Ownership - Part Four

Aug 20, 2010 20:16

Jeff responded to the call immediately, yapping to the rest of the pack and calling them out of basking in the full moon before they started their hunt.  Chad’s cry had come from the cabin and Jeff was thankful he’d had the foresight not to lead the pack too far away.

After returning the call, Jeff led the pack in a full out run, Samantha right by his side.  He could practically sense her anxiety, but didn’t take the time to reassure her or the others.  He didn’t know what they were going to find and wanted everyone on high alert.

It didn’t take long to reach the cabin, the scent of blood strong in the air.  He heard the concerned whines of the pack and simply barked at them in a signal to stay back and wait.

He pounded up the stairs-noticing that the door had been smashed in-and inside.  Chris and Chad parted immediately to let him through and it only tool his keen senses and sharp eyes a second to put together what had happened.

If he’d had time, Jeff would probably have been berating himself for leaving Jensen alone with the werewolf cub, for putting that pressure and responsibility on his shoulders, but he didn’t waste a second.

Positioning himself in front of Chris and Chad, Jeff bared his teeth and snarled at Jared.  Everything in his tone and posture radiated alpha but Jared stood firmer, his ears pointing up and showing no sign of submitting to Jeff’s leadership.
Jeff took a threatening step forward, his eyes falling to Jensen’s bloodied, trembling form.  Jared obviously noticed the look as the next thing he did was to grasp Jensen around the neck with his teeth and drag him further away from the growing crowd, then he was back, standing dominantly in front of the traumatised white and grey wolf, his eyes daring anyone to approach him.

Jeff snarled and snapped his teeth taking another step forward, enraged that Jared wouldn’t back down and let them see to Jensen.  But he knew that Jared wasn’t seeing reason, it was his first change and he was obviously a strong male, not prepared to bow down to anyone.

That didn’t change the fact that Jared had obviously claimed Jensen and it was clear that it wasn’t by mutual agreement.  That had the fur on Jeff’s back rising in barely restrained anger, something he could feel coming off Chad and Chris behind him.

This situation was something Jeff didn’t stand for and he was determined to get Jensen away from this new wolf who didn’t know the rules, back to his family where he was safe and loved.

Jeff prepared himself for a fight, he was going to show Jared what a boss really was, Jared was psyching himself up too and a clash was imminent.  Suddenly, Jensen was between them, his jade wolf eyes pleading with Jeff as he whined and shifted uncertainly.  Just the sight of it broke Jeff’s heart.  His once strong, determined son reduced to a whimpering shell of himself.  He snarled at Jensen to get out of the way while Jared did the same but although Jensen visibly cringed, he didn’t move.

“Jensen, don’t,” Chris’ voice entered the fray but Jensen locked eyes with Jeff and whined again, pleading for there not to be a fight.

Jared barked at Jensen who immediately lowered his eyes and shrink lower to the ground in front of him.  Jeff stared at Jensen in shock.  With a moment of concentration, Jeff shifted into human form.  In the same moment, Chad moved in front of Jeff to protect him and Chris joined him on his other side.

“He claimed him, Jeff,” Chris said, his voice shaking with barely withheld emotion and Jeff was just glad he’d gotten there when he did or there would have been no telling what Chris would have done to get his friend free.

“I know,” Jeff concurred.  He focused his eyes on Jensen, even though the wolf wasn’t looking at him and ignoring the growls of protest from Jared.  “Jensen,” he snapped sharply, pleased when Jensen looked at him, his eyes forlorn and scared.  “Jensen, come here.”

Jeff’s voice radiated authority and it was a tone he very rarely used but he didn’t deem he had a choice.

Jensen moved slowly, as if he were in some pain, but the impulse to obey his alpha was still there and he acted upon it.  That was until Jared snapped his jaws at him and Jensen pressed himself to the floor, his sad, torn eyes falling submissively.

