Book #30

Sep 18, 2018 00:07

I just finished rereading Jamyang Norbu's Sherlock Holmes: The Missing Years, aka The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes. (I set myself a reading goal of 52 books this year, hence the title of this post; although, considering it's already September, I don't think I'm going to complete the challenge this year.) I read it twenty years ago when it was first ( Read more... )

fandom, books, sherlock holmes

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Comments 13

ragnarok_08 September 17 2018, 19:24:32 UTC
Glad to hear from you again!


lyryk September 18 2018, 15:09:16 UTC
Likewise! :-)


marciaelena September 18 2018, 09:37:33 UTC
Your recipients didn't comment on their gift fics? That's so rude; I'd be pretty upset about it too if it were me. I always try to find something positive to say about the gifts I receive, even when it isn't really the kind of thing I like. I feel like I have to be grateful for the time and effort they put into it, at the very least.

I haven't caught up with masquerade yet, but I'm excited to hear you wrote a fill. <3

What exactly is this yuletide thing?

All the love, bb, always. <3 <3 <3


lyryk September 18 2018, 15:20:50 UTC
Yeah, it's been pretty disappointing. I'm hoping they missed the fics altogether; that's better than thinking they didn't respond because they weren't happy.

Thanks, darling. <3 Sometimes a no-pressure, anon-type thing is exactly what's needed. I'll probably de-anon since I don't hate how it turned out. :-)

Yuletide is the annual Secret Santa type exchange for small fandoms! This will be my ninth year participating, and I love it. It's the only hope there is to read/write fic for some of my all-time favourite books/films such as The Talented Mr Ripley and The English Patient. The eligibility criteria is that there should be fewer than 1,000 existing fics for the fandom (on AO3 and combined, I think). I was thinking of nominating The Christmas Cottage; it's such a lovely film, and I love that Jared got to work with Peter O'Toole.

♥ ♥ ♥


glovered September 19 2018, 18:11:03 UTC
(butting in) Yuletide is the best!!!


brunettepet September 18 2018, 12:44:27 UTC
Thanks for the recommendation. I've never heard of the book and I see my library has it.


lyryk September 18 2018, 15:10:09 UTC
Great! I have the ebook too, in case you can't get hold of it.


roxymissrose September 18 2018, 20:47:30 UTC
Yes, thanks for the rec! It sounds interesting. You hooked me with, "but that end!" ;D


lyryk September 20 2018, 17:15:34 UTC
Hope I haven't raised expectations too high. :-D


glovered September 19 2018, 18:09:49 UTC
Two things:

1. I love that you saying "an spn_masquerade fill" means you prounounce it "ess-pee-en". I've always called it "spin."

2. I nominated three fandoms for Yuletide that I hold very dear to my heart: People of Earth (awesome show if you haven't seen it?), Crashing (also amazing, although it had such lady-love potential then was canceled?), and Him & Her, a show that I can't really recommend to anyone because it is pretty gross but it is hilarious and heartwarming and has a really great gay romance. What did you nominate?


lyryk September 20 2018, 17:19:29 UTC
Haha, I never even thought of 'spin'! That sounds way better than my three-syllabled version.

Those sound great - I must check them out! I nominated my usual suspects, The Talented Mr Ripley and The English Patient. Which - Ripley, if you haven't watched it, is ~stellar (if devastating). *points to icon* Also The God of Small Things, because it's criminal that there's only one fanfic for it on AO3.


glovered September 20 2018, 17:28:24 UTC
I haven't watched either of those! I am totally ready to be devastated, they are now on my list. I remember reading The God of Small Things in high school and loving it. Maybe it's very daunting to imagine writing fic for it?? It's so beautifully written.


lyryk October 1 2018, 12:14:45 UTC
I'm so pleased to hear of your willingness to be devastated. *g*

I absolutely recommend Roy's second novel too. The main character is trans. :-)


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