[TBL2] The Last Bridge

May 04, 2011 01:03

Title: The Last Bridge - Chapter 2
Word Count: 4041
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Two boys meet, each with their own problems. What path has life laid out for them?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: Oeh, already going downhill...I am not cut out to make series xD Constructive criticism, come to me!!!

The classroom was filled with noise when Hyunseung entered. None of them turned any kind of attention to him as he went to his regular seat a bit back from the window. In his mind it was one of the smartest choices he had made in this school-year. Even though it was cold in the winter, it all made up to him as in summers when everyone else was taking off their clothes and suffering from the heat, Hyunseung could only chuckle as pleasing wind was always felt against his cheek.

The sun? He was safe from that also as the wall between two windows casted a shadow on him so even in the most boring lessons he could take a small nap before the teacher discovered him. Hyunseung took it easy as he never got scolded. Well, how could they when Hyunseung was one of the students to keep the school’s reputation up.

He unpacked his bag when the bell rang and even the missing people stormed in, releasing a breath when they saw the teacher hadn’t arrived yet. Hyunseung only shook his head as even the seat before him got occupied by a frequent latecomer. He seemed a bit like Hyunseung in a way that he never seemed to study but still got perfect grades. The only difference was that he was known to make a lot of mischief. It was almost like his profession.

“Doojoon, I saw you were late,” the teacher mentioned while stepping to the classroom. Some eyes were turned on the boy before him, who only scratched the back of his neck and voiced a slight apology which the teacher accepted.

His name was Doojoon…something. Hyunseung couldn’t remember his last name. True, he had been in the same class for 2 years already but as he never really talked to anyone he didn’t know anything either. Not that he wanted to.

If that makes Hyunseung seem like a loner then even he himself would agree. He used to be very unconfident in himself and mentally weak but the situation had gotten better now even though sometimes his old self took over again.

It had got better especially at the point when he had met Yoseob. Up until then he couldn’t have never believed that someone had that much energy and could be so cheerful at all times. But Yoseob changed that opinion and somehow his personality rubbed off on Hyunseung too who also started to view the world more optimistically.

How had he met Yoseob? Hyunseung can’t remember. Maybe it had been the younger that saw him in such a miserable state and started a conversation. It was just one of those cases even though you know them for a short time you can’t remember how you had become friends. Hyunseung found that fact sometimes regretful as there was a loss of precious memories.

Lessons passed in a flash, mostly because he had used those for another nap-time. Yoseob had shown up from almost nowhere and somehow persuaded him to watch movies all night. Hyunseung chuckled knowing that Yoseob wasn’t doing any better either. Plus the teachers didn’t like him all that much so he definitely had to struggle more than the older.

As soon as the bell for lunch went off Hyunseung was up in a flash. Everyone scattered their things together and left the room as fast as possible. Not because of the lesson or the teacher but because of the weather. People would call it perfect - not too hot but not chilly either. There was also no wind messing up hair which the girls must’ve felt thankful for.

Hyunseung searched for Yoseob as soon as he made it to the lunch-park.

Yes. Lunch had its own park. The whole place was filled with different colored blankets and students chatting lively about school or just overall life. At far away some were playing football, at the other side cheerleaders were practicing their routine and even the poetry club seemed to have gathered in the tree’s shade, one standing up and reciting the lines.

In springs it has become a tradition for most students to abandon their class-rooms and go outside, but only on days like these. Otherwise they munched on their food indoors and gazed out with a dreamy sparkle in their eyes.

Hyunseung had always been lazy as he usually grabbed only a couple of bread-buns from home and an apple or so. That was another reason he met up with Yoseob for lunch who welcomed him with wide arms. The source for life - food.

“Hyunseung!” Yoseob’s chirp voice was heard as he really was waving enthusiastically. Like there was a way Hyunseung could miss him. Nothing was out of the ordinary as Yoseob’s face carried his signature wide smile. Somehow all the girls swooned at the sight of him.

“Hey! What’s up?” Hyunseung said as he sat down, looking over his lunch menu for that day. It seemed Yoseob’s parents had packed extra this time and he could imagine Yoseob whining as it was always way too much for the boy to eat alone. So in a way Hyunseung was doing a favor by not letting the food go to waste.

“I fell asleep like in every two seconds. It was hell!” Yoseob exclaimed while chasing a strawberry in the lunch-box. He bit half of it and Hyunseung could practically hear some girls fainting behind him. The younger on the other hand didn’t seem to be aware of it but Hyunseung knew better - he enjoyed it to the max.

Hyunseung enjoyed this school, there were no specific cliques apart from the clubs and even though there were some ‘popular’ people, no one seemed to be picked on or anything. At least not in the high-school division. Middle-school had always been like hell. But people grow up.

