Title: Swallow Me Whole
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Caroline centric, includes most of the ensemble.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me and the quote I used belongs to Margaret Atwood.
Word Count: 1431
Summary: All stories are about wolves. Even the ones you don’t expect. (Spoilers up to season four)
Damon is the first to come into Caroline’s life. Sharp teeth and blue eyes that catch the light and hold her own like no one before him. )
Comments 1
Anyway, very interesting storytelling approach and I see you weaved in a bit of your Caroline/Alaric love. That's what it was, right? Unless I read it wrong...
I love all the parts and how practically everybody in Caroline's life showed his/her inner wolf at some point or other but my favorite part is the last one where she realizes that she herself has become a wolf too on several occasions, so haunting and just gives it even more of that feeling of something(wolves) lurking in the dark and creeping up behind you, slowly inside you, overtaking your everything without you realizing it. And you know, I just thought that the sentiment of this fic could be very easily transferred onto Chloe as well, with everybody in her life turning into a wolf at some point and her becoming one in turn time and time again.
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