
May 12, 2009 18:20

Look, I'm alive! ...or some reasonable facsimile thereof.
And, since I requested something so lovely from onetruesikorsky...

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. If you absolutely can't write ( Read more... )

transformers, drabbles

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killerbeautiful May 13 2009, 01:27:43 UTC
ME ME ME ME ME ME. you know what i want. XD


lyricality May 14 2009, 22:28:14 UTC
[I love you forever. I have another scene for them percolating somewhere in the fuzzy yarnball of my brain, too, so someday There Will Be More. ♥]The Labyrinth blazed with Midsummer fire. Firelight flickered across the grass of the solar garden, capered along the stones of the walls, and reflected in the black of Robin's hair as he pulled the Goblin King into the heavy shadows beneath an overhanging tree. A low Labyrinth wall made a dark corner just behind the trunk, and Robin pushed himself up to perch on its rough edge. The draping fabric and silver chains that composed his minimalistic clothing slid along his skin and pooled between his thighs ( ... )


killerbeautiful May 14 2009, 22:50:05 UTC
oh. my. fucking. god. LYRIC. i am literally sitting here speechless and GAPING. algjksjglfghkjafgsjdfsdhgafkajsdglksjkhsdf. wait i have to read it again.

lagjgkjdlgjhskfjshd. WHAT. how the fuck do you do this to me every single time, holy god. okay, we have to keep this going, i'm posting this meme SOLELY as an excuse to write more of this. fhfhfhjsgdfj. you fucking killed me.


lyricality May 14 2009, 22:56:20 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee. *wants more. wants SO MUCH MORE GIMME*


killerbeautiful May 14 2009, 23:04:16 UTC
i want to write a book about them. can we do that? please?


lyricality May 14 2009, 23:05:49 UTC
Yes. Yes we can. Plagiarism slagiarism.


killerbeautiful May 14 2009, 23:06:45 UTC
lol well also, yanno, that whole re-doing fairytales thing, it works. we just give them different names, nobody'll mind. XDDDDDDDDD


betweenthebliss August 19 2009, 15:41:03 UTC
ahem. :"D i have made for you a sequel, as requested. XD enjoy!


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