“Jensen,” Jeff said sternly, but this only caused Jensen to whine, confused as to who he was supposed to obey.
It wasn’t something normally done, trying to split a wolf between his or her mate and the pack’s alpha.  Both bonds were incredibly strong and Jeff didn’t know what it was doing to Jensen’s psyche to be pulled in two different directions.

“God damn you, Jared,” Jeff said quietly, emotion breaking through, causing his voice to shake.

“Oh, Jensen.  No.”  Jeff turned to his mate as Samantha put a gentling hand on his arm.  There were tears in her eyes as she looked down at the two wolves.  Jensen lifted watery eyes to her.  He glanced up at Jared who was regarding Samantha with interest, head tipped to the side.

Jeff watched as Samantha crouched naked before the pair, her long blonde hair falling over her shoulders and her movements slow and unthreatening.

“Sam,” he warned, not knowing how Jared would react.  He wanted to pull his mate away, keep her safe, but she was a remarkable and independent woman who knew her own mind, she was also the closest thing Jensen had to a mother so he gave her the chance to improve the situation.

“It’s alright, Jeff,” she said softly but she was looking at Jared who watched her carefully, ears sticking out to the side in suspicion.  “Hello, Jared.  I’m Sam.  Is it okay if I talk to Jensen for a minute?”

“He doesn’t understand you, honey,” Jeff pointed out sadly.  He knew she heard him but she didn’t react to his words.

“Jensen, baby, you okay?” Samantha asked in her sweet voice, a sad smile on her lips.  Jensen sniffed and huffed out what sounded like a sob.  Behind him Jared started getting agitated, a low rumble emanating from him.  Samantha reached out her hand towards Jensen and Jeff tensed.

“You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to,” Samantha told Jensen.  “Come home with us; let us make sure you’re okay.”
Hope rose in Jeff’s heart when Jensen started to stand but it was shattered in the next second when Jared’s strong jaws closed around the back of Jensen’s bloodied neck and he pushed him roughly back to the floor.

Jared’s eyes blazed in anger and he growled violently around his mouthful of fur.  Jeff didn’t hesitate to pull Samantha to her feet and push her behind him, while Chad and Chris both leaned forward, prepared to spring if needed.

“Jeff, he’s so scared,” Samantha whispered, her tear-filled eyes focused on Jensen where he trembled and whined on the floor.

“We’ve got to get him out of there, away from that psycho,” Chris voiced, his face a picture of fury.  “Just say the word, Jeff.”

“No.”  Jeff’s comment shocked the others but he spoke up before they could argue.  “If we try and take Jensen by force Jared could end up hurting him.”  He looked to the sharp teeth just breaking through the already abused flesh of Jensen’s neck.

“He could hurt Jensen if we leave him to it.  Look at what he’s already done,” Chris argued though his voice still held a medium of respect for the alpha.

“We’re going to have to risk it,” Jeff held up his hand to ward off any further protest.  “We can’t get through to Jared until after the moon; he’s almost completely animal in hostile surroundings.  We’ll have to wait until he’s human again.”

“But-” Chris complained but it was Samantha who spoke this time.

“Jared claimed Jensen,” she pointed out and everyone winced at the thought, knowing that Jensen didn’t choose to go along with it or he would be happy and they would be celebrating.  “We’re seen as a threat, trying to take Jensen away and Jared doesn’t know he can trust us, he’s just trying to protect what’s his.”

“Jensen doesn’t belong to anyone.  How many times have we heard him say that?” Chris hissed but quietened under Jeff’s warning glare.

“Chris.  I want you and Chad to stay here but remain outside, don’t stir up trouble, just keep an eye on things and keep Jared inside.  I don’t want him taking Jensen anywhere.”  Chris nodded, glaring at Jared and Chad snorted in agreement.  “Don’t go in or otherwise interact with them unless it seems like Jared is going to hurt Jensen.  You understand?”

Chris hesitated and Jeff worried about leaving him there, but he knew that getting Chris away from Jensen at the moment would be damn near impossible.

