Life Update

Nov 12, 2015 13:27

Not much new around here, but for what's it's worth this is what I've been up to lately ( Read more... )

general silliness

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Comments 15

honorat November 12 2015, 19:22:28 UTC
Hi! Sounds exciting all the things you're up to. I'm just jumping in here to squee a bit about the new Librarians season. So much to love! I may have already watched all of the episodes more than 10x each :D And Episode 3 didn't Joss my crossover. All the backstory I gave Jake still works. Happy happy joy joy!


lynne_monstr November 13 2015, 02:25:24 UTC
Yessss, so much love! I need to do some more rewatches because I always miss things the first time around. I definitely wasn't expecting to like Moriarty as much as I do. I wonder if me and the love for Librarians big bad second in command is going to be a thing :)


tinnny November 15 2015, 14:51:26 UTC
Jumping in right here because Moriarty!

I did not expect to be so taken in by him, either. I fretted a lot about him splitting up Eve and Flynn after we got that interview from ComicCon, but woah am I totally not against that anymore at all.

I mean, I'm all for Eve/Flynn OTP, but I think I can take a little Eviarty detour now and then, right? My ideas about what constitutes an OTP seem to be a little strange. LOL


lynne_monstr November 15 2015, 16:02:17 UTC
Yesss, Moriarty! That is exactly the way I feel, too. I was very apprehensive when I heard he and Eve would have an attraction thing but now I am so, so on board. I loved all their scenes together and can't wait for more!

I hear you on the OTP thing. I've gotten a lot more flexible about multishipping these past couple of years and it's so much fun to play with all the combinations.

And well, I can also be down for some ot3 action when Flynn realizes all the qualities he loves in Sherlock Holmes are right there in front of him, and just because Eve is hot for Moriarty doesn't meant she doesn't still love Flynn :) The whole kind-of-enemies who hook up is one of my favorite shipping tropes and it looks to be shaping up nicely here.

I'm so psyched for another episode tonight!


kiramaru7 November 12 2015, 20:54:15 UTC
I'm glad you're home & visiting with family! It's hard when everyone is so far away.

I hear you on the running thing. I started going to the gym last year & wound up with a stress fracture in my foot. XD So I was sidelined for 3 months (bad when you just starting a healthier lifestyle. Went back & & thought I rebroke it, but it was inflammation that hurt as bad as the break & I haven't been back since, but I do try to use my feet instead of the car whenever I can. :D). I miss starting to get into shape. I was doing sooo good too. I had lost 10 pounds! (which came back T.T)

I haven't been writing much fanficcage, aside from SPN drabbles. I'm having more fun with original stuff. :D


lynne_monstr November 13 2015, 02:28:50 UTC
I remember your stress fracture. That sounded very painful. I've tried getting over exercise injuries on my own and it wasn't working this last time, so I'm hoping that bringing in some professionals will help me solve it for good. I also put on some weight when I stopped exercising, so I totally understand the frustration. I hope you're able to get back into it if your foot heals completely.

Have fun with the writing. I've never been tempted to write original fic, but I don't think I'll ever get sick of fanfic!


kiramaru7 November 13 2015, 03:17:09 UTC
It was, & I'm surprised I walked around on it for so long, before going to the doctor about it. XD It's still not happy & that was just over a year ago that I broke it. *sighs* But just ambling around the neighborhood & the city, doesn't bother it, so maybe I just need to watch my pace. I tend to get too competitive in my head at the track. *mustn't let them pass me* But yeah, it is frustrating being sidelined, whether it's an injury or a even a job, life keeps you away from what you want/need to do for peace of mind ( ... )


lynne_monstr November 13 2015, 15:59:37 UTC
I'm glad to hear you can still get around the neighborhood without it bothering you. That would be a real pain if it was interfering with everyday life. Did they give you stretching execisig to do at home or anything? I have a bunch of things I need to do everyday to help strengthen my ankles. I always put if off until the end of the day because I am both lazy and a serious procrastinator!

I'm sad I missed the germancest week, too. I knew it was happening but that particular week turned out to be very bad for me. A bunch of family stuff came up and everything else got pushed aside. Good luck finding the time to get some more writing done. Real life gets in the way sometimes :)


shieru21 November 13 2015, 10:57:31 UTC
:) welcome back stateside for a while and so nice to read about your goings on!

been trying to get back in shape for some time now, but consistency and scheduling are a struggle. /o\ it makes me happy to hear about others making strides and to be reminded that there are benefits to be had beyond the logistics and sweat and pain. hehe.

and yay! hawaii five-o. watched a bunch of it while staying with a friend who only had access to basic channels and was pleasantly surprised by all the asian cast members (i'm asian, so that's always plus for me) and sunny beach drama. :D


lynne_monstr November 13 2015, 16:09:35 UTC
Thanks, it's nice to be back!

I feel like getting *back* in shape is so much more frustrating than doing it for the first time. I remember what I was able to do before and am consistently irritated about falling short, especially since I tend towards and all or nothing mentality! Good luck with your efforts, too! Scheduling is such a bitch - real life just keeps getting in the way :) This would be so much easier if my full time job was retirement! Hopefully we will both be able to make it work.

Five-0 high five! And yeah, they never seem to forget where their show takes places, and from what I've seen they cast accordingly :) I've never been, but they make the scenery look so gorgeous! (then again, I can say the same for CSI Miami and I know from experience that not all of Miami is that pretty!)


meridian_rose November 15 2015, 18:29:12 UTC
I've got a couple of S2 Librarians episodes lined up to catch up on and I'm looking forward to them :D


lynne_monstr November 16 2015, 14:10:04 UTC
Ohhh, have fun! I've gotta say, I'm really enjoying the season so far! :)


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