can hear him saying that in a James Bond voice! I just laughed. XDD;; I really like your Firebrand verse!
Mukuro would make such a debonair spy, wouldn't he?
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!
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