[Fanfic] - Weight Room Etiquette (1/1)

Mar 13, 2013 22:15

Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Rating: M (barely)
Contains: oral in a public place
Word count: 2,100
Summary: Germany and Prussia get it on at the gym. On the floor. On the mats. On the weightlifting benches. A missing scene based on this fabulous preview pic for the new episodes.

Prussia was about three seconds away from disaster.

He was at the end of his strength, fatigued muscles trembling and gloved fingers squeezing tight against the pain, trying vainly to ignore the burn eating into every fiber of his arms and just finish the damn bench-press already. Just a little bit more and he’d be done. His entire face clenched in concentration, knocking a bead of sweat from his hairline that tickled as it ran down the side of his face.

Fuck, he wasn’t going to make it. He felt his arms begin to give and why the fuck wasn’t West taking the bar from him!

“Hey!” he shouted. “Some help here!”

West’s gaze, slack and staring, snapped to attention and suddenly the bar along with its heavy set of weights was lifted from Prussia’s hands and placed back on the rack above his head.

Taking a few seconds to catch his breath, he stared at the ceiling from where he lay on the narrow padded bench, heart racing out of control from the exertion combined with the near miss of almost getting a shitload’s worth of barbell dropped onto his chest. West was standing behind him, looking down at him strangely.

“What?” Prussia heaved out between heavy breaths. “I mean, I know I look good, but let’s keep focused, yeah?”

He’d meant it as a joke, but the way West’s eyes shot open, his cheeks flushing that barest hint of pink, was a dead giveaway that Prussia had unintentionally hit the mark. He craned his neck up further, getting a better view of West, upside down as he was from Prussia’s perspective, and smiled. “West, West, West,” he teased, not bothering to sit up. “What would the rest of the world think? You having such inappropriate thoughts in a public gym.”

West raised an eyebrow and looked around, eyes pointedly taking in the otherwise empty room. It was a good attempt, Prussia had to admit, but they’d known each other long enough that the embarrassment was still plain to see in the tight press of his lips, the way his eyes couldn’t keep from darting down to glance at Prussia to gauge his reaction.

Seeming to realize this on his own, West cleared his throat and pulled at the hem of his shirt, slowly walking around the bench so he was at Prussia’s side, looming tall. “I wouldn’t make such assertions if I were you,” he said slowly, eyes gleaming as they swept the length of Prussia’s body; from his hair and neck, damp with sweat, down the line of his necklace to the blank tank top and loose exercise shorts, and finally over the bend of his legs where they spread wide to hang off either side of the bench, feet planted flat against the floor.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Prussia only smiled wider, scooting forward so he could sit up without hitting his head on the heavy metal bar still resting on the supports at the head of the bench. “Oh yeah?” he asked, chin raised to meet West’s steely gaze.

In one quick motion, West moved, straddling his lap across the bench and shoving him back down with both gloved hands. “Yes.” The single word broke the air like the crack of a whip.

Prussia pushed against the weight on his chest and when that didn’t work, grabbed West’s wrists in each hand and tugged. But his arms, still sore and burning from the heavy lifting, barely obeyed his commands, and West - who’d been doing more spotting than lifting so far- didn’t even budge at his efforts.

West gave a low chortle and leaned forward until they were practically breathing the same air, shifting his grip to clamp fingers around each of Prussia’s wrists, forearms pressed against Prussia’s chest to keep him from rising.

“The way I see it-” his eyes, clear and blue, danced with mirth and Prussia was transfixed, “-of the two of us, I’m the only one in a position to be making assertions.”

A quirk of the lips was all the warning Prussia got before West’s mouth sealed itself over his. Which was just as well, seeing as he was all out of snappy comebacks. Because West was right. It had been a good workout and his shoulders felt like rubber, his chest practically tingled with soreness, and his arms felt like they were moving on a delay. Tomorrow they’d change it up- West would be lifting and he’d be spotting-and Prussia resolved to take full advantage.

For now, he lifted his head to give better access, opened his mouth, and let West take what he wanted. The small sigh against his mouth and the feeling of hips grinding against his shorts was all it took to flare his own desire to life and before he realized what he was doing, he renewed his struggles against the grip on his wrists and the weight pinning him down. Except this time he wasn’t fighting to make a point, but to bring West closer, to free his hands so he could sink his fingers into those broad shoulders, feel the muscles shift and play under his hands as they moved together.

Unfortunately, having a new motivation didn’t change the outcome and the only indication West gave that he was even aware of Prussia’s renewed determination was to bite at his lip, a mumbled, “Nice try, but we both know you’re not going anywhere,” that was as infuriating as it was arousing.

For all Prussia enjoyed relying on strength, it wasn’t all he had to work with. Hell, if that was the case, he’d never have made it on the map in the first place, and so West’s words sent his brain whirring into action.

Well, mostly into action. West’s tongue in his mouth was pretty distracting.

Breaking the kiss, he trailed his lips along West’s jaw, lavishing the salt-tinged skin with attention, with nips and licks and tiny kisses. West’s eyes were open, lust blazing beneath hooded eyelids, but still with a hint of attentive suspicion, tracking Prussia’s every movement.

