The Slyest Creature of Them All (On a prompt - Fox)

Apr 22, 2011 02:12

Title: The Slyest Creature of Them All
Word Count: 2760
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Just done on a prompt - Fox. So here you go.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.
A/N: I just did this on a whim so I haven't really properly read this through. Hope all the mistakes won't kill you as it seems to have problems with tenses haha.


That’s how Junhyung would like to describe him.

And that someone is at the moment about 10 meters away from him, playing all innocent and sweet with Gikwang, just like everyone expects him to.

Fox because behind that facade lies a person the most sly Junhyung has ever met. Even though everyone laughs at him for making silly jokes, Junhyung knows better than anyone that the other is up to no good and behind that smile no one knows that hundreds of manipulative thoughts are running through his mind.

It sometimes even seems that all he ever does are experiments with minds. How people react, how to control them better. Basically, just to get what he wants.

Even though everyone thinks he is easy to be understood, in reality that’s what he wants you to believe by feeding you the information he thinks is the best. He likes having it easy. And he enjoys it a tad too much.

At the present he seems to be wrapping Doojoon around his finger. At least that’s what Junhyung sees even though everyone else would say that Doojoon is bullying him.

Oh no.

If they only knew better.

Doojoon is going to get it and he won’t even know what hit him.

And he never will.

That seems one of the main points of that fox’s game - never let anyone know.

Though this brings us back to the question - how Junhyung knows? Has Hyunseung made a mistake in one of his plans? Or is this a part of his plan?

Junhyung doesn’t have a clue.

Hyunseung has never really hidden his personality in front of him, excluding the couple of months when Beast moved into the same dorm. Junhyung had that same impression of the older as everyone else until suddenly Hyunseung suddenly started showing his real colors - only to him.

Why? Does he really think three steps ahead with every single word he says or is this just for his own amusement.

It has been a year. It probably doesn’t have that much importance. But you never know with Hyunseung.
He makes you doubt in everything. Maybe that’s what he enjoys - how people struggle with themselves. The doubt grows and grows until you get sick of it. Just sick. And you just stop caring.

Well, if that was true then there would be no problem. But still Junhyung rolled his eyes at the sight of Hyunseung in his manipulative mode. He should’ve just laughed at how the other members got played. But he didn’t.

Sometimes it made him annoyed, at other times he really did chuckle. It even happened that he just felt the need to get away, as far as possible and sometimes he wanted to throw a shoe or something at the other. But he restrained himself.

Junhyung didn’t even know what to think of the other.

It was especially confusing how Hyunseung acted towards him.

After revealing his real self Hyunseung had been kind of...bullying him? Junhyung always cringes at the thought of that.

Someone...And that someone is Hyunseung...And bullying him...Junhyung...

Is that even possible?

He would have never believed that until it really happened.

And that ’bullying’, that is one of the weirdest kinds and that is mostly the reason of all the times Junhyung wants to get away from the older. He makes him feel awkward.

Just like now. Junhyung thinks as the other makes his way over, still smiling brightly.

Junhyung knows what to expect from this, at least until some extent (Or that’s what Hyunseung wanted him to believe?). And he is right as Hyunseung really walks over to him and sits comfortably on his lap.

There are no fans around, it is a pause from a photoshoot and the staff around them don’t even pay attention.

“It’s so easy,” Hyunseung whispers to the other’s ear before dragging a finger along his neck.

Junhyung could bet that a sly smirk formed on the older’s lips and he guessed it right as their eyes meet again, now the younger noticing the maliciousness hidden behind those deep orbs.

Junhyung doesn’t even flick under the other’s touch - that’s how used he is to it. But even though his body doesn’t, his mind still screams to get away as it was dangerous for his heart which keep missing some beats.

I guess even Junhyung can’t help but be attracted to his ‘bad boy’ personality even though he knows how awful it really is.

Hyunseung just stays like that for some minutes, his chin on the other’s shoulder as his right hand plays with the collar of Junhyung’s shirt, occasionally sliding across his neck way too many times.

Junhyung keeps his cool, he always does. Well, almost always.

He hears Hyunseung take a deep breath before sighing.

“It’s tiring,” Junhyung says, feeling the other murmur at the back of his throat in agreement.

Sometimes the scenes between them are quite peaceful, like now.

At these times Junhyung thinks the older wants to drop all his games and just be like everyone else. But they both know he can’t. He can never drop his games, he has been brought up with them and probably will grow old in the same way.

