[TLB6] The Last Bridge

May 17, 2011 21:52

Title: The Last Bridge - Chapter 6
Word Count: 2606
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Two boys meet, each with their own problems. What path has life laid out for them?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: Enjoy! Constructive criticism appreaciated! ^^ I'm sorry if it's short :X

Hyunseung jolted up from his sleep. His eyes were wide open as the gaze was fixed on a random spot on the wall. Breaths were deep but irregular, making him at times gasp for air. He swiped his forehead with the back of his hand, only to feel cold sweat and acknowledging that all of his body was covered with it.

Hyunseung’s mind was recollecting the shards of the nightmare involuntarily. Otherwise his mind was blank until he could finally think again as his gaze started to dart around in the room. He made out familiar items even though no colors could be seen. It was certain - this room was his.

How did I get here?

As soon as this thought crossed his mind various scenes from his dream started playing in front of his eyes, making him cringe, the need to get away rising deep in his chest. This room had always felt safe for him but for some reason he had to run, had to move. He looked around frantically, eyes stopping on the clock for a brief moment, 4 AM, but his mind didn’t acknowledge this information as his attention was already on the door. Hyunseung stared at it, feeling pressuring silence which was especially heavy due to the clock’s ticking.

He tried to crawl out of his bed but was taken aback by pain. While trying to move other parts of his body he found many other parts hurting also - probably bruises. Hyunseung furrowed his eyebrow. But from what? He was sure he hadn’t fallen too hard in these few days. But then he remembered how he had been dropped off at the front of his own house just some hours ago.

The driver had helped him out of the car and Hyunseung had found himself lying on the grass for quite a while before he had tried to stand up - unsuccessfully as his legs had kept shaking, unable to support his body. Hyunseung had noticed his hands also trembling when he had tried to move on, bit by bit, sometimes walking, sometimes crawling even though the grass was slightly damp.

He had been half conscious, making it understandable how he didn’t notice the pain which caused bruises as he had fell or tripped. He remembers only having thanked luck that the others in the house had been sleeping deeply and hadn’t heard noises Hyunseung did as he had tried to crawl up from the stairs, occasionally falling against the sharper edges, which made him wince.

Hyunseung hissed as he felt the pain spreading through his body. He took a slight look of his arms which had quite nasty bruises. Sigh escaped his lips as he thought that some people would think he had gotten beaten. How can he explain them… I fell against the stairs continuously? Sometimes the truth is what sounds so unbelievable.

Ignoring the pain he slowly made it towards the door. His heart told him to run, get out and he intended to obey as he used every bit of strength left to finally reach it. He put his hand on the handle but stopped at the same moment. Was it a coincidence or not, his senses were finally totally awake and all memories started flashing by. Which made it worse were the emotions which weren’t so far behind.

All those memories seemed to difficult to handle, or was it his incapability as the accompanied emotions raided his mind? Hyunseung clutched his head with one hand, trying to make it go away as he turned around and pressed his back against door with a slight thump, sliding down to the floor. It was cold, good for occasions when your nerves were high and needed too cool down.

I can’t go anywhere. He finally reasoned.

Hyunseung tried to divert his thoughts but failed as his mind kept reminding him things he wished he could forget. The scenes overall hadn’t been that awful but the mixed emotions…He felt terrified, scared, nervous, anxious and even hopeful all at the same time, making it overwhelming. Now his both hands clutching to his head, making his hair even messier, he closed his eyes tightly. This wasn’t new for him as these situations overall had the same pattern. And he screamed in his mind to muffle all his random thoughts which were on a rampage in his head.

It had always helped.

This makes gaining control easier and Hyunseung soon found his head empty as he let the pressure down. Now he needed to proceed to the next step - push out certain thoughts. Every single trace of thought has to be filtered. This wasn’t anything new to him either as he used this on a daily basis. It was a habit (or a skill?) he had gained these past years and proved to be very benefitting. Especially during his childhood when he was more vulnerable.

Time passed. And when he opened his eyes again he noticed how the sun seemed to start rising. The room was lighter as all those unconsciously feared dark shadows started to disappear one by one. Hyunseung tried to get on his feet, which he succeeded in the end, but not before being pushed down continuously by the pain. When he got up he found his head still pounding but tried not to acknowledge it as he limped towards his bed.

