Intruder Series

Apr 30, 2011 18:57

Title: Intruder Series
Word Count: 2150
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Junhyung is intruding Hyunseung's loved personal space? I guess... Prompt: Intruder + Internet search on 'how to annoy people'
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: I INTENDED to make this into real series with advancing plot and characters but...I just feel I can't work with this anymore. So that's why I post it in such state.

Personal space. Why does it make you feel so comfortable? Why does it give you the feeling of security? Why is it such a good feeling that when someone invades it...You pull away. Sometimes even a bit too rashly, causing an awkward moment when they furrow an eyebrow at you. Why must it become an instinct you follow even in your sleep?

Hyunseung can’t help it. Knowing it may seem rude at times he just keeps it going. In his mind there are no thoughts involving getting rid of such habits. He doesn’t want to face uncomfortable situations and he definitely won’t - not when it’s up to him.

He hasn’t always been like that but somehow this trait became more severe after the Beast boys had moved together into a dorm. Why? That’s easy...Hyunseung always had had his own room and a lot of space so at home he was able to rest all the stress off. But now, living together with 5 others in such a cramped apartment he had no place to rest like he used to. There was always someone in his vision and he couldn’t get used to it.

Beast members knew about it. At least up to some extent as they didn’t know how worse it had slowly gotten. And the one that did know used it to his own amusement every. Damn. Single. Time.

And his name was Junhyung.

And that same Junhyung was once again coming towards him, sitting down as the older was immersed in some magazine, a bit too close for comfort, which made Hyunseung glance up at the other wearing a serious face.

“Yes?” Hyunseung questioned while trying to appear nonchalant. He was uncomfortable already…and the other wasn’t even that close. Maybe it was the expression that Junhyung wore as he just stared at Hyunseung and kept his mouth shut.

Hyunseung couldn’t help but squirm slightly.

“Oh right,” Junhyung’s expression lightened up as he leaned closer to the other before continuing, “The manager told us we have some schedule change and asked you to talk to him later and it had something to do-“

Junhyung suddenly stopped and the older glanced up to see why. He regretted it soon after when the other was just there, face blank and eyes slightly bigger than usual, staring intently.

Hyunseung immediately hit his eyes back to the magazine, trying to concentrate but failing as he felt the other’s gaze on him. It was suffocating. His breath got uneven as he was too aware of himself, intakes sometimes longer that outlets and he felt how his insides were suffering from lack of air.

The room was too hot even though he wasn’t blushing nor did he break out in cold sweat. He just needed to get away before he couldn’t take it anymore.

Hyunseung tried to distract this feeling by moving his toes to get some relief for the need to move, he even tried to change his sitting position, but to no avail as in some seconds later from settling down the feeling was back.

And Junhyung was still staring. At times the older saw him open his mouth from the corners of his eyes, in order to say something but closed it soon after, making Hyunseung get agitated fast under the pressure.

“What?” Hyunseung finally snapped, looking at the other again who was grinning slightly.

“Oh nothing,” he said while his lips formed into an even bigger grin which made Hyunseung curse under his breath as it was obvious what the younger was doing.

He was totally using Hyunseung’s weakness to his amusement.

“Anyway, I have to get going but don’t forget about the manager!” Junhyung stood up and gave the other a slight nudge before leaving.

Hyunseung only let out a sigh which he had wanted to do from the start. The suffocating feeling was slowly disappearing and he couldn’t have been more relieved. He dragged the back of his hand against his forehead just to get his hair out of his face as he leaned back and hit his eyes to the ceiling.

Even such minor situations make him uncomfortable.

They were currently on a van, driving to their next scheduled place as Junhyung seemed to be sleeping. Hyunseung glanced at the other with desire to do the same - feel how the head hits the pillow and thoughts slightly start fading away. He would’ve been even happy with a slight nap but Yoseob beside him kept going on and on about something random.

“Oh, you saw Gikwang yesterday? He’s somehow disappearing a lot lately. I know he has schedule sometimes like now but seriously, he often leaves at evenings, trying to avoid questions like where and why,” Yoseob tries to discuss.

“We’re all grown-up, it’s his life, we can’t do anything,” Hyunseung replied with a yawn while stretching, hands above him but brought his hands back down suddenly as he felt a slight poke to his side, after which he let out a shriek.

The poke made Hyunseung look left in a flash and saw Junhyung just sitting there, looking at front. “Anything?” He said, still keeping his posture of being in his own world.

Hyunseung slightly tilted his head to right in confusion. “Are you ok?” He asked just in case to which he got a brief positive answer: “Yeah, why?”

Hyunseung only shook his head: “Nothing, just asking.” He didn’t want to take this matter further, in case it led to terrible consequences which he was trying his hardest to avoid. It may seem nothing to others but if such feelings are constant factor in your life, you do NOT get used to them. Instead, it gets worse and worse until you may even feel like being driven crazy.

There is no escape.

“Nothing, just asking?” Junhyung changed it into a question, making the other look at him again with a confused face.

Not again. Hyunseung thought as he rolled his eyes, which shot on his thigh a millisecond after as he felt something brush against it - Junhyung was on at it again.

“Don’t start again…” the older sighed and as he had expected, the other answered back with the same sentence, only in a questioning manner.

