A Stranger Among Nightmares

Aug 22, 2011 01:46

Title: A Stranger Among Nightmares
Word Count: 2590
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Junhyung's life is spent living through nightmares. Having taken its toll on him, having ruined him, does he have a chance to escape?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: I apologize if it feels rushed and unfinished. Notes: TLB is 75% ready, now I need 4-6 days to reread it over and over and add some more paragraphs.


Those four walls were suffocating, cold and unwelcoming as ever. There was no speck of colour; everything was painted grey or off-white to hide the scribbles, to hide everything he wanted to forget. A reason why he chose to spend more time outside.

Everything was better than a room full of unpleasant memories which still rang in his ear - the voices, the screams from home he once had. Home when he was still under his parent’s protection and too young to understand the ways of life. He had been safe then, hidden away from the outer world until one day when he was thrown on the street and the door was shut behind him - it was still a mystery why.

His hand clutched around his phone as he stepped outside.

The doors at the supermarket were automatic and he was almost knocked off his feet by a little girl running back and forth, smiling up to him as an apology. He smiled back, the corners of his mouth curving up just a bit because he remembered, painfully remembered what had his smile been like and how his innocent eyes had seen the world. Nowadays everything was mechanic and Junhyung couldn’t help but think if in a year or two he wouldn’t have to step outside at all.

He shivered from the thought - it was terrifying. To feel locked up, feel trapped with an unknown force holding you against the ground and with no way out and nowhere to run.

He never bought a lot, had no reason to as he lived alone, his shoes the only ones in the corridor, and even then he preferred to eat somewhere else. Figuring out things to do was his main priority and he was pleased to return to the place he called a cage only for the nights because those four walls were still safer than the streets.

Stopping abruptly he felt a cold breeze against his nose and cheeks. He reached out his hand, closing it around a can which colour he in a sense hated.

Red - but it reminded him that there were other shades aside from blood-red out there.

Two were tossed into the chart and he walked on, dragging his legs one after another. His bangs were falling to his eyes.

Pointless like always. He thought as he checked in at the cashier, pleasantly surprised to see a familiar girl looking back at him with her usual smile. It looked so pure - just what he needed and Junhyung thought she was beautiful even amidst of her chubbiness. He usually would bump into her in the mornings and would manage to change a couple of words before she would rush off, ending it by an invite to step by at her work.

This time the line was long so they stuck to a simple hi and see you later. It was a shame.

He packed his things slightly in a hurry as another impatient customer’s stuff was falling over to his slot. A sigh escaped his lips as he left the Coke out, opened it with a snap and took a sip. It sent bubbles down his throat and he felt it work its magic - Coke never disappointed him.

When he had stood long enough, had checked all the advertisements from language schools to lost cats, he unwillingly took the bag and tried to accept the fact that if the ice-cream parlour wasn’t open yet, he was forced to return home because even though the weather was chilly, he had bought meat. And meat never got along with warmth.

He gulped down the last drop and threw the empty can to the metallic bin where it belonged and with slouched shoulders he walked towards the exit, never noticing any of those who rushed past and those who bumped into him. It was always like this, was and had been and he didn’t even care about curse words directed his way anymore - it was a usual part of the day.

But then something caught his attention - or ear to be more exact. It rung just like the voices in his head, but sounded over all and Junhyung just stared. The voice calmed him even though it held nothing special and the man was certainly the type he’d never look at twice.

Nevertheless he walked over, out of pure curiosity. Over to the stand and took out his wallet, placing a bill on the counter, noticing the person beside him looking down, a hat tilted on his head. By now the voices were hardly heard and a soft melody rang instead.

His eyes were barely visible behind the hat, but it was enough to see they were big, glossy, reflecting back his own self and Junhyung really couldn’t think of anything else but the song playing in his mind.

The stand-owner stopped chatting immediately and managed on a bright smile, wrinkles showing his age. Junhyung felt the need to glance at the left - their eyes met at that exact second. He couldn’t describe what it was that kept him locked in and the stranger didn’t seem uncomfortable not even one bit.