They were also joined by a couple of other Yoseob’s friends whom Hyunseung didn’t really know apart from their names. They didn’t really talk to him and neither did he try to strike up a conversation. Hyunseung usually just ate while Yoseob was chatting about his new plans for the night.

“Hyunseung, you’ll come this time, right?” Yoseob asked, already knowing the answer but Hyunseung still replied, “Naah.” He would’ve preferred to go to his fallen apart tool-shed if there had been any point. There was no wind nor the forecast promised rain. He had seen the sea in the sunshine way too much.

That’s how lunch went and the bell gave its first ring for a warning as everyone seemed to gather their things together. Hyunseung did the same, getting up but as soon as he turned around, he crashed into a back which also stumbled forward for a bit before receiving balance again.

“Sorry,” Hyunseung apologized immediately. It was a boy, a year below him, so it was understandable how he went all like ‘No problem.’ In this school younger students respected their seniors. The boy seemed to be with a group of friends but Hyunseung didn’t pay anymore attention to them as he was about to walk away after one more apology but was stopped by a voice which seemed to be addressed to him.

“Hey, you!”

Something in that tone made Hyunseung turn around just in case and he found that one of the boys from that same group was talking to him. He replied with a questioning gaze as he heard the other: “It really is you.”

Hyunseung squinted his eyes slightly which came along with tilting his head a bit right. His mind was processing thoughts and analyzing what that could’ve meant but the other answered himself: “You know, from yesterday?”

Hyunseung opened his mouth for a brief moment in acknowledgement. The younger facing him really seemed familiar and he could finally recognize the person from the day before. On the contrary to the stormy day he seemed much livelier now, his hair was kind of fluffy compared to the sleek look from rain and the glasses were gone and replaced by sunglasses on his head.

“Yeah, now I remember. Junhyung, right?” Hyunseung asked and the other let out a small laugh. When the older gave a look of confusion, Junhyung replied: “Well, at least you remember my name now.” And they shook hands again.

“Erm, I guess I have to get going, bell is going to ring any time now. See you around I guess,” Hyunseung said before placing his bag on the shoulder. The younger only replied with a nod and a slight wave as they all started moving.

To the same direction.

But Hyunseung had caught up with Yoseob so there was no need to feel awkwardness.

“What did they want?” Yoseob asked with a serious face. Something that Hyunseung saw often but in school was rare. He wasn’t actually that cheerful all the time, everyone had their problems. And that’s how Yoseob dealt with his. I guess in that way the two were similar - both of them locked away their problems and didn’t really talk about it. Only up to some extent.

“Nothing much. I met Junhyung yesterday so he recognized me,” Hyunseung replied, his voice a bit quiet, just in case the group was too close to them. Yoseob didn’t ask anything else. That was one of his qualities the older appreciated.

Hyunseung felt how Yoseob didn’t like them that much. It was understandable as they were a bit infamous, ever since middle-school. They had been the top bullies around and every time Hyunseung came to school he heard another story about what the group had done or broken. And nothing could be done to stop them as it couldn’t be proven. He could only thank luck he wasn’t one of their victims.

Most of their parents also had a shadow attached to their names which everyone talked about but never mentioned too loudly. You can’t risk with getting on their bad side or your happy days were practically over.

In high-school things started to calm down. Silly stories had disappeared as they probably had grown up. It didn’t stop the rumors though as the stories varied from drug-dealing to mafia. No one knew what the truth was as you could expect anything from them. And no one dared to find it out either.

All the classes had ended and Hyunseung was making his way down the road step by step, not hurrying anywhere. The sun was shining and even though Hyunseung would’ve preferred rain, he couldn’t deny it was nice for a change.

Smaller children rode past him, some on bicycles, some on skateboards. They couldn’t have been more than 10 and Hyunseung remembered his own happy childhood. Well…He didn’t know how happy it had actually been but at least there were some cheerful moments in it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand gripping on his arm and he turned around fast, a yelp escaping his lips, only to meet with a familiar face. He didn’t see the eyes due to the sunglasses but he still knew who it was.

“Junhyung, don’t scare me like that!” Hyunseung said while catching his breath. It really had taken a toll on him.

“I called for you but you seemed in your own world once again,” he replied with an apologetic smile before continuing, “I was going to the same direction so I thought I should catch up with you.”

Hyunseung only nodded in response as they walked onwards. Junhyung talked a lot but if asked later, the older didn’t remember a thing. Everything seemed to go right pass him though he knew it was nothing important anyway. He made a small glance to his right, seeing Junhyung explaining something with big gestures, making the older wonder if it really was him in the middle-school. Could someone like him really be involved in some shady business?

No. At least that’s what other people would say but Hyunseung shared another opinion, a bit unpopular one. Even though the said boy seemed so innocent at the moment, the deeds he did in the past are still a fact and the scars are still there - on every single person they terrorized.

Some smart-asses would probably go: ‘People grow and mature.’

