[8th March 2011] Daily Prompt - Chemical

Apr 25, 2011 22:41

Brought over from Tumblr.

So this is written with a prompt - chemical.
Haha, not original but what the heck. I don’t think I will be posting these on Livejournal, as I kinda have deserted it - sad, really. But I feel kinda lucky as I haven’t gone on with Khunyoung story…And that has been on a hiatus for…a year…Sadly…I hope no one misses me. Just that, I can’t feel that pair any more.
And about Junseung…I don’t know, it’s their characters that seem easy for me to describe and they are cool ^^
Anyway. This is 556 words. Something small as I’m so depressed I can’t make my other story satisfying enough for me haha. Feels like a fail.
Written in 40 min so yeah, have to go to sleep.

PS. I probably won't post these last two old fics on Beast-fanfic site. They are too awful lolol.


Chemical. Could you call love like that?

Or there is no love?

He looks over to the couch where a certain person is sleeping, one hand going under the pillow in order to reach the most comfortable position in the midst of a dream. Junhyung can’t help but gets on his feet, dragging himself up and walking over slowly, wrapping himself into the blanket and feeling drowsiness taking over his eyelids.

What is it that makes me walk over there?

He doesn’t even try to stop himself any more. It has become a habit: the way his legs suddenly get another signals from his brain, the way his eyes seem to focus only in one place, the way he tingles all over when he is glanced upon…

Who are you to do this to me?

He wonders tilting his head a bit to get upright view on the other, whose lips are slightly parted as he breathes through his mouth. He is referred to as a doll by many but at the moment Junhyung only saw how babyish he looked when pouting in his sleep. But it soon disappears as Hyunseung moves his head a bit to face the younger.

Junhyung notices his arm move, not hesitating even for a second while he leans on the couch with his other arm for support. He brushes aside a strand of hair which had been just peacefully on the forehead, not distracting anyone, but which needed to be dealt with not even knowing why. Or was it the need for skin against his? The warmth from another body. The feeling.

His fingers went along the side of Hyunseung’s face, feeling the soft skin against his slightly cold fingertips, making the other furrow his brows in his sleep but not moving. Junhyung only chuckled lightly before dragging his hand along the jawline and along the neck, earning a mumble.

He is not afraid of getting caught, even though at a ’sober’ time he’d be terrified, never trying to stay alone with the older, scared of his words, the words that may ruin everything. The words he blames on this so-called chemical called love.

He brings his hand up to the boys lips, keeping it in a safe distance. He feels the others’ breathing against his hand, slow and calm, and Junhyung can’t help but let his lips form into a smile.

He then brings his hand closer, letting the fingertips go over the lips. Soft. Remembering all the times while the other bit his lip, making him want to do the same. Or sometimes even more - to pin him up against the wall and let his hands roam free as he invades his mouth, for once feeling those lips against his.

A habit of Hyunsuengs - to grab a hold of the younger, mumbling another pair of words which make Junhyung smile. This was usual and none of them minded it when Junhyung lied down beside Hyunseung, placing an arm around him to make sure he isn’t falling down. The older grabbed a hold of his shirt as he snuggled closer, letting even breathing take over again.

Is the night our time?

Junhyung knew when the sun rises it would would be like always - nothing ever happens and he has learned to accept and deal with it, only hoping it would be night again and Hyunseung would fall asleep on the couch.

Whatever it is, it makes me happy.


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