He was let go of when a low box was placed in front of him, the sound of glass being slipped off annoying his ears.

The box was filled with tickets and he felt time rushing at his back when the owner started tapping his foot, still carrying a wide smile plastered all over his face. Junhyung had chosen the one popular among kids. Scratching the surface was easy, comfortable and he liked instant results - waiting was overrated. He liked it fast.

His hand hovered over the box, having chosen but as he was about to pick it out another hand covered his, cold as it grasped lightly and it led his to a different corner. Junhyung glanced at the stranger and so did the owner and all the voices disappeared. His mind was empty.

“He’s going to blame you if you get it wrong,” the owner warned but the brunette beside him looked as nonchalant as before, almost tired, not saying anything apart from Take it. And Junhyung did.

He picked it and gave his thanks before stepping over to the information-counter beside it to do the work he hadn’t done in ages. It was still entertaining and he found it stupid.

Junhyung wasn’t expecting anything, not even a small amount because he never had had such luck and that’s why his eyes widened and mouth opened just for a small gasp because those same numbers in all 6 scratched circles looked so unreal. He saw those and couldn’t do anything but stare in disbelief before snapping his eyes up only to see a vacant space and the stranger gone.

But that hadn’t been the end of it. For some reason his usual nightmares now took a toll too far, appearing more horrid than ever. It stole his sleep, dried him from energy. He had learned to deal with the dreams but...

But now he walked around half-unconscious because this was not normal. If anyone would advise him it would get better he would snap and throw something in their direction - the sharper the better because it wasn’t just an innocent bad dream children ran away from, it was a totally another level involving pain which made it so real and he didn’t understand why, didn’t even have a chance to think because what he saw was too much to bear with. And even though his mind told him to find the stranger, he couldn’t because the stall was gone the next day.

He changed his ticket for cash in another lotto booth.

And so he suffered. A week passed and he couldn’t even think anymore. He had fallen into a cycle of collapsing and awaking, dreams appeared no matter what and kept getting worse. Much worse by planting thoughts that varied from a sharp knife to the ones which convinced he’d be better off dead. It felt easier to die.

To escape from everything.

He kept wandering for days and nights, went to school and work where no one asked anything but instead scolded and threatened him that if he can’t pull himself together he should pack his things. No one understood, didn’t even want to understand. No one saw he needed help and no one said a word while he was being sucked in further until the line between reality and nightmares disappeared. He didn’t understand anything anymore, he didn’t even think.

Everything wet by a blur, but a painful blur and for once he wondered if there was any sanity left.

“Hey!” A voice sounded from the distance and Junhyung forced his eyes open, prepared to see red splashing before him but instead met with darkness. His back hurt and everything was turned to the side. He must’ve passed out on a bench.

A face appeared in front of him, making Junhyung sit up, eyes wide and finger pointed at the stranger, mind suddenly awake and sharp and ready to inquire what the hell was going on and why because the other had to know something. He just had to.

The stranger looked at him amusedly, tilted his head just a bit. “Quite a shabby state you’re in, lost the money?”

Junhyung took time to understand the words because his mind was still echoing and randomly throwing bloody images into his head and it was hard. He let his feet touch the ground as he adjusted the scarf - sane or not, he could still feel the temperature.

“Are they that bad?” He asked again and Junhyung looked up.

“How...?” He tried to ask but words were cut off by striking pain in his throat. A cough made his way up and everything burned. The stranger let out a chuckle as he sat down, leaving an uncomfortable distance between them.

“Why?” Junhyung choked out instead, eyeing his actions. The other to his dismay wasn’t talkative at all, he even seemed to avoid answering but Junhyung’s need for answers was too great, it kept him persistent, kept looking at the other with hopeful eyes because it was now or never. Everything seemed to be wrong, he didn’t care, he just needed answers.

