I have twitter! Youhouu! I know, it's weird but since my phone has internet now I though "why not?". So here's the all thing: http://twitter.com/#!/LydziS . I have yet to get how exactly the all things work but I will in time
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Ce soir j'ai regardé un docu en replay donc pas vu Pan Am. Ce sera pour demain. Si tu veux regarder entre temps et faire une review, surtout ne te gênes pas *ne cherche pas du tout à influencer*
je suis East_Of_Hell (Hell) et je tweete assez souvent (surtout depuis que jmon Blackberry Curve me permet de poster des photos de Ganesh). et je t'ai friendé ! bienvenue à bord ^^ ah et je retweete pas mal de politique et de gay-friendly (dont Lynn Flewelling, l'auteur de Nightrunners)
....... comment tu m'as grillé sur ce coup XD (oui je protège mes tweets vu que je tweete régulièrement du boulot) je t'ai accepté ! coupine X3
Oh look another person who got twitter and I still don't hehehe ^^ I'm still not giving in but if the day comes you'll definitely be on my list of follows sweetie. How's life? ♥
Life is fine ^^. It's surprisingly sunny here XD. I'm going to cut my hair on thursday so I'm excited (I'm so easily excited :/). And you love? How are you? <3
Oh YAY you're getting some sunshine!! That's great. We had a gorgeous day on Saturday though the weather's turned a but damp and a wee bit chilly since then...but I don't mind much.
Oooo are you getting much of a change in hairstyle?? I think it's great your excited about it, I'm a big fan of getting excited over simple things because it brings extra joy into your life :o) My hair is really long these days, I keep debating with myself over whether to get it cut shorter again or leave it long.
I'm doing great because one of my brothers was visiting for a long weekend with his wife and little boy (who's almost 3 and completely adorable) and I got to spend lots of time with them before they left today ^^
Comments 36
et je t'ai friendé ! bienvenue à bord ^^
ah et je retweete pas mal de politique et de gay-friendly (dont Lynn Flewelling, l'auteur de Nightrunners)
....... comment tu m'as grillé sur ce coup XD
(oui je protège mes tweets vu que je tweete régulièrement du boulot)
je t'ai accepté ! coupine X3
Mouahahah j'ai eu cette divine impression d'être Sherlock ^^.
et tu fais plus peur qu'autre chose *pointe l'icône*
Oooo are you getting much of a change in hairstyle?? I think it's great your excited about it, I'm a big fan of getting excited over simple things because it brings extra joy into your life :o)
My hair is really long these days, I keep debating with myself over whether to get it cut shorter again or leave it long.
I'm doing great because one of my brothers was visiting for a long weekend with his wife and little boy (who's almost 3 and completely adorable) and I got to spend lots of time with them before they left today ^^
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