It would’ve been fine but that hand on his thigh was too much, making Hyunseung feel self-conscious. Not that Junhyung was moving it, no, the hand just was still. Seems he knew it was enough.

And it was. Especially as Hyunseung started feeling every single bump on the road while Junhyung’s hand lost contact but hitting lightly back against the thigh. It wasn’t anything pleasant, no electricity vibes or such, just his insides felt pressed together. Some people would describe the feeling as a bit claustrophobic?

Hyunseung shove the hand away even though he knew it would be back soon after. And he was right like usually.

“Something's wrong?” Yoseob asked, seeing the other’s struggle.

“Yoseob…He keeps bullying me again,” Hyunseung whined while brushing the hand off his leg again, only earning a slight poke before the hand reappeared in the same place, now slightly tapping against the thigh.

“He keeps bullying me again?” Junhyung also whined soon after, making the younger mouth an ‘Oh’ with a light laugh before pinching Hyunseung’s cheek and going all ‘Oh you’re so cute’

The oldest of the three only shook his cheeks free and said with an over-exaggerated gesture to avoid making his uncomfortable state obvious, “Oh, you two are impossible!”

“Oh, you two are impossible?” The other two had made it into a question again on the exact same time and both burst out in laughs as the middle one only sighed once more while rolling his eyes.

They stopped it soon but only Junhyung’s fingers stayed on Hyunseung’s thigh, sometimes tapping against the denim material, making the older still aware of his presence…Like Hyunseung could ever forget and he squirmed at every single time the younger did that.

The next moment occurred at the dorm. Gikwang and Dongwoon were on the living room couch, watching a random movie as Junhyung and Hyunseung had somehow made it to the kitchen to find something to eat.

More like he followed me here.

The older was frying some meat as Junhyung stood beside him quite innocently. He was just helping as at times when Hyunseung tried to reach for some spice the younger immediately handed it.

“Hey, what gender are you?” Suddenly a question came from beside him and he looked at the other in disbelief.

“What?” Hyunseung squint his eyes slightly in total confusion.

“Nothing. It’s just that…You can’t deny you look like such a girl, right?” Junhyung leaned against the cupboard, just enough to look into the other’s eyes. “I mean…You have such big eyes and with that face…No wonders people call you beautiful.”

Hyunseung’s mind was taking routine actions again as he shifted away but the other followed in that exact moment. He wanted to ask what he was up to but stopped himself as he knew Junhyung must’ve had some kind of response ready.

So the older kept quiet and glanced over briefly, to see Junhyung eyeing him up and down before he continued: “Hmm, too bad you don’t have anything in front though,” the younger said while bringing a hand to Hyunseung’s chest, making the other jump back even more, “What are you doing?”

Junhyung only laughed, “Why are you making this into such a problem?”

The older only glared so he continued, “You don’t have enough back here also,” as he then let his hands trail down from his back and stopping at the butt, giving it a slap to which the other again just moved away with a ‘wth’ look on his face.

“Stop it, will you?” He said, in unaware state rising chopsticks in defense, making the other give out a laugh again before turning back to serious mode.

“But you do have a nice S-line…”

“Junhyung!” The older exclaimed, almost really hitting the other against his head.

Then Junhyung managed the big grin back to his face as he patted the other’s back “Naah, I’m just kidding. I want food soon!”

And he left.

It seemed Junhyung knows the most uncomfortable situation for Hyunseung is staring. And that’s exactly what he took into his schedule today with a big grin on his face - starting from the morning.

Junhyung walked to the other’s bed and smirked as it was a perfect situation, Hyunseung often slept his face into the pillow but it seemed today was Junhyung’s lucky day as his face was turned to the side.

Hyunseung’s hair was half-covering his face though, which the younger moved aside. He then sat down on the floor and took in a comfortable position before starting his staring-session.

At first the older didn’t show any sign of life apart from the steady breathing. But as 2 minutes had passed, Hyunseung started to move. At first he just took his hands out from the blanket and let one of them hang over the bed.

It didn’t seem to satisfy him for long as he shoved the blanked away a bit more, exposing a bit of his stomach as the shirt he was wearing had dragged up a bit.

Junhyung couldn’t help but let out a smile as he continued until the older turned the other side, facing him with his back.

The younger would’ve gone to the other side if there hadn’t been a wall so he just shifted closer and brought his hand up to the other. Hesitating for a brief moment, he wondered it making contact was such a great idea. Junhyung took a breath as he hoped he wasn’t going too far with this as he lightly tapped continuously against the other’s lower back where the skin had been revealed.

But he didn’t even manage to tap twice before the other was up like having been struck by lightning and looked around in shock to see Junhyung sitting on the floor.

“What the hell are you doing now?” He asked, his voice tinted with anger before he noticed air against his back and pulled his shirt back down fast. And just in case he even wrapped himself in his blanket again.

Junhyung didn’t reply as he kept staring, Hyunseung still feeling the heaviness of the gaze. The older tried to ignore him and went back down, facing the wall, but to no avail as he was now wide awake.

Hyunseung’s mind was running frantically, trying to come up with solutions but failing miserably. So he did what he thought was best - got up and passed the other, avoiding the hands that were about to grab into his legs and took his clothes before entering the bathroom.

He leaned on the sink before releasing a breath he didn’t notice he had been holding.

Why do you enjoy torturing me?


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