That’s true. They do. But also they can manage their emotions better and after paying closer attention to Junhyung’s movements and the tone of his voice, Hyunseung could tell he had mastered acting well. So that’s why this boy right beside him could do everything. Even the worst sins didn’t seem so out of the reach.

That’s what acting can do to you. You become confident in your skill. Especially manipulative plans, thinking you have everyone playing your game and you can guess their every move. But Junhyung should know better there was always at least one person to see through it.

Well, he probably did acknowledge that but didn’t think someone would come across so soon.

Or else he would’ve stayed away from Hyunseung.

“So that’s how I escaped from Mrs. Cabbage again,” Junhyung voice was filled with pride so Hyunseung let out a small chuckle as if he knew what he was on about. He only heard Mrs. Cabbage part and it’s easy to assume what had happened.

Mrs. Cabbage is a nickname for the teacher who always has something green on with way too many layers. And she is quite…Chubby. And let’s say that she is a bit of an air-head, making people like Junhyung enjoy playing tricks on them.

At the crossroad Junhyung finally gave a pat on the older boy’s back: “I got to pick up something so I’m going this way. See you around!” He gave a wave to which Hyunseung replied with the same. Hyunseung was quite happy to be able to walk on his own again and keep a straight line of thoughts without being interrupted by random laughs or pats.

He finally let his mind wander again while his gaze stopped at two birds on a branch of a tree. It really was a sign of spring. It gave a slight feeling of freedom and---

“Hyunseung!” Again the same voice interrupted as he turned around in annoyance, seeing the other boy jog back to him. This was certainly not good. Even though he was kind of pleased with Junhyung who seemed to accept that he wasn’t that talkative, he didn’t really like him getting in his way too much.

“I almost forgot to give this to you,” Junhyung handed him a bag to which the older made a confused expression. He had really no idea what this could be until he opened it and saw familiar colors.

“How…Why…” Hyunseung asked at a loss for words while Junhyung only let out a small laugh, “I couldn’t just have ruined it and then let you handle the consequences, now could I? It got pretty muddy also so I washed it.” Hyunseung could only stare at him as this was totally unexpected. He really believed his blanket was still on the sea-side, gone all smelly for not being able to dry properly.

Junhyung stepped away again, face still turned to Hyunseung: “And NOW I’m going. I see very well you want to get rid of me.” The older rolled his eyes while giving out a slight wave, his other hand occupied by a bag, and was about to turn around when he saw Junhyung stop. It seemed like he had something else to say so Hyunseung waited.

But the younger seemed to have decided against it as he turned around, raising his hand in air as a sign of goodbye and walked off slowly.

Hyunseung only furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. His curiosity appeared and he couldn’t do anything to satisfy it.

Is he up to something?

Well, even if he was Hyunseung was sure he could see it through soon. That’s the one thing he felt really confident in - reading other people. At least most of the people. Also, there was something about Junhyung that gave out weird vibes - a challenge? He was going to enjoy trying to guess his thoughts, that’s for sure.

Hyunseung gave out a smile as he headed home, the bag flinging back and forth.

The next day he’s at peace.

Well, that was until some girls gathered around the table next to him and started chatting so loudly that no one could’ve napped at that moment. Even Hyunseung gave up and just rested his head on his arm, glancing outside to see random people walking in the park and far away there was a football practice - like always. Those guys never seemed to rest.

“I heard he got into a fight-“ A whisper reached Hyunseung’s ears.

“Junhyung is soo badass~” Other one squealed.

“I heard that’s why he’s missing today, treating his wounds.” Another squealing session.

“His body must be oh-so-fine~!!!” And another round of squeals.

It annoyed him to no end. If only he could shut his mind off.

Hyunseung had never been so glad to hear the bell ring and the teacher step in. But there was also another matter that attracted his attention - Doojoon before him was missing. And as he found out at lunch, the whole bunch was gone. According to Yoseob they had gotten into some kind of trouble but Hyunseung brushed it off before Yoseob could explain.

Full stomach was much more important.

“Wait, isn’t that Gikwang?” Yoseob voiced beside him, making Hyunseung look up more on an instinct than interest.

“Yea, why?” He asked nonchalantly. There were only 2 apple slices left and he wanted those to end up in his mouth. They were his favorite as Yoseob’s mother seemed to have a knack for making delicious apple-salad.

“I thought all of their gang was missing today.” Yoseob stood still, chopsticks still between his lips and another pout on his face. Hyunseung only shouted in victory (in his head of course) as he finished the last of his lunch box.

Correction…Yoseob’s lunch-box.

The bell had ringed so most of the people had already went inside but as it was Hyunseung’s P.E. class, he skipped it like always. Not that he hated physical activity but he was just too lazy to go after hearing Yoseob had also a free period and more food.

“You really are easily bought with food,” Yoseob always laughs at him.