“Why they got worse? I don’t know,” the stranger answered and Junhyung’s eyes widened slightly. He wanted to punch the other because that innocent but amused glint in his eyes was throwing him off, annoying and making him boil inside. He wanted to know if this was a dream or not, was he talking to someone imaginary or was this all one big illusion because there could be no other explanation.

He didn’t accept anything else.

It was pitch-black with rare street-lights casting its light over the asphalt far away and Junhyung found to be aware of his own self, started wondering how much time had passed, how he’s alive and where had he slept because his clothes looked dirty - he must’ve been considered another crazy homeless.

But it was weird that no one took a second glance of him.

His thoughts had been suppressed, he could feel it under the surface, waiting for a chance to create chaos once again and Junhyung was confused. The pain was still there, the horrible images flashed before his eyes but he was able to think, was able to recognize his surroundings.

He looked at his side, the stranger was still there, looking ahead, eyebrow furrowed in thought.

But then their eyes met and Junhyung snapped out of his thoughts. He couldn’t understand what it was that he carried in his eyes when he was suddenly pulled down, head falling on the stranger’s lap and he once again didn’t know if this was his imagination or not because the fabric against his skin felt so real, so did the hand on his shoulder.

And so did his voice.

It was a soothing whisper and Junhyung’s thoughts started drifting away. He tried to fight it, tried to push it back but it was a battle lost in the beginning when he found that blood wasn’t flowing in rivers, knives weren’t pierced into flesh and all scenarios were gone and forgotten and he didn’t even think twice before letting himself doze off.

It was too good of a chance to pass - even if it meant trusting himself in the hands of a stranger.

Junhyung woke up abruptly. Everything started to sink in the second he opened his eyes - his mind was wide awake. He felt hollow but at peace when unfamiliarity rose deep within. It felt so unreal because until now no one had burst in with an axe and made him scream out in pain like so many times before.

But then he remembered the bench, remembered the humidity of the air, the darkness and he sat up fast ignoring the dizziness because everything looked so similar. He saw his living room and was baffled because this was the last place he had expected to see.


He got on his feet and stumbled his way to the corridor - the door was locked and so were all the windows and he had no idea what to think apart from maybe really, maybe he really, finally had gone crazy because all of this wasn’t just possible. His hands started trembling when he gripped he armrest and he sat down, taking deep breaths.

There was a click and Junhyung turned around in a flash, shock evident on his face when a familiar figure walked in, comfortably kicked off the shoes and continued towards the kitchen not paying attention to the other at all.

He really didn’t know what was going on.

The stranger started placing everything where they belonged with no hesitation. Soon a pot was on the stove and some vegetable-lookalikes caught Junhyung’s eye because that certainly was not a carrot. He made his way closer but stopped at the other’s gesture.

The vapour that rose minutes later was anything but greyish, it was plain weird mix of colours he would never want to see in his wardrobe. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight before him and Junhyung didn’t know if he had any reason to be surprised anymore.

“Who are you anyway?” He asked with a raspy voice and one of his hands shot up to his throat because it still hurt a bit, only a bit as it was uncomfortable but he kept his eyes still fixated on the pot and on Hyunseung’s hands.

“Does it matter?” He got in reply, the intruder looked concentrated and bit down on his lip just lightly as he was measuring a strange plant and doing strange cuts in it.

Did it just...move?

“Yes, you’re in my apartment,” he bluntly said. The other snorted and Junhyung could see him rolling his eyes.

“I guess,” he threw the cut plant in, “I’m Hyunseung.”

“And...?” Junhyung leaned against the counter, trying to figure out what exactly was that orange thing but snapped out when it disappeared into Hyunseung’s hands and soon into the same pot. It turned into a darker shade of purple. Junhyung stepped back.

“And? I have nothing to add. Now go lay down or something, you’re distracting me,” he said with a glare.

And something in that tone made Junhyung do as told but he still threw wary looks over his shoulder because maybe he really was insane but that stranger didn’t seem to be too dangerous at the very least.


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