“Chris, if you interfere it could put Jensen in more danger.”

“Alright, I understand, but for the record, I don’t like it,” Chris conceded, waiting for Jeff and Samantha to leave the cabin first before nudging Chad out in front of himself.

“We’ll see you in the morning, son,” Jeff said to Jensen kindly.  He took Samantha’s hand and led his wolves away, his heart heavy.  He was with Chris, he didn’t like this one bit but he didn’t see any other option that wouldn’t end with someone, probably Jensen, getting hurt.

As he and Samantha got to the bottom of the steps-the rest of the pack’s glowing eyes on him, waiting to be told the news-Jeff noticed Chris hesitate in the doorway.

“If you hurt him again, I’ll kill you,” Chris told Jared lowly, his voice rough and harsh.

Jeff didn’t berate him for his words as he-and he was sure every member of the pack-echoed them completely.

Turning to the surrounding wolves, Jeff regarded them seriously.  “I’m sure you all heard what’s happened,” he said, knowing that their keen hearing would have allowed them to eavesdrop on the happenings in the cabin and from the sense of unrest in his wolves he knew he was right.  “I want you to continue the hunt.  Tom?  Jason?”  The two wolves stepped forward at their names.  “Can you bring some meat here for the others?”  He received twin snorts of agreement and nodded his thanks.

“Go.  Enjoy the moon,” he ordered and although the pack was slow to obey, their previous enthusiasm diminished, they did gradually trail back into the trees.

As soon as they were alone, only the inhabitants of the cabin, Jeff and Samantha, Chris and Chad left behind, Jeff spun on Chris, his eyes like fire.

“What the hell happened?” he demanded, his fury now coming to the surface.  “You were supposed to be looking out for him.”

Chris-who had been pulling on his jeans-cowered at Jeff’s tone, at his alpha berating him.

“It wasn’t his fault,” Chad insisted, having shifted back to human form and standing beside Chris.  He looked as though he were about to continue Chris’ defence but the man in question placed a halting hand on his shoulder and Chad fell quiet, looking over at Chris with wide, worried blue eyes.

“Yes, it is,” Chris admitted, the pain in his voice evident.  He turned his sad and guilty gaze to Jeff who waited for the whole story before ripping him to shreds.  “I’m sorry, Jeff.  I should have called you right away.  I was just...”  He took a breath and ran a hand distractedly though his hair.  “There was another wolf, one of Sterling’s pack.  I think he followed Jared’s scent, maybe to see if he was going to turn or not.  He was almost all the way to the cabin.”

Jeff stiffened further at this news, not liking the idea of his territory being invaded.  “Go on,” he urged Chris gruffly.

“I didn’t call the alarm because I didn’t know how he would react and Jared was already on edge.  I didn’t think riling things up near him was a good idea.  So I told Jensen to lock the door while I checked it out.  I chased him all the way back to the territory line but I didn’t manage to catch him.  All I got was his scent and it’s someone I’ve never met before.  By the time I got back here and broke down the door it was already too late.  I had Chad call the alarm right away.”

Chris hung his head, obviously beating himself up and although Jeff sympathised he didn’t show it.  “And you,” he turned to Chad, “where do you fit in to all this?”

Chad shifted uncomfortably under the attention but answered, “I caught Chris’ scent on the way to join the pack.  He told me about the trespasser and we ran back here together.  I’m sorry, if I hadn’t have held him up he may have gotten here in time.”

Jeff was silent for a moment as he digested the information.  He didn’t blame them, not really, he didn’t think he would have done any different and he knew neither of them would put any member of the pack in danger of they could help it, especially not Jensen.  If anything, Jeff blamed himself for allowing Jensen to be alone with Jared, he should have known better after seeing how aggressive Jared got.

“Alright, boys,” he said and it was as close to wording forgiveness as he was going to get, but they took it for what it was and relaxed minutely.  “You’ll get some food later and Chad; I’ll have someone bring you some clothes, it’s going to get chilly.  But this time, you sound the alarm straight away, even if it turns out to be a false alarm, got me?”

