Title: Reach Out and Touch Someone
Characters: Fuji Yuuta, Fuji Shuusuke
Summary: Aniki's been thinking about Yuuta, and gives him a call.
Notes: Written for
the Kink Meme, to the prompt, "Fujicest, phone sex." Adult; features smut and brothers who love each other quite a bit. 1326 words.
'Hello, Yuuta.' There was a distinctive, recognizable lilt in Aniki's voice, silky and sultry all at the same time. )
Comments 6
"Hello, Yuuta." There was a distinctive, recognizable lilt in Aniki's voice, silky and sultry all at the same time.
I love how with that, Yuuta just knows and goes about locking the door and moving things off his bed in preparation. That was great! :)
*grinning* I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time they've done something like that; Yuuta definitely seemed to know exactly what was up.
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