His mind is always active, he cannot stop the ideas forming and he feels it to be pathetic to let all of it go to waste.

He has to find out how to put his mind to use in a way that would benefit everyone. But it seems that’s the only thing Hyunseung isn’t thinking of. He has given up and just keeps going on like that.

Maybe that’s why he has revealed his real self to someone. To have at least one person to understand him. Maybe it was even a plead for help?

The times he remembers thoughts like these he is nicer to Hyunseung. But these moments are quite rare considering the bickering and Hyunseung’s bullying against him.

Oh right, bullying.

You can’t really call it like that but there is no other real word that fits.

Even though today’s approach felt like another bullying session, it seemed the other wanted just a bit of comfort so Junhyung dismissed that. But at other times…

Let’s go into examples.

Junhyung can remember last evening very well as it seemed Hyunseung was a bit hyper compared to his usual self. He practically followed Junhyung everywhere (though Junhyung just slammed the door closed when he wanted to take a shower), Hyunseung’s ways of ‘bullying’ were confusing. It was like he was flirting with him but at the same time he wasn’t.

And Junhyung couldn’t even think of the possibility of the other liking him as he knew how manipulative he was. Everything Hyunseung did had a upper motive.

Just like when Junhyung was getting another can of Coke, Hyunseung just appeared out of nowhere and pushed the fridge door closed, at the same time pinning the younger up against it. Junhyung’s breath got hiked as he froze while the older gave out a sly smirk before letting his hands go down along his sides, stopping at the jeans where he hooked his fingers though the belt-holes.

They were there for almost 2 minutes, no one moved. But finally Hyunseung seemed to make a move as he brought his face closer to the other and stared at the other’s eyes intently, making Junhyung gaze away. But Hyunseung wasn’t going to let that happen as one of his hands came back up to his chin and made him look straight at him again.

Junhyung was sure he was blushing.

It’s awkward. His only excuse.

Hyunseung leaves soon after, he always does. And he never says a word.

At other times Junhyung just wakes up seeing the other beside him - hogging up most of the blanket. The younger can only be glad that Hyunseung doesn’t have the habit of rolling around or sprawl his limbs out in the middle of the night.

He always thinks how the other got into his bed. Though he knows Hyunseung has a habit of going to Junhyung. Though this seems to have a part in his ‘experiments’ too as at times Junhyung wakes up with no reason and opening his eyes, he meets with Hyunseung’s.

The other had been probably staring at him like that to wake him up. It works.

But even though it is effective, Junhyung doesn’t appreciate it as Hyunseung always goes on top of him with legs on each side of Junhyung as he lightly supports himself on his arms on Junhyung’s chest, faces apart by only mere inches. Sometimes he even feels Hyunseung’s hair against his forehead.

At first couple of times Junhyung yelped in surprise but now he always acts calmly. Mostly because once he sat up so fast that they both walked around later forehead’s aching like hell. And the other main reason is that it went close once. Junhyung had again been surprised as he rose into his seat fast but Hyunseung didn’t move away fast enough and let’s say…There was only some millimeters missing before he had smashed into the other’s lips. Luckily they only touched briefly, not even actually sure they had.

Hyunseung had of course showed his sly smile again as Junhyung just tried to brush it off and pushed the other aside, leaving the room to join the others.

Overall, Hyunseung liked small intimate acts it seemed. And with all the members as he was found holding hands with Yoseob one day, then another day he was practically hugging Dongwoon the whole afternoon etc.

So Junhyung was not surprised how Hyunseung had now ended up in his lap, his head still placed where it had been 5 minutes ago.

They both sat in silence and for once in a long time, it didn’t seem uncomfortable.

Well…that was until Hyunseung got a bright idea to let his free hand go along Junhyung’s chest, slowly dragging on and on before coming to an end at the hem. It wasn’t the total end though as the older let his hand slip under the shirt and did small circle motions, even going slightly under the waistband.

It seemed to be his favorite place to keep his hands at.

Junhyung was sure Hyunseung could feel him freeze up and he knew he was smirking.

Junhyung brought his hand to Hyunseung’s and removed it, but it seemed the older was consistent as it appeared again soon after, making Junhyung give out a sigh but still reacting the same way.

“Hmm, stop it, I like how your skin feels,” Hyunseung whispered against his ear again after Junhyung had again pushed his hand away.