“Got you,” they said in unison and Jeff nodded in satisfaction before turning away and heading towards the den, his desire to hunt for food gone.

Jensen watched desperately as Jeff led everyone away.  He wanted to cry out for them not to go, not to leave him behind, but he felt like he was being torn in two.

The power Jared’s claiming had over him was more compelling that he ever thought a claiming could be.  He knew it was strong, he’d seen it with other pairs, heard them describe it with wonder, describing the connection and sense of companionship they felt after being together for the first time.  And the way they could barely keep their hands off each other was always a source of amusement to those single wolves, even though a lot of them watched with a sense of longing and jealousy as an unclaimed wolf didn’t get to have sex.

But all those claims had been mutual decisions made by those that had fallen in love, not by those that had claimed in order to exert power over another like Jared had done to him and the uncontrollable loyalty that seemed to compel Jensen’s movements without his mind getting a chance or choice in the matter was terrifying.

It was completely different to the loyalty he felt towards his alpha, Jeff, and it appeared to be more powerful.

Trying to disobey Jared had physically hurt, not to mention the fear of what Jared might do if Jensen had angered him.  It was like everything Jensen had worked for over the last fifty years was now obsolete, wiped out by someone who had finally gotten the better of him, who was stronger and took the one thing he had held onto dearly for so long.  His independence, his sense of self, his fucking self respect.

Now he coward in the back of the room where Jared had put him, too scared to even move in case he pissed the other wolf off and he felt the urge to show Jensen who was in charge again, who Jensen belonged to.  Jensen wondered how long it would take for Jared to do that anyway, to take him again, and how often in the future would he have to submit to his now ‘mate’.

Jared was pacing back and forth in front of the broken doorway, huffing in annoyance and systematically glaring at Chris and Chad who guarded them.  Jensen kept his head down, resting on his two front paws and stayed out of his way.

The confinement wasn’t getting to Jared alone.  The call of the moon was strong and it was like having a chain of silver wrapped around him.  An unbidden whimper sounded in Jensen’s throat and he immediately winced when Jared’s head snapped towards him.

Jared started padding towards him, head cocked to the side in what Jensen could almost be fooled into believing was concern, but when Jensen shuffled backwards, trying to get more distance between them, Jared stopped moving and growled.

Jensen ceased his movement and lowered his head so his nose was touching the floor and his ears were plastered to his head in a submissive gesture.  He was relieved that Jared stopped growling but he walked right to Jensen and started sniffing him and Jensen trembled when his snout brushed against his fur.

Jared snorted as though he found it amusing, his breath parting Jensen’s fur and causing a shiver to go over his flesh.  Normally Jensen would have snapped back if someone had acted that way to him, but now he just felt embarrassment wash over him and he looked away.

Suddenly Jared’s head whipped up at the same time Jensen caught two familiar scents.  Freshly killed deer and Jason.  Glancing towards the door, Jensen’s heart sank and a deep depression pushed at his mind as he met his friend’s wide, shocked eyes.  He was glad Jason was in wolf form, his mouth stuffed full of raw meat and he wasn’t able to word the thoughts Jensen could see running through his head.

When Jared growled at the new presence in the room Jensen automatically flinched.  Jason dropped the meat and gave a bark of confusion at Jensen’s actions.  Jensen closed his eyes, shame welling up inside him.

Jared moved fast, his snarl sounding further away and Jensen looked up to see him backing Jason out of the room.  He stood guard for a minute, making sure no one else tried to enter before turning back to sniff at the food Jason had brought.  It only took a moment for him to be tearing into it with razor sharp teeth and swallowing it down with a hunger that suggested he hadn’t consumed anything for a week.

Jensen watched him out of the corner of his eye.  It was like Jared could sense his eyes on him and lifted his head from his meal, blood dripping off his snout.  With a shake of his head Jared ripped a large chunk of the deer away, padded over to Jensen and dropped it in front of him.

