[TLB16] The Last Bridge (2/2)

Aug 01, 2011 15:37

Title: The Last Bridge - Chapter 16 (2/2)
Word Count: 1656
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: Two boys meet, each with their own problems. What path has life laid out for them?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: This part is a bit shabbier and rushed. I apologize for being lazy :X

The days passed as usual. Waking up, going to school to nap, lunch with the usual people apart from Junhyung whose whereabouts weren’t even mentioned but who certainly was on the school-grounds, going home alone, doing nothing, reading, eating and then to sleep.

Usual routine which he used to be satisfied with but now was annoying him until no end. He even found himself snapping at people but they all forgave and that irritated him even more.

He was bored.

Was it actually boredom or not, or had he just gone crazy, but his mind came at peace with his heart as he accepted Yoseob’s invitation to their movie night. He accepted it knowing Junhyung would be there with his girlfriend and even though Yoseob said it’d be fine if he wasn’t ready, Hyunseung nodded with a smile and said some reassuring words that he wanted to.

He had nothing to lose. If it was going to hurt, it better hurt well because he had had enough of it. And maybe then his heart would give up, at least there wouldn’t be any regrets for things he would leave undone because he knew regret was even worse.

He went there with determination, it’s now or never.

And this time it was all up to him.

Junhyung and his girlfriend were the latest ones to arrive, other's had already fixed their spaces before the television (the bigger the better like Yoseob says) and well, everything at Yoseob’s house was even better than at Hyunseung’s and the sound system, he envied that.

He knew he must’ve gone crazy as when eyeing Junhyung from the corner of his eyes he could only think that he could work with that jacket that younger had on. And he also knew it was all the alcohol talking which had made its way down his throat at home, burning, but he enjoyed it. He needed courage and even though it was childish and stupid, it felt necessary.

There was no way he was going to go through with this while being totally sober.

She got along with everyone, and even Hyunseung couldn’t find any dislike for her when they managed to change a couple of words. She was nice, almost too nice and he knew guilt would be torturing him if he hadn’t forbidden it. He wanted to be completely selfish for once, only once and see what would happen.

After all, he could also take it as a lesson on how to control guilt for the future he had planned for himself and at that moment was certain he could achieve, illusion or not.

The movie started and everyone made their way back to their places and even Hyunseung turned his attention on the screen.

The time passed fast and Hyunseung snapped out of it when others were already commenting about it, the credits were rolling, some stood up in order to pick out another movie, others stayed seated and just shared thoughts.

And Hyunseung, he acted fast, saw the bowls half-empty and made an excuse to get some more. He made his way towards the kitchen, first steps slightly wavering from nervousness and the alcohol in his system as he passed Junhyung’s couch. He wasn’t even thinking, didn’t even acknowledge when he grabbed from his sleeve, tugged first before pulling him up and dragged him along.

Junhyung didn't even have time to react.

The chips made their way on the cupboard fast, waiting to be opened while Junhyung just stood there, not really doing anything apart from leaning against the cupboard eyeing him but not saying a word.

Hyunseung’s fingers were slightly trembling from the gaze on him but he managed to keep his posture because he knew if he wanted to even stand a chance, he had to look as nonchalant as Junhyung.

And even though he wanted to leave and give up on everything he couldn’t.

He hadn’t even thought this out, he didn’t even know what he was going to do or say but his body acted on his own as it took in a non-visible breath while pushing himself away from the table, slowly, before turning to Junhyung and just locked their eyes.

"Junhyung." He said, voice surprisingly stable and slightly lower than intended but just perfect as he stepped closer. Junhyung was as motionless as ever but there was a glint in his eyes. He was waiting.

It got easier with every step, got easier and that same glint gave him confidence.

Hyunseung broke the gaze, looking once over Junhyung's shoulder before letting his eyes drop on his chest, on the helms of the jacket which he took hold of with his hands, gently tugging at them before raising his eyes again.

He liked how Junhyung's eyebrow was just slightly raised in a daring manner.

