Title: Five Times Willow Met the Doctor (4/5)
Author: Lyl (
Rating: PG-15
Fandoms: Buffy/Doctor Who
Disclaimer: I don't own either show. They belong to their respective production companies and creators.
Summary: Five times Willow met the Doctor - do you really need more of an explanation?
Note: I was trying to go for a light-hearted, omnipotent POV on this one, but I don't think it worked too well in the later parts. But this needed to be written, so I'm sticking with it.
Doctor #10
Spoilers for Season 2, especially Doomsday.
Time OneTime TwoTime Three ~!~
Time Four
The fourth time Willow met the Doctor, was after his world fell apart. Again.
Willow was strolling through the park in Paris, when a familiar vromp-vromp sound announced the arrival of the TARDIS. It had been several years since she'd seen him, yet that half year she'd spent on the TARDIS with him, travelling through time and space with Rose and Jack, had been some of the best times in her life. She'd needed that change in lifestyles, if only to help ease the pain of losing Tara, and to deal with her guilt and anger over what she'd done to deal with that loss. But she'd also needed to spend time with the Doctor, to listen to him as he told her about herself.
The Doctor had spent hours explaining about a life form humans called the Elementals, and about how the last Time War had sent ripples out through space and time. Enough to weaken the Elementals to a point where they could no longer survive. They had different names across the universe, but were all the same. Native life forms on any planet that had the right sequence of DNA, raised in the right circumstances, could become an Elemental. They could harness one of the forces of nature on their planet, be it fire or wind, light or plasma, gravity or dark matter. Willow was one of these Elementals, he'd told her, but her speciality was transdimensional, spatial energy - ie. The Hellmouth. The rip in the fabric of space that made up the Hellmouth, was exactly the right kind of energy for her powers to latch on to.
“If my people were still around, you would have been found long ago,” he'd told her. “You would have been trained to handle that kind of energy, learning control.”
So she'd learned what the Doctor could teach her, read through his library for what he couldn't, and talked the TARDIS into helping her when everything else failed.
She'd been sad to leave the trio of travellers behind, but knew that she couldn't just walk away from her friends, her life, or her mistakes. So when she spotted the TARDIS materialising a short distance away from her, she ran to greet it.
Willow was brought up short when a stranger stepped through the doors, dressed in a brown pin-striped suit and brown overcoat. He looked around for a few seconds before his gaze landed on her.
“Willow!” he cried out as he strode over to her. Willow thought she'd detected a hint of a wobble in his voice, but couldn't be sure. “Good on the TARDIS for finding you.”
He grabbed her into a tight hug, and Willow stood frozen for a moment before pulling back to look at his face. She gazed into his dark eyes for several long moments.
“Doctor?” she asked incredulously. “Is that really you?”
She sent out a quick tendril of power, and was reassured by both the TARDIS and him, that this man really was the Time Lord she'd become very fond of.
“Oh, yes. I regenerated,” he said, “but that's not why I'm here.”
“Where's Rose? And Jack?”
His face twitched oddly for half a second, before he managed to choke out, “They're gone.”
“Oh, Doctor,” said Willow, pulling him into a tight embrace.
And then she led him back into the TARDIS, prepared to help him deal with the loss of a loved one, the way he had helped her.