Looking at the bloody bit of meat, Jensen’s stomach rolled.  Normally he would be tucking in greedily, although he preferred to be part of the hunt, especially being one of the best hunters of the pack.  But twinned with his nerves and rising depression, Jensen’s appetite was obsolete.

This didn’t seem to matter though because when Jensen tried to turn his nose up at the meal Jared nudged him with his snout and moved the meat closer, barking at him.  The message was clear, Jensen was to eat.  So under Jared’s watchful eye, Jensen closed his jaws around the food and tore a piece way, forcing himself to chew and swallow even as his stomach protested.

Jared barked again, seemingly satisfied, and went back to his own meal, eating eagerly.  It didn’t take long for the meat to be completely devoured and Jensen felt heavy and uncomfortable.  Jared yawned, his jaws parting to show off his deadly teeth, making the injuries around Jensen’s neck ache at the memory of those teeth slicing into his skin and forcing Jensen into submission.  Jared was settling down on the fallen mattress and Jensen just prayed he went to sleep quickly and didn’t wake up again until the sun was up; he would be back in his human form and hopefully his aggression would have faded.
Once Jared was comfortable, he raised his head and barked at Jensen.  Trying to ignore him made Jensen’s bones ache, so when Jared barked again, a little harsher, Jensen climbed to his feet and walked slowly over to his ‘mate’, head down, ears flat and green eyes sad.

Jensen lay next to the brown wolf, feeling him shift closer so their sides were pressing together.  When Jared rested his head possessively over Jensen’s back and sighed in satisfaction, Jensen closed his eyes and fought against the whine of sorrow he wanted to sound.  Life as he knew it was over, hell, Jensen wished it was over completely, that Jared had just killed him.  Anything would be preferable to this!

There was a chill over most of Jared’s body, cool air brushing over naked skin, but his side was warm where it was pressed against incredibly soft fur.  He snuggled into it a little more before the strangeness of the situation worked its way into his sleepy mind and the furry warmth whined softly.

Jared was sitting up in one second flat and staring down at the wolf that appeared to be his bed companion.  His eyes widened but not so much because there was a wolf there, that surprisingly didn’t bother him; it was more the state of the wolf.  His fur was matted with dried blood, some over his body but mostly around the scruff of his neck.  His body was trembling lightly and when Jared met them, his green eyes were full of liquid, bloodshot as though the wolf hadn’t slept in a week but the most shocking of all was the naked fear in them as they peered cautiously at Jared.

Jared gasped as an imaged flashed through his head, the same white and grey wolf howling at the full moon, the man-the kind one who had cared for him-standing before him, naked, before morphing into the very same creature.

“Jensen.”  The name passed softly through Jared’s lips and he knew, no matter how crazy it was that this wolf was Jensen.  Everything the older man had told him was true.

Leaping to his feet and pulling the bloodstained sheet he touched with his fingertips around himself, Jared put some distance between him and Jensen, while his mind raced over the facts he knew and what they could mean.  He didn’t have time to come to any conclusions however as right at that moment a longhaired man-Chris, he remembered-cleared his throat, drawing Jared’s attention to the busted door.

Chris drew his muscled arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at Jared.  The man looked tired but that was nothing compared to the loathing he projected at Jared.

Raising his head high, Jared stared down the smaller man, refusing to feel intimidated by him, even though he looked like he could handle himself, Jared knew he could do the same.  Instead he changed the focus of attention to the injured wolf on the floor.

Pointing, he said, “Jensen.  What the hell happened to him?”

A nasty sneer pulled at the edges of Chris’ mouth and he took a belligerent step towards Jared, who stood his ground.
“Figures you wouldn’t remember.  It’s not surprising but I had hoped you’d retain just enough of your memory to know what you did.”  When Chris glanced down at Jensen his whole demeanour softened for a moment and Jared could have sworn pain flashed though his blue eyes, possibly even guilt, but it was gone a second later and he was back to giving Jared the death glare.