Junhyung only snorted before giving up and just letting Hyunseung be as he knew he wouldn’t go further. He had always stopped here - this was the limit he never dared to cross. Maybe it was because he knew how angry Junhyung could get but maybe it was to make him lose his attentiveness and surprise him when he’s the least expecting it.

Everything was possible with Hyunseung. He was unpredictable.

This time Hyunseung stuck to the usual plan, he didn’t do anything more and after 5 minutes he rose up after being called to shoot and he left, not even saying a word or sharing a look.

Junhyung only now noticed how his heart was pounding.

Pounding like it had the first time Hyunseung had made a serious move on him.

The time when it was already 1 am and everyone had been asleep, Hyunseung once again had ended up in his bed. Junhyung had felt thirsty and got up to get a cup of water but accidentally hit the other as he tried to climb over.

Hyunseung didn’t wake up - or that’s what it seemed because he was soon proven wrong.

Junhyung had tried to open the door but it only made to an inch as it was pushed closed again. Junhyung jumped in his place from surprise and turned around to see Hyunseung staring at him. Their eyes had been adjusted in the dark so it was no problem to see a sly smirk on the other’s face as he stepped closer, pinning him up against the door with his own body, hand never leaving the door.

Junhyung took short fast breaths as his eyes slightly widened. He was sleepy and didn’t even think on pushing him away. Though later thinking about it, even if he had it wouldn’t have had any effect as his hands were probably trembling.

Looking closely, Junhyung noticed the older wasn’t really acknowledging what he was doing. He was probably too tired to even think as the schedule last day had been way too exhausting. It seemed like he was sleepwalking.

Hyunseung leaned closer to the man, his lips slightly parted but no words came out. He only studied the other’s face as his left hand helped him by dragging a line across his jaw. From the back of his throat, the older did a slight purring noise as he leaned even closer but on the last moment he moved his head so his cheek was against the other’s side.

Junhyung could clearly hear his breaths against his ear. Hyunseung was doing it on purpose, he was sure of that. There is no way he would usually take breaths like that without that seductive hint to it which was so visible now.

And he was right once again when he felt a pair of teeth nibbling on his earlobe. It was only for some seconds before the other pulled away - ever so slowly. But as he was pulling back, he leaned closer again to press a slight kiss against the corner of the other’s mouth, making Junhyung widen his eyes.

“Hyunseung…?” His voice wasn’t stable even though he tried and Hyunseung could probably see that very clearly.

“Hmm?” He only replied, his big dark orbs gazing back into Junhyung’s again.

But Junhyung didn’t answer anymore. And the older didn’t seem to mind as he continued: “You know, it’s really comfortable here like this.”

Junhyung saw a possibility to move as Hyunseung’s grip on him had loosened but as soon as he tried, he was pushed back into the door, making the older once again give out an evil grin.

“It’s fun playing with you, know that?” He tried to press another kiss to the other corner of the younger’s mouth but met with his cheek as the other had turned his head.

“This is exactly why. You don’t really push me away nor accept me. It makes me want to find out what you really think about all of this.”

Junhyung saw another kiss coming and tried to move his head again, slightly shoving the other back but with no avail.

“Tsk tsk,” Hyunseung warned and made sure he had no chance to leave by placing both of his hands on the other’s hips, just below his shirt he had been sleeping in and hooking his fingers to the waistband. Junhyung only shivered.

“Just stop it, it’s enough, let’s go back to sleep,” Junhyung tried but it seemed Hyunseung didn’t have that idea as he meddled with the waistband.

“But I like it here,” he whined slightly before going to the other’s neck, trailing with his tongue.

“Hyunseung…” Junhyung tried to raise his voice slightly but he let out a gasp soon later. The older had bit down on a spot and Junhyung couldn’t help but let out a repressed moan soon after, mentally slapping himself soon after as he felt a smirk against his skin. Hyunseung had found his soft spot way too fast.

“I can’t help you’re so addicting,” Hyunseung whispered before going back to the spot.

Junhyung didn’t let himself slip this time and was able to keep control of himself but when he felt the other’s hands move slightly lower he finally snapped out of it for good.

“That’s enough,” he stated and shoved the other away finally, somehow finding just enough strength to do that. Though it seemed that the other had loosened his grip also.

Junhyung had forgotten all about his thirst as he went back to the bed and pulled the blanket over him like a shell, just in case.

He heard Hyunseung sigh before dragging his feet back to the bed also and got down, keeping his distance.

That’s how foxes are, they pull you into their own world, making the lines of reality disappear. It’s only up to you if you survive.


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