[ONESHOT] Food Expires but...

Aug 10, 2011 03:15

Title: Food Expires but...
Word Count: 3242
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: With an expiration date life would be easier.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: I had to post this or I can't get down to work with TLB which is in finishing state..kinda.. I need to get out of the house to get ideas. GAH I go off-topic in the story and then it goes there and then there and then I don't even know myself.

Everything edible has an expiration date - it keeps them informed how long there is to go, when it should be tossed out and said goodbye with. A part of the daily life as humans have to eat, it’s a necessity in a world which revolves around money, where one simple wrong number loses lots of those precious bills. Everything has been made more convenient, people know what they’re dealing with without bigger surprises making them fear for their backs.

With an expiration date life is easy.

Picking out an item is never difficult, date checked and then a hand is stretched towards the last one against the shelf which is taken to the cashier - one of the millions of small tricks learned with life, only to strive for better in every aspect even if it’s the quality of plain cheese. It’s so easy.

And if everything could be so easy - if only there was such thing in love. If only people would have labels to know their compatibility and how much time they would have, with whom it wouldn’t hurt too much and with whom the future seemed brighter. It’d be easy without bigger complications included, no tears shed at nights, no yelling and packing in frustration - without major drama.

Because love is like food. It’s also a necessity as it just appears in life and doesn’t leave anyone out. It’s an instinct with animals that with the use of intelligence has turned into something more - it’s unpredictable, full of hassles but still so addictive when in it.

If only they knew what they were up against.

Their meeting was nothing interesting, it was a usual meeting which would be forgotten later, usual because it told nothing about the future. There were no hints, no flirting with their eyes, it was just common interest and none of them knew what they would be, how it would fall out.

They met outside of a small shop situated on the outskirts. It was a rough neighborhood which in the morning’s seemed to be the epitome of innocence - the streets were empty, sun reflected back from the pond showering the nearby trees with the familiar glitter. People were slowly waking up, lone barks were heard. Tourists always said it was absolutely beautiful.

Like so many times before, Junhyung was on his ordinary tour for the mid-city, step quite light and rhythmic with headphones attached to his ears - he always took extra time to enjoy the rare peace that at any other time of the day was unheard of. The birds chirping was always faded out by noise pollution, the fresh air lost due to exhaust fumes, sleeping drunkards replaced with noisy ones - everything was perfect in the morning.

And then there was him, a stranger whom Junhyung saw for the first time in his life and he glanced in mere curiosity, seeing how he was helping to lift boxes off of a van which sped off soon after. He could even see him shaking his head just slightly before starting to carry the entire load inside, one box at a time and even a dumb could see those weren’t the lightest. He was new but weirdly comfortable, knowing his thing and never looking in what should be next. Every action was a continuity of the one before.

He looked young, quite Junhyung’s own age but something made him feel more mature than he would consider himself to be. Was it the fact that he was working diligently or it was just the kind of person he was, Junhyung wasn’t sure, but even with that fragile looking body he knew what the owner had had in mind.

The other had disappeared inside again and without further thoughts Junhyung made his steps down the hill, towards the shop along the road he knew well. He didn’t mind it.

“Hey, you work here, right?” He asked easily, knocking on a box once to figure out the insides. It was a habit he had picked up and worked well enough. The stranger was clearly confused for a second but it passed as he moved on to his work again; he didn’t need to state the obvious, his silence was explained. He motioned Junhyung to take a box also before continuing back in.

He complied easily, this was also familiar.

“No, I’m just doing charity here,” His voice dripped from sarcasm, “The manager is coming later if you’re looking for him,” he finished, placing the box down and did a mark on the tag before shifting it behind the counter. Junhyung set his own down and stretched - it was too early in the morning and his muscles were stiff.

“Can I give him a message?” The male had now stood up again and was currently looking at him with no certain expression. His eyes were rather empty and lifeless but still mesmerizing.

Junhyung had hopped on a free counter, his legs swinging just slightly as he eyed the other. “No, I was just wondering whe-“

“So you’re Junhyung. He warned be about a rascal who likes to step by for free stuff.” His smile was emotionless, Junhyung scoffed knowing his cousin but it soon dissolved.

“I’m Hyunseung by the way.”

Junhyung took another glance before their hands met in quite a firm handshake, both pair of eyes smaller due to the smiles lingering on their lips. It wasn’t too sincere, just out of politeness but both found it rather nice and as Junhyung was thinking how now to get his daily free ice-cream, Hyunseung thought if he can get rid of him in time.

And so it began. The rare visits weren’t so rare anymore, small chats dragged on for hours, smiles turned into wholehearted laughs and Junhyung always left when the other literally kicked him out with something edible in his hands. All the threats of throwing out into the water only resulted in soft punches against arms and jokes about how Junhyung wouldn’t survive without him. And he agreed as long as he got what he wanted.