“You’re saying I did this?  Are you insane?” Jared gawked and looked again at the obviously traumatised wolf.

“You don’t think you did?  Then tell me, Jared, what happened last night. What do you remember?”  Jared frowned as he tried to recall but it was all a jumble of images that didn’t run together and made no sense alone.  “Huh, convenient, isn’t it?  Let’s just hope some of it comes back to you.  But know this,” Chris moved even closer and stared unflinching up into Jared’s eyes, “you hurt him again and I’ll kill you.”

The words sounded hauntingly familiar, as though Chris had said that very thing to him before, but he was stopped from retaliating to the threat when Jensen suddenly stepped in front of him.  The wolf didn’t touch him but his pose was clearly protective even though he didn’t look at Chris the way Jared would have expected.

“Oh, Jen.  Come on, man,” Chris pleaded sounding as though Jensen’s actions had broken his heart.  “Don’t let this guy do this to you.  Not you.”

Jared could only watch as Jensen lowered his head and whined, but his stance remained the same, muscles tense.
“No, don’t you do that.  Don’t you dare shut me out, not over him.”  Chris’ anger was blatant but none of it was directed at Jensen, it was all reserved for Jared.

“Can you understand him?” Jared had to ask, wondering if the small, almost pained sounds the wolf kept eliciting were actually some language unknown to his ears.

“Don’t be an idiot,” Chris snapped and Jared was almost sorry he’d interrupted their weird conversation.  “I just know him; I know how his mind works.”

Jared mouthed “Oh” and tightened the sheet around him, frowning.  He wondered when the hell he would be able to get out of this place and glanced about, hoping to find some clothes.  Oblivious to this, Chris crouched in front of Jensen, extending his hand.  Jared had a strange urge to reach out and stop him but was saved from doing so when Jensen flinched and Chris’ arm withdrew.

“At least talk to me?” Chris begged the wolf, looking for all the world like he wanted to bundle Jensen up in his arms and run away with him.  Jared wished Chris would just go away, but he was curious about what was going on and why Chris thought him responsible.  The idea that Jensen had been hurt didn’t sit well with him and he wanted answers.  “Man, the moon’s over, Jared’s human again.  Would you at least shift so I can check you out, make sure you healed okay?”

Jensen didn’t seem to reply to Chris’ request but he did lower himself down so he was lying on the floor, head on his forelegs and that in its self spoke volumes, Jensen obviously didn’t want to talk to Chris.

“Hey, just leave him alone, alright.  Even I can see you’re upsetting him,” Jared spoke, feeling very protective of the wolf with the sad green eyes.

“Like you care,” Chris barked, standing to his full height-which while it was nothing on Jared the man was still a formidable presence-and glaring at Jared like he was the bane of the universe.  “Like you give a shit about him after what you’ve done, what you’ve taken.”

“What?” Jared yelled arms flying out to the side as his own anger finally came through, sick to death of more cryptic accusations.  “What exactly am I supposed to have done that was so bad?”

“You fucked him,” Chris screamed, his face turning red in his rage.

Jared paused, taken aback by this new and very clear charge.  Surely Chris wasn’t serious?  Surely he’d remember something like that?

“I what?” he blurted, his mind warring over being angry, shocked, confused and sickened.  He looked down at Jensen when the wolf whimpered, green eyes closing causing the liquid swimming in them to soak into his fur, and he knew, he didn’t know how but he just knew, Chris spoke the truth.  “I...”  He tried to remember, but yet again it was all just a jumble of images, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t make head nor tails and every attempt made his head hurt.  “Why don’t I remember?  What happened?”

“You shifted, just like we said you would.”

Both men turned to the door at the sound of Jeff’s voice and for a moment Jensen’s head rose, but it quickly lowered again and he was back to avoiding eye contact with everyone.

