That book meme

May 26, 2018 11:35

I've been wanting to do this for a while. I may not be terribly regular about it since classes start next week, and once students arrive they find ways of monopolising all my time. I'm always excited about books, but I'm particularly excited at the moment because Amazon says my copy of Michael Ondaatje's Warlight will arrive by June 1st. (I'll ( Read more... )

lotr, gilmore girls, supernatural, books, book meme

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Comments 8

citrusjava May 26 2018, 10:30:51 UTC
Aw, awesome to read a little bit about your love for books!
We read a whole lot fo similar books as kids. And the story of you and your friend writing Jo&Frank for one another - ADORABLE!, plus I want a friend like that for AY me and also for now !


lyryk May 27 2018, 05:33:50 UTC
Aww, thank you! I guess we all do have that, in a way, with our fandom communities. :-)


aletheiafelinea May 26 2018, 17:31:32 UTC
Ooh, awesome questions! And actually very tempting to do it, but it'll probably end on my growing stack of "someday" things... :(

Funny, I actually recently had a thought that I don't read so much sci-fi now as years ago... Those were good times. :)
(And yay for Eowyn! I like her better than Arwen.)


lyryk May 27 2018, 05:37:37 UTC
Ahh, I know the feeling. Put it on the stack though. You might get to it sometime in the distant future. ;-)

I was actually thinking the same thing when writing this post - I only went back to my sci-fi days because of the childhood question. (I did read some Philip K Dick last year since I decided to include him on my syllabus.)

EOWYN. <3 <3 <3


ragnarok_08 May 27 2018, 00:43:36 UTC
I loved reading this ♥


lyryk May 27 2018, 05:38:16 UTC
Thank you, darling. (I love your icon!)


wendelah1 June 15 2018, 13:11:19 UTC
That's one of my favorite quotes, too. Sam is the best.


lyryk June 25 2018, 17:22:40 UTC
Mine too, and he is. (I love your icon. Peanuts is always relevant.)


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