It's spring! Well, except in parts of the midwest, where it's snowing. I'm so sad I left... : P Anyway, all the more reason for some spring cheer, right? I think a lot of people could use some cheer, and I thought I'd try and spread a little myself. Therefore, I present...
Spread Some Spring Cheer '09
Maybe this will spread, and maybe it won't, but it's worth a try. I know it's not spring in the southern Hemisphere, which is even more of a reason to spread some there, right? ; )
Spread some spring cheer to your neighbors in LJ land. Maybe you have can make some icons, or tell a fun story, write a poem, or sing a song. If you're feeling cheery, share it!
My contribution is nothing that great, but I wanted to play with Illustrator. (x-posted to my design comm,
nostadesigns.) These are fully stealable, though credit is nice. If you're interested, I can personalize them with your name or whatever you like. Or you can do it yourself. I don't much mind either way. Heck, use them as bases if you want. I'm just trying to make people smile, even if they don't take an icon. : )
Total Icon Count: 6
Table created with's icon table(less) generator