“You couldn’t keep control of yourself and Jensen was the one to pay the price.”  Jeff spoke calmly, he could even be accused of being friendly but Jared wasn’t fooled because Jeff couldn’t hide the hostility in his eyes.  “Now it’s perfectly normal to have some memory loss for the your first few shifts, things will get better for you in time.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t help us with learning the details of what happened last night and what happened to Jensen.”

“So ask Jensen,” Jared exploded, he’d had enough.  He was accused of hurting the only man he’d met here who wasn’t hostile to him, repeatedly told he was now a werewolf and now the evidence indicated that might actually be true but he couldn’t remember shit and no one around here seemed to be falling over themselves to help him. If anything they looked like they would rather he were dead.  “You already know I can’t remember and from the looks of things I don’t really want to.  So I can’t help you, now give me some goddamn clothes and let me out of here, or I swear that when I get back to civilization I’m going to set everything I can find on your shape shifting asses.”

“Chad?” Jeff called over his shoulder; a second later a tall, blond-haired man entered the cabin holding two sets of clothing.

He set one on the floor before Jensen, smiling softly and ruffling the fur on his head, ignoring the way Jensen shrank away from him and handed the other set to Jared.  He eyed him up and down for a moment and sighed.

“I don’t know for sure if these are going to fit you, dude.  You’re one big son of a bitch, but they’re the best I could find from the people willing to lend you things, and even that took some begging.”  The blond smirked but for once Jared wasn’t being looked at like he was the enemy.  Then Chris grabbed Chad’s arm and pulled him away, giving him a “What the fuck” look.  Chad shrugged carelessly and sent Jared a wink.

“Chad,” Chris exclaimed and Chad scowled at him.

“Oh come on.  It wasn’t really his fault and you know it.  Look at him, the guy’s clearly confused as hell; just give him a break, yeah?” Chad protested and Jared found he was very grateful for the small amount of support it gave him.

“No,” Chris growled and flung Chad’s arm away.  “I guess we all know who the real blame lies with.”

Chad’s face fell and he looked at Chris with a crestfallen expression, his mouth gaping open and closed.  “I didn’t mean-”

“Another time, boys,” Jeff cut off Chad’s apology leaving him looking guilty as hell.  “By all means dress yourself and then please, join me for breakfast, see the den.  I have things I would like to discuss with you, things you need to know.”  Again Jeff came across as calm and polite, giving Jared the option but Jared was pretty sure things would be quite different if he refused the offer.  On the upside, he would be getting out of the godforsaken cabin that now looked like a scene from a horror movie and he had to admit-even though he would never say it out loud-he was curious to see this den, to learn more about these people and how they lived so deep in the forest.

With a curt nod, Jared moved away from the other men, taking his bloodied sheet with him, and started pulling the dark blue jeans and grey t-shirt on.  The jeans were a little too short and hung just on his hips and the t-shirt was too tight, clinging to his skin, but they would do.

“You too, Jen,” Jeff was saying.  “Time to shift and get dressed, Sam’s making breakfast and you know you don’t want to miss that.”

Jared watched over his shoulder as Jensen shrank, his ears plastered to his head and he shuffled a little closer to where Jared stood.  Jared frowned at the display, noticing the way Jeff frowned at the wolf, how Chad stared at Jensen in disbelief and Chris sent an angry glare Jared’s way.

“Jensen,” Jeff said harshly and Jensen flinched, causing Jared to scowl, watching carefully as Jensen trembled and whined as Jeff spoke, as if the wolf were actually in pain.  “I told you to shift, now do as you’re told so we can talk.”

When Jensen started to rise to his feet, his head hung low, Jared felt a jolt of anger at Jeff shoot through him.  He quickly stepped over to the wolf and placed a hand on his head.

“Hey,” he snapped, glaring harshly at Jeff.  “You can’t tell him what to do.  He doesn’t have to shift if he doesn’t want to.”  He looked down in concern as he felt Jensen shake beneath his hand.  “You want to stay a wolf?  Then stay a fucking wolf, don’t let this asshole boss you around.”