They got along, their personalities clicked too well because if he wanted it or not, he was a realist who was certain it was going to bring him trouble in the future which he had wanted to avoid so much. Keeping away from it had become impossible.

He couldn’t help it. He wished but he couldn’t.

They fell for each other.

Fell and it didn’t look too complicated in the beginning. It was Hyunseung who took the first step by just bluntly saying it out. Maybe a bit too bluntly as Junhyung had looked at him in disbelief, with an expression that stated he was shocked. The elder’s eyes still bore into his until he snapped out of his thoughts and hit his eyes to the ground, replying with a single ‘Mh’ and a slight nod which earned him a laugh.

He had never been so embarrassed before.

It let him believe the older was joking, was toying around with his emotions which had been clearer than water, he had never minded if he knew or not, had always hated useless games but apart from all that he still felt ashamed because Hyunseung seemed to be mocking him. But it was gone soon as Hyunseung only saw one way to convince him, he didn’t hesitate leaning in when Junhyung’s eyes widened and Hyunseung closed the gap, his lips pressing into soft ones and it felt too perfect.

And so began the process when things turn complicated. They were young, not even sure of their own purpose which made them rush in every aspect of life; decisions had to be made soon as they knew no one was going to wait. They discovered the ups and downs of the world together, tried to make it last as long as possible wondering when life was going to end it.

End something that was so sweet, so innocent.

They didn’t deny it, didn’t try to escape from the future which was waiting them ahead with a sad smile and two paths - Junhyung had stated his goals, Hyunseung had stated his, and no matter how and when it would happen they knew it would separate them.

They were realists. Future was far more important.

And it happened sooner than expected when Junhyung was offered a golden opportunity which Hyunseung didn’t let him pass. It hurt like staggers stabbing his heart, hurt like someone was strangling him when voicing out those words, when he told him he wanted Junhyung to go. He said he couldn’t miss the chance because no one knows how many doors are open and as the world goes around, so will the people on it.

It seemed Hyunseung was a tad bit more of a realist as he said nothing would last but Junhyung always thought he took the responsibility as he was older - by mere months, it didn’t matter. He had to do it and bury Junhyung’s hope and belief in possibilities and he succeeded - he understood.

They were young, he knew it. But life was too long for regrets.

And so Junhyung’s actions were decided - he left. He walked away with a painful heart, dragging his legs behind him as his throat was clumped up and eyes were glistening. Hyunseung said goodbye with a smile on his face which he knew was his for the last time. He might never see it again.

The elder’s eyes were dry, opposite to the younger as his hands weren’t even trembling in the last hug. He looked so strong but they both knew Hyunseung was the one hurting the most. Unlike Junhyung he needed people beside him and the younger could only hope for someone even though his selfishness wanted Hyunseung to keep on waiting.

And apart from the last words, they assured themselves that they were still young with lives ahead waiting for them to overcome the world. They have to study, try to reach towards their dreams and live on.

They assured that they would keep in contact.

But among all those were the unsaid words. They knew they wouldn’t keep it up for long, drifting apart was so easy. They knew it was just a stage of life to live through, to grow and step on with straight back and confidence, to be strong.

And so his back disappeared behind the wall Hyunseung wasn’t allowed to pass. He was now finally out of his reach and he could only think when this pain would subside.

5 years passed, it was tough at first but soon days went by without a notice. These years may not seem too important but every person changes the most during that period as life doesn’t spoil them, doesn’t keep them safe but instead shows claws and teaches lessons which now are worth a lot more than a new friend. They are both independent now, have learned to live on their own, have been taught to survive.

Junhyung finally came back with important papers and also fame for his work. He was seen on television, been on the cover of newspapers and magazines at times with business, other times with scandals. But he was respected by many and every article mentioned his bright future that was ahead of him, waiting for him to grow and waiting to see what else he can accomplish and how far he can go.

He was well-known and just like dreaming years ago while walking along his favorite alley, he no longer had to take the metro, no longer he had to count the money in hope to have enough for two pieces of bread. He made enough and more to live comfortably.

All the predictions were right - they stopped talking somewhere in the middle of the second year, in wintertime when they both were busy with their lives, new associates, new friends.

And new relationships. Because life goes on and emotions never wait. They knew it was easier this way, Junhyung said what was on his mind but Hyunseung kept quiet for a second before sighing  he said he understood and that was it. There were too many words unsaid, he didn’t assure him and tell him to keep a positive mind because they both knew Junhyung was aware how Hyunseung would take it.

They continued with friendship and freedom. One for a short while, other for a year. Hyunseung knew and held no grudges, he was realist enough and tortured himself until he learned let go.