Good, Prussia thought. Sex didn’t turn him into a total idiot.

“West.” It was more a moan than a word, his voice breathy and needy as he surged forward, tugging one last time again on his wrists and straining forward as far as his pinned position allowed, grazing teeth against the lobe of one ear.

West loosened his grip, only for a moment, before he realized what was going on.

A moment was all Prussia needed. He yanked his arms free, using the extra leverage to get his hips up and roll them both off the bench.

They landed on the mats with the high slap of skin against plastic, West on his back sporting a dazed, slack jawed expression, and Prussia on his knees astride his waist, lips pulled back in the smile he couldn’t be bothered to contain anymore.

To his surprise, instead of trying to throw him off, West started laughing, reaching out to pull Prussia down by the waist so their upper bodies were flush together. Prussia went willingly, but didn’t relinquish the strong grip of his legs that was his only remaining leverage.

“Not bad,” West conceded, fingers finding their way under Prussia shirt to rest against his skin.

“You think I need to be in top form to take you down?” Prussia gloated, grinding down to rub against the bulge he could already feel pressing maddeningly close to his own growing arousal. “Still so much to teach you,” he mused, more to himself than anything. But he knew West would hear him and that only made the whole thing better.

West opened his mouth, but before he could speak Prussia pressed a finger to his lips. “Unless you’re about to tell me how awesome I am, no more talking.”

Without another word, he slithered down, grabbing the elastic band of West’s shorts and boxers on his way and pulling them down until they were stretched across the tops of his thighs. The thought of using his hands was enough to make his already sore arms ache in sympathy, so he settled for the next best thing and wrapped his lips around the head of West’s cock, swirling his tongue around the very top. He felt, more than heard, West gasp and shudder beneath him. Pulling away, he placed a chaste kiss on the tip before deciding surprise was his best weapon, and took as much into his mouth as he could in one go, wrapping his hands around the rest.

A sharp inhaled breath broke the silence, deceptively loud, and Prussia grinned around the length in his mouth, tongue and hands and lips never pausing in their assault. He sped up, just slightly, and was rewarded with a faint whine, the sound escaping from lips that were normally so very severe and controlled.

Another sound broke the silence, and this time they both froze. Because, shit, that was footsteps from around the corner, the sound of someone pacing the nearby reception area.

With his mouth occupied, Prussia couldn’t let out the string of curses that came to mind, but that didn’t stop him from enthusiastically running through them all in his head.

West had no such constraints, and let out a low, “Fuck,” that was a whisper and a groan and curse all together. Scrambling, he bucked his hips, hands blindly reaching out to pull his shorts back up and cover himself.

Prussia gagged at the unexpected thrust, eyes watering and stinging in automatic reaction, and it was only centuries of stealth training that kept him from wheezing and hacking and drawing attention to them both. After a long beat, he got himself under control and wiped at his eyes to clear his vision, staggering forward so he was once again straddling West’s lap.

“What the fuck,” he hissed under his breath.

“They’re going to see us,” West whispered back. “Any second. Now get off.”

The patter of sneakers against wood continued to sound occasionally from the reception area.

Prussia took a gamble that they at least had a minute or two, and laced fingers into blonde hair, ducking down to trace the shell of an ear with his tongue.

Beneath him, West’s breath caught, corded muscles going tense.

Prussia took it as leave to continue, grinding himself down onto West’s cock. “You didn’t seem too bothered by getting caught before. When it was me on my back.”

A choked off gasp was all the answer he got, until West swallowed deeply, entire body going tense and motionless, and fuck Prussia loved him like that, on the edge of giving in but still in control. West strained against his hold to look him in the eye, a smile breaking through the tight demeanor, and Prussia found himself smiling in return.

“That’s because I know what an exhibitionist you are,” West replied. His voice was a wreck, torn between desire and public decency and it made Prussia want to continue where they left off and damn the consequences.

But he knew how mortified West would be if they were caught (and searching for a new gym would be a pain in the ass), so contented himself with a teasing, “You’re doing a pretty good job being one yourself today,” and rolled away, springing to his feet in the same motion.

Just in time, too, as they both heard the heavy footsteps start up again, louder than before and getting closer.

West shot awkwardly to his feet and by unspoken agreement they dashed for the rack of dumbbells, each managing to get a pair in hand right as the footsteps rounded the corner and they were no longer alone.

The short, stocky build of the day manager came into view, eyes sweeping idly across the room. If the guy had any idea what they’d just been up to, he kept it to himself, simply sending a curt nod their way before ambling over to the squat racks. After a short bout of stretching, he ignored them completely and began his workout.

Riding high from a mixture of relief and anxiety, he and West faked their way through a couple quick curling reps, a half assed attempt at pretending they hadn’t been about to go at it on the gym mats. Barely daring to look at each for fear they’d start laughing or worse, they hastily re-racked their weights and bolted for the exit.

Good thing West’s car had leather seats.

Sequel: Reckless Endangerment

c:germany, fanfiction, pair:prussia/germany, hetalia, c:prussia

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