It was Sunday, luckily.

Having slowly placed himself on his bed, he pulled the blanket over and reached a hand below his bed, pulling out a small bottle where he kept pain-killers and took one immediately.

Then he fell asleep, no dreams this time.

It was only quite a while ago when everything used to be so simple even though it didn’t seem like it. But as time passes the problems get bigger and more serious. Sometimes it makes him think if it really is that hard or he should just take it easy? Will he feel like this after 10 years also, looking back and laughing over his own incapability?

It was Monday when he finally woke up again, this time calmer and more composed, apart from his hair which was in its messiest form. Hyunseung stretched, this time muscles not only hurting from bruises but also due to his long sleep. The clock said it was midday.

Hyunseung smelled food as he looked on his desk to really reveal some fruits. This made him roll his eyes - ordinary parents would wake their children up and ask why they aren’t at school. But as much as Hyunseung liked to complain, he was thankful at the same time for the missing questions. He didn’t have any answers which would sound believable.

He checked his phone, no calls nor messages, which didn’t surprise him. Yoseob didn’t call that often when Hyunseung was missing as he knew he tended to skip classes sometimes.

The house was silent, giving a sign that everyone had left for work. Hyunseung thought it would be a good chance to go downstairs without any worries as he wanted something more serious to eat than a banana. He only gave out a whine as going down from the stairs took longer than usual.

The fridge was full like always and he grabbed the first thing he saw - yoghurt and some salad. Even though he didn’t feel hungry, his growling stomach seemed to have another opinion. As Hyunseung carried on to the living room, he saw an apple on the counter but as his hands were occupied he bit into it directly before proceeding.

The TV was on already (he didn’t ponder over it that much) so he walked over to one of the couches, apple still between his teeth. The fruit was juicy, making Hyunseung hurry a bit before it started dripping out from the corners of his mouth. And he didn’t feel like being sticky in his face.

But as he had seated down he couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong.

“Hey Hyunseung!” A cheery voice sounded which made Hyunseung freeze on his spot. He slowly looked to the side, trying to verify if his mind was playing tricks or not. But it seemed it wasn’t his imagination as he really met with a wide grin.

There he was. Somehow mysteriously sitting in Hyunseung’s living room. Alone. If that wasn’t creepy then Hyunseung didn’t know what creepy meant.

“Whmph-“ Hyunseung tried but noticed fast that his teeth were still in the apple. He removed it immediately, “What are you doing here?” His voice expressed pure astonishment which was also seen on his face with a slight tint of disapproval.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Junhyung chuckled, still sitting like a boss on the couch. He seemed comfortable as if he was in his own house. Well, he was probably like that everywhere.

“Let me rephrase that. HOW the hell are you in my house?” Hyunseung asked more forcefully this time, making Junhyung tilt his head, managing on an innocent clueless look, blinking eyes. The older only rolled his eyes to which the other returned to his original position and replied: “Don’t worry, your parents told me I could wait before they left. I must say, they’re quite co-”

“And when will you start going?” Hyunseung asked immediately, as he probably wouldn’t be able to eat while feeling the other’s attention was on him.

Junhyung snorted before jokingly saying, “I came here to check on you and you chase me away. That’s the thanks I get.”

Hyunseung let out a sigh in desperation, “Fine, whatever.” He threw the other the yoghurt that was lying on the table which the other caught with an ease, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t like eating in front of people,” Hyunseung replied, getting back on to his apple again before it started drying.

Junhyung let out a small laugh, “No, I meant…No spoon or anything?”

“Help yourself.”

And he did. Junhyung disappeared to the kitchen, only the sounds of cupboards and drawers opening. The older rest his head on his elbow, considering if he should help or not but as he had made his decision, Junhyung appeared again, this time sitting down on the same couch Hyunseung was on, motioning him to make more room.

They both looked at the screen for 5 minutes in silence before Junhyung started, “I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. The whole situation must’ve been quite…something.”