He finally came back and in the midst of the 4th week Junhyung thought it was about time to call the other up, to see what he was up to, to see if he could have a chat because it felt right, he felt some kind of responsibility. And in some way he could imagine the elder’s murdering gaze when heard he had walked on Korea’s surface for so long without notice.

Junhyung likes the memories they shared.

The number was still the same and so was the waiting tone, bringing up how he used to call him 2 am in the morning to open his window. And he almost had hoped to hear also an answer just like all those years ago, cold at first unless he was angry or hyper. There still was that hope but it didn’t surprise him either when he heard a different voice - it was way too low, way too different and wasn’t melodic at all. And he knew he felt protective.

“Hello…Is this Hyunseung?” He asked, voice suddenly wary and he found himself punching his thigh with his fist. He was feeling like a young boy again waiting for Hyunseung to pick up and ask him out on a date.

“Oh, wait a second please.” He heard rustling on the other side and then movement but then the phone was covered and a shout was given out.


It wasn’t jealousy when something tugged at his heart but he didn’t need to think twice to understand it as he described them as invisible threads which made it feel like Hyunseung was his and his only just because they held together memories he treasured so much. Those threads were everything he had to keep reminded about where he was now, from what he had started - about the past.

And there it was.

“Hello?” His voice finally made it through, a bit rushed and a bit out of breath but still held that something that had always been distinctive to Hyunseung. His voice was lower now, the feeling was different and it made Junhyung wonder about things he hadn’t had time to wonder about before.

“Hey, it’s me,” he said and added fast, “Junhyung.” Without acknowledging his fingers started to fiddle with the pencil that had appeared out of nowhere. He had faced the press numerous times, had faced unexpected interviews and at all times he had kept his cool but now, now he felt pathetic.

But it wasn’t for long as the other voice lightened up and Junhyung could practically imagine the smile, “Junhyung! Haven’t heard from you in ages, how have you been?”

Junhyung’s corners of his mouth tugged up as he leaned back in his seat. It felt nice. Nothing had reminded him home, nothing that would give him a feeling of security and he had to be on his toes at all times but ever since he had stepped down on his home-land, he remembered how it felt. And a familiar voice was exactly what he needed.

“Oh you know, came back to Korea. Thought that maybe we should catch up, you know, to see how you’re doing.” Junhyung said as he stood up, walking back towards the kitchen, doing routes he once again didn’t even acknowledge. The pencil wasn’t just enough anymore.

“Oh sure!” Junhyung could hear the delight in his voice. “So when are you free?”

They chose to meet in the morning, they always had after Junhyung showed him what morning’s hid,  helped him to see it, to enjoy it. That’s why it was early now, sun was up but not high and their meeting place was in an outside café near the river. It was a surprise it was still open.

He sat down and ordered the coffees. There had been updates made, making it look more like a tourist attraction - it was no longer the little hut he would buy chocolate at, it was now built up well making him still ponder about how they fit everything when Hyunseung appeared.

Junhyung had to admit, 5 years had done good for him. There was still something that made him look naïve with what he managed to fool so many, including him. He could also tell he was still dancing, his physique and especially his movements gave it away, and Junhyung had always been entranced by his talent. There was always something extra that only the older was able to pull off.

His hair had also changed, he had left his dark locks behind and now styled better. It was colored but already fading off, leaving it just lighter but still as eye-catching. His whole personality just demanded for attention and he always managed to look so effortless but still so good.

He looked so familiar but so different at the same time and probably so did Junhyung. Time had passed and when he was seen everywhere, he couldn’t get info about Hyunseung at all. Only vague words like ‘he’s doing well’ were the replies and he didn’t ask for more. He still had no idea how Hyunseung had really dealt with his leave and no one wanted to help him either.

His eyes were still the same, as big and full of expressions as years ago and Junhyung had always wondered if that was the reason he could read him so well, if that’s why he was so good at reading his thoughts - no one had been able to surpass it.

Maybe it was just a longing for something unwillingly left behind, he didn’t know.

Junhyung stood up and hugged him briefly before they both sat down. He was warm.

Their coffees arrived a second later, Hyunseung didn’t question about it. They just sat in a comfortable silence while sipping their drinks, only eye-contact was held in a try for testing the other out, in a try which they didn’t really understand themselves. But what was sure was their try to see if there were any drops of familiarity.

Hyunseung was first to manage on a smile to which Junhyung immediately responded with the same. The smiles were light, almost nonexistent but still there, lingering and remembering everything good that came with it even if it was in the past and stupid. What mattered was the thought.

His voice was soft but still clear.


And Junhyung didn’t know what it was but for once again he felt that it was going to be fine. He was going to be fine just like those years ago until he had stepped behind the wall and fell to his knees. He had had to be strong. Had to see if his fate would bring him back to him or it was just a phase to prepare him for life ahead.

In either ways, he was home. Now he had to figure out if their time had stopped in the airport.

oneshot, junseung

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