Title: Momentum Characters: Yukimura, Sanada Summary: Tennis is a powerful aphrodisiac. Notes: Smut and nothing but. Originally posted as commentfic in giving_ground's journal. 496 words.
(Or easily prompted, perhaps, since this wee thing came from someone talking about how they wanted to see some Sanada/Yukimura porn that skipped the slow build-up and went straight for the good part. *wry* I've had papers due this week, and my pavlovian response to writing papers is to want to write smut instead.)
Comments 7
and I think Sanada is not the only one thankful for Tezuka's existence...we all probably are.
Glad you liked the fic!
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(Or easily prompted, perhaps, since this wee thing came from someone talking about how they wanted to see some Sanada/Yukimura porn that skipped the slow build-up and went straight for the good part. *wry* I've had papers due this week, and my pavlovian response to writing papers is to want to write smut instead.)
Glad you liked it!
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Tezuka: *still doesn't know whether he approves of being an aphrodisiac*
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