After a while of silence which seemed to be enjoyed by both as they were dedicated to get the last bit of food down their throats Yoseob spoke up: “There is a lot going on today. Look there.”

“Mh?” Hyunseung mumbled in response, looking into the direction that Yoseob’s finger was pointing, to see a tall blonde boy being pushed down, surrounded by 5 others. They were definitely middle-school students even though Hyunseung had some doubts about the taller boy.

“We should help him,” Yoseob said while getting up, Hyunseung mumbling once more that’s he’s too lazy but still got himself supported to be ready to stand up before Yoseob froze in his spot.

“Someone is already going…” he said while seating down in slow motion but still keeping an eye on the actions, Hyunseung doing the same.

It was Gikwang. He in his bad-ass mode seemed to walk closer to them. It was quite funny actually. As one of the boys noticed him the boy instantly jumped away, making some weird noises and pointing at Gikwang’s direction until his mates saw what was up. And in a flash they were gone.

I guess that’s the influence their group has. They are still known among the student population even though they are in high-school already. Rumors still stay, even after they graduate. And other groups emerge, trying to take over their spot. The circle is endless.

But what actually amazed Hyunseung was that Gikwang had actually gone to help someone. Well, it was known that he was the most soft-hearted among them but still… Usually high-school students tried to keep out of the other division business. But I guess enough is enough. Everyone would’ve done the same when they had been as near as him.

At least he’s using his fame for other’s advantage.

Hyunseung noticed Gikwang helping the younger boy up, which was also quite comical as the younger was way taller than him. He saw the blonde give a big bow and a verbal thanks while Gikwang only seemed to scratch his neck and smile. Finally they shook hands, probably exchanging names.

“Ah, it was nice of him to help. Bullies in our school really are out of hand. All these stories I have heard… I just feel sorry,” Hyunseung’s thoughts were interrupted by Yoseob and he found himself agreeing, it really was a difficult situation. And even if the blonde was safe for now, he was going to pay. And Gikwang knew it also.

Hyunseung knew how he must’ve hesitated before making his move. Gikwang had gone through all this before, being the bully. And if someone is saved through a miracle, another plan is thought up, even more sinister than the one before.

We’ll see what happens to him now.

But he didn’t have to wait for long as already the next day he spotted the blonde with a black eye. But Hyunseung also noticed the other guys, even with bigger bruises. He knew what it meant - Gikwang had taken the blonde under his wing.

The only question remained, why? If he felt compassionate so easily he should’ve done that before already. There have many been bullied under his nose and he has sat there while doing nothing. Why now? Is he trying to make up for his past mistakes?

Hyunseung didn’t ponder for long though.

He even saw Junhyung that day - briefly. And it seemed something really was up as his lip was obviously bruised and also one of his cheeks seemed like it had gotten a hit but was already healing. Hyunseung only concluded that the day before he had been tending his wounds. Who knows how many he had under those layers of clothes.

As Hyunseung was walking towards home again, he knew Junhyung was behind him before the other could scare. The younger gave out a dissatisfied huff when the other didn’t have any reaction as he started walking beside him, slightly limping one leg.

“You look like you have gone through hell?” Hyunseung only mentioned, expecting the other to stiff up a bit which he didn’t.

“Just the usual, nothing new,” he only replied.

“It seems we got a new friend though,” Junhyung continued with a sudden happiness found in his voice, “One day gone and Gikwang already finds himself a lost puppy.” Junhyung chuckled and Hyunseung found himself joining involuntarily.

“I saw him save that blonde yesterday, it was quite surprising,” Hyunseung said while gazing up to the sky for a sec and remembering the situation.

“That’s Gikwang for you. He’s actually quite soft-hearted. And Dongwoon really is a lost puppy in every meaning you could think of. I guess he sees some familiarity in him as he has gone through that himself too before I befriended him. Dongwoon has quite a history.” Junhyung clasped his hand behind his neck, doing a stretching movement while walking on.

Hyunseung glanced over before commenting: “You know quite a lot already.”

Junhyung only gave out a half-hearted laugh, “Well, he has been talking about him before too.”

A silence took over which didn’t seem to be uncomfortable and they just walked, enjoying it while being wrapped in their own thoughts before it was the crossroad again.

“You’re going to attend some shady business again?” Hyunseung asked without really thinking, making the younger only snort in response, “Not really, today it’s time to go home. Why, you missed me?” He gave a poke between the other’s ribs, making Hyunseung back off immediately.

“Well, one thing is positive. I have never seen you talk this much,” Junhyung grinned, making Hyunseung roll his eyes before waving goodbye and leaving just like that. He didn’t even think of it as being rude as it didn’t seem to matter.

“Hey, I was complimenting you!” He heard the younger shout behind him half-way laughing.

(tlb) the last bridge series, junseung

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