Hyunseung sighed as he started blocking the worst memories, “I’m not a girl you have to look out for.”

“But you do look out for friends, right?”

Junhyung rolled the word ‘friend’ off his tongue with such an ease that made Hyunseung listen up. Something about that word and the way Junhyung said it made him feel better among this whole series of incidents. The first time someone calls you their friend while meaning it, only now he found out how good it felt.

“I guess,” Hyunseung managed to mutter.

“Argh,” Junhyung groaned, “You’re so depressing, come here!” He pulled Hyunseung closer to him, placing an arm around his neck and rubbing his knuckle quite lightly against his head. Hyunseung tried to get away from the grasp but at the same time he laughed.

“Stop it!” He got out between.

“You little rascal,” Junhyung only said before releasing the older who still had a light smile on his face.

Even though it may feel like Junhyung was taking this matter too lightly, Hyunseung felt once again thankful. Not because he seemingly tried to ignore the topic but because he knowingly didn’t mention it more than he should have. Even though people say talking things out is the best, sometimes it’s just the overall feeling that settles it. Words aren’t always necessary.

What happened in the past is in the past. He didn’t have to ask if Hyunseung was fine, he could see it from his actions. He doesn’t need to ask how hurt he is, it’s more than visible, especially when he had a grasp on him and Hyunseung unknowingly moved unnaturally, revealing where it hurt. It was all so obvious.

And the younger knows he won’t get even a piece of Hyunseung’s thoughts. He knew him enough to understand that. The older will shut himself off before he would do that. And then the wall which was slowly disappearing will be fixed again in mere seconds. Everything was a matter of tactics with him.

“Hey…Junhyung?” Hyunseung asked after 10 minutes, something obviously going on in his mind.

Junhyung’s eyes didn’t leave the screen as he answered: “Hmm?”

The older also kept his eyes on the screen. He hesitated for a bit as he didn’t know why was he about to say it but something deep inside told him to voice it out loud, for himself and for Junhyung also. Why? Because it’s a word which tells stories, a word which has so much meaning.


This earned a glance from Junhyung, whose eyes held a questioning glint, trying to understand if the other had joked or said it seriously. The decision came in a millisecond as he turned his attention back to the screen. “No problem.” Face revealed indifference.

Hyunseung felt relieved. The weight on his shoulders was still there but felt lighter. In a way he hadn’t felt for a long time. It was a feeling there was maybe…Just maybe…someone he could depends on in the future. And even though he felt his problems being a burden to others, then now he even surprised himself by feeling that maybe he would be able to talk about it with Junhyung without feeling bad.

“Hey, remember when I asked when it would rain?” Junhyung’s voice interrupted his thoughts as he came out of it and looked over to the other. He met with a smile before he got what he meant.

Hyunseung’s eyes passed the younger and led out of the window, seeing how the street was darker and raindrops rushed past the windows. It slowly turned into a pouring rain and quite many even hit against the glass. The sound of raining, he hadn’t heard it in a while. That’s why he took in every single splash which his ears detected as drops collided with the roof.

Hyunseung could feel relaxed.

He zoned out at that same spot and didn’t notice Junhyung looking at him with a knowing smile before focusing his attention back on the TV, turning the volume down.

Hyunseung came out of his thoughts quite a bit later as he looked around, noticing Junhyung who had seemingly fallen asleep. His head was slightly tilted to the side, lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out, chest also falling in rhythm. There was a peaceful expression on his face and even though it was Hyunseung’s second time seeing it, he still couldn’t get how Junhyung’s sleeping face stayed so pure while involved with such crowd. Was it the youth?

The time passed and Hyunseung had cleaned up the remains of the food and even the kitchen as he didn’t want to leave Junhyung alone on this floor. The only time he did leave was to get a blanket as it seemed to get slightly chilly inside.

Hyunseung rolled his eyes as he placed the blanket over Junhyung, it was the same that he had given him on the first meeting. Junhyung immediately snuggled into it more as he let out a cough. The older didn’t wonder much as he sat down again, focusing on the TV again as he felt his forehead. It wasn’t Junhyung who had come down with a fever.

(tlb) the last bridge series, junseung

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