So I think I've more or less caught up with LJ, and then over the weekend my friends page goes from zero to skip-360? What are you lot trying to do to me?! I haven't forgotten about those meme questions I need to answer for people, but it may still be a few days before I can answer them. Some of them are hard
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Comments 2
Must. read. rest. of. HP. series...
Then I'll be able to read your other fics.
But tell me, what does squee mean? And slash/gen and all these other terms that get bandied about like they're common knowledge?? If I look them up on wikipedia will there be a page of definitions?? :-)
Secondly, I'm really glad you liked it! I'm actually not all that happy with this story - I posted it in a bit of a hurry because it was late, but people seem to really, really like it, so maybe it's better than I thought.
Thirdly: squee = yay, pretty much. Gen = a story that doesn't focus on the romantic relationships between the characters; this is mostly the kind of stuff I write. Slash focuses on relationships between people of the same sex, usually men. Het focuses on heterosexual relationships. A lot of my LJ friends write Remus Lupin/Sirius Black slash, so you may notice me wandering off in that direction every so often. Feel free to ignore it :).
I'm sure there's a load of info on Wikipedia! There's also a fandom dictionary here, which may either interest or horrify you:
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