"Hmm.." Hyunseung let one of his hands travel to the other's hair, seemingly fixing it as he continued "Your father told me you were a love-sick puppy, what happened?" His hand travelled back lower, brushing against the side of his face and dragging among his jawbone before lying on his chest, fingertips on the collarbone that his shirt didn’t cover.

He looked up, Junhyung seemed to be slightly taken aback. "Love-sick puppy, don't take his words seriously, he's ju-"

"What’s wrong? Why are you denying it?" Hyunseung interrupted, voice holding a slightly amused tone as he leaned closer, cheek touching against the other's before placing his chin on Junhyung’s shoulder after taking the last step closer, now chests touching. His hands made it around other, resting on his lower back and fingers clasped the jacket material once again.

The other didn't answer but his hands ended up on the other’s waist. Warmth washed over Hyunseung.

"Junhyung~?" He whispered into his ear and a smile made itself into a smirk as the other shivered. Having no idea where this excessive courage came from, he decided to use it to the maximum. He could only think that maybe, just maybe he had a couple of too many drinks, it was all too fuzzy.

He dragged his hand a bit up and back down and soon made its way under the jacket and rested a bit, taking in the soft material of the shirt. Junhyung still stood as still as before.

But then as Hyunseung lightly let his lips ghost over Junhyung's neck, everything suddenly moved too fast. He was pushed backwards, legs barely managing to stay balanced and his mind was a blur for seconds before he felt pressed into a cold surface.

He found himself looking at Junhyung who was now leaned over, face close, noses almost touching. Hyunseung’s mind wasn’t even working anymore, his breath was hitched and his former cover was gone. All he could do was to stare before Junhyung placed his mouth near the other's ear.

"Don't play games you can't win." And there was definitely a smirk which Hyunseung knew without even having to see.

A pair of lips brushed against his neck again before another peck was given to his jawbone. That was definitely not the way it was supposed to fall out. It was nothing like his original plan. It was supposed to be him getting the answers, Junhyung giving in or just walking away, but certainly not him being the victim.

He struggled, he tried to push the other away but Junhyung didn't budge. He only tightened his grip on the other's hips and gave Hyunseung no chance to escape. A second later he could feel skin against his skin - Junhyung’s hands had already made its way under his shirt.

"Junhyung wha-" He started but was silenced and his eyes widened as lips were now pressed against his, lingering for a moment before starting to move, slowly deepening it. Hyunseung’s mind was in a blur, it was conflicted and didn’t even understand what was going on before Junhyung asked for entrance which he granted, without having any right to decide. His body acted on his own as tongues entwined and played around while Hyunseung’s hands found its way around Junhyung's neck, one messing with the hair on the back of his head.

It felt good, the built-up stress was fading away, frustration was lost. His body was playing a slut by wanting more contact as he pressed back into the other body, wanting more and more attention and Junhyung didn’t seem to mind it. His cold hands were roaming around under his shirt, the contrast making it even better.

But the moment was short-lived, Doojoon’s voice reached their ears which told that the movie was going to start and they were impatient for chips. Junhyung removed himself instantly, hands made their way back to his hips again but Hyunseung could still feel his skin tingling.

"Don't make this harder." He whispered while stabilizing his breath and Hyunseung could see it was sincere, it wasn’t an order or a statement. It was a plea which now made all the forbidden guilt fill his mind. Hyunseung felt like he had done a mistake, a big one and just maybe this kind of regret was even worse.

Junhyung had stepped away, giving him the last glance before grabbing two bag of chips. But Hyunseung grabbed his arm, yanking him back and looking for the brown orbs which would tell him anything, it didn’t matter what, but the only thing he saw was how tired they were, just like his smile.

It was agonizing.

Hyunseung didn’t know what he was going to utter out, he just felt his mouth open, lips still slightly swollen but only thing his disobeying mind was thinking on were some words which made their way out.

"I don't care." Can’t you see?

But Junhyung just looked at him, his expression was serious but slightly sympathetic as he removed the grip on his arm gently, placing it back at Hyunseung’s side.

"But I do."

(tlb) the last bridge series, junseung

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