Jensen whined, looking up at Jared with his big, soulful eyes, but he didn’t shift and the shaking in his body lessened considerably.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Jeff snarled, coming toe to toe with Jared, who stood tall and met his eyes without fear.

“Who do you think you are?” Jared bit back.

“I’m his alpha.  I’m the pack’s alpha and you,” Jeff shoved Jared in the chest with an open palm, “will do well to remember that and show me some fucking respect.”

The low growl that sounded in the room took everyone by surprise and they all looked down at Jensen who was standing, baring his teeth at Jeff.  Jared watched as Jeff took a step back, shock colouring his features before his face crumbled and he knelt before the wolf, raising a hand to place it on his head.

“Okay, Jen.  I’m sorry,” Jeff said gently, obviously trying to keep his anger in check. “No more arguing, I promise.  Let’s just go get some breakfast and show Sam you’re okay, she’s worried about you.”

Jensen immediately lowered his head, as though ashamed by his actions, and backed up closer to Jared, whining softly.  Jared frowned at the display, wondering why Jensen had stepped between them, just as he had done between him and Chris earlier.

When Jensen bumped into Jared’s leg the wolf flinched as though he was expecting Jared to be pissed about it and lash out at him.   This confused Jared even more; Jensen seemed set on defending him but at the same time was terrified of him. Jared was finding it hard to compare the strong, kind man he’d met yesterday with the trembling wolf before him, but when Jensen looked up at him with watery, emerald eyes Jared had no doubt they were one in the same.

Wanting to comfort him, Jared touched Jensen’s head between his ears, marvelling at how normal the action felt. He was disappointed that Jensen tensed under him but Jared didn’t remove his hand.

“Alright,” Jared said, accepting the fragile truce for now. “I’ll come with you to breakfast.”

Jared followed Jeff through the trees, Jensen close at his side. It was strange that having Jensen near him made him feel calmer, able to just go along with things and accept what he was about to see. Jensen didn’t touch him and when Jared looked down at the wolf he noticed that Jensen wasn’t looking at anybody at all, not Chris and Chad who trailed along behind them or his alpha, as Jeff had called himself, in front of them. He especially didn’t look at Jared. Yet his presence was soothing nonetheless.

When the thick trees broke, Jared had to gasp at what he saw. It was like a community of people living comfortably in the forest. There were men and women, even some wolves loitering around, just going about their daily lives. Jared watched in awe as a couple of wolves shifted into human form, walking naked through the camp like it was nothing, greeting people as they went before entering a tent which Jared assumed to be their home.

Jeff looked over his shoulder at him and smiled knowingly. He led them to a large campfire in the centre of the clearing, walking over to a beautiful lady with long blonde hair and kissing her softly. The woman smiled at him before turning her attention to Jared. Her eyes darted down to Jensen and Jared noticed the pain in her features.

Looking at Jensen, Jared realised with horror that his fur was still covered in blood, a detail that hadn’t gone unnoticed by the people around them.

“Jared, I’d like you to meet my wife and mate, Samantha,” Jeff said, his voice filled with pride and awe as he showed off his partner.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Jared greeted politely, tearing his eyes away from Jensen to nod his head at Samantha who smiled softly at him and moved over to place a hand on his arm.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Jared,” Samantha replied, though her voice was kind it was filled with sadness. “Though I wish it were under better circumstances. You must have many questions, please, sit, eat, and we will do our best to ease the way for you.”

Before Jared could reply, Samantha crouched before Jensen and ran a hand over his snout, rubbing the scruff of his bloody neck. Jared felt an irrational sense of jealously flare up in him but he shook it off and sat on one of the small logs that surrounded the fire. There were many other small fires set about the place, each tended to by someone, like it was there own stove, and the smell of cooking breakfast filled the area, making Jared’s mouth water.

“Jensen?” Samantha said questioningly. “Are you not going to join our discussion?”

Jensen’s head dropped for a second but