title: killing the cat rating: t chars/pairing: danny, scott/isaac summary: (from the tw prompt meme, for oteap) 3 times Danny thought that Scott and Isaac were sleeping together, and one time that they actually were.
Excellent! It's amazing how often someone outside of a relationship can see it for what it really is while those inside it have no idea. It's great that Danny was that someone. I also liked that you didn't have Isaac and Scott get together immediately, but that the story time-skipped a couple years. Maybe they were together in that time, maybe they weren't, maybe they were exploring the possibility and building a relationship. Whatever happened then makes it easier to believe the place they end up.
ahhh thANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH sorry i didn't reply sooner i kind of forgot about this but omg i'm so happy you guys liked it!! you're way too sweet oh my gosh thank you!
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