Title: Jack (Willow/NCIS)
Author: Lyl (
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own either Buffy or NCIS, and never claimed to.
Prompt table ->
HEREPrompt - 056: Drinking
Words: 124
Summary: ”The first ones always the worst.”
Willow gasped and choked, her throat burning and eyes watering, as she tried to drag fresh air in to her lungs, to clear away the noxious fumes. It took a few minutes, but eventually she regained her breath, even though her throat and mouth felt raw.
“Are you sure you didn't mix up the Jack with the paint thinner?” Willow asked when she could finally talk again.
“Nah.” her uncle answered. “The first ones always the worst.”
The little smile on his face should have warned her, but she was too happy about working with her uncle at NCIS to really be bothered by it.
More gasping and coughing followed the second swallow.
Gibbs just smiled even wider, and poured her another shot.