I just watched Veronica Mars, and I am very, very happy.
Rob Thomas, you never fail to be awesome.
The Break Up
I should state right now for the record that I am not a LoVe fan. I'm not a LoVe hater, either. I liked them when they first got together, because they seemed like a mix of Wesley/Lilah and Xander/Cordelia, with just a little bit of something extra thrown in.
But now I'm bored with them. They're dysfunctional and unhealthy but totally and completely in love. It's fascinating, but it's the kind of situation in which not a lot can happen. They're too in love to do anything that would really hurt, so there won't be any cheating. Instead Veronica is just kind of disappointed, and Logan is just kind of disappointed, and they're both angsty and it gets boring.
I cheered when they broke up. I don't think it will be permanent, but I do think that they're very likely to end up as friends if they don't get back together. Which I am perfectly happy with.
I so want Veronica to get together with Tim. The boy needs comforting after Bonnie Capistrano.
The Rapist
Very, very clever with Mercer. They set him up, they knocked him down, and then it turns out that it was him all along. His little speech to the passed out girl was fantastic and creepy. He's arrogant and misogynistic and such a very awesome villain.
I thought that Mercer's involvement might not be entirely over, but I'd pretty much dismissed Moe. Not enough screen time, I said. And now I am forced to eat my words.
From my most recent entry:
We know he wasn't responsible for three of the rapes, and that makes it very unlikely that he was responsible for the others. Rape by committee is a shaky theory.
That's kind of almost exactly what happened. I'm dumb.
I thought it was Landry, but I pretty much dismissed that theory after looking through the preview screencaps. I figured that something big was happening at a party, and it seemed unlikely that Landry would be there. Particularly if he was busy making love to Mrs. O'Dell.
Mac, Piz, Wallace, and Weevil all got screen time. Limited screen time, but still. I miss the Macster. The begging scene was cute.
Mac's "Ask Me About My STD" t-shirt.
Professor Landry, shirtless and stoned. Can we think on that for a second? Professor Landry. Shirtless. Stoned. Hot.
Mercer's scary rapist speech. I said I loved it before, but I feel I need to repeat my love. Because it was just that scary.
Not so much liking the Lilith House. It would be nice to see some feminists who aren't crazy bitches. The whole egg thing was probably to set them up as suspects for Dean O'Dell's murder, but still. We've already had faked rapes. Do we need all the crazy?
Dean O'Dell
I had Parker picked out, with Dean O'Dell as my second choice. Not as wrong as with the rapist, but still pretty wrong.
Here is the list of suspects for this next mystery:
Cyrus O'Dell
Prof Landry
Mrs. O'Dell
The feminists
And Weevil will come under suspicion, of course. Because every crime in Neptune can somehow be pinned on Weevil.
The answer will, of course, be none of the above. I look forward to it.
If I'm wrong and it is the feminists, I'll be really pissed.
When Bonnie Capistrano showed up and was introduced as the girlfriend, I thought she was Kendall. I realized who it was a few seconds later, but I had a noisy and undignified ZOMG KENDALL SQUEEEE moment beforehand.
Mercer is much prettier when he needs a shave.
I saw the fake coasters coming a mile away. I wasn't quite sure what form they'd take or how they'd show up, but I was certain they'd exist.
In which I predict fandom.
There's going to be an explosion of Veronica/Parker fic. Because that scene where Parker rushes to Veronica's rescue? Was six kinds of subtexty.
There's going to be a lot of shrieking of the break up. I'm glad he broke up with her rather than the other way around, because otherwise there would be even more whining about what a bitch she is. Veronica has been a bit bitchier than usual this season, but I don't really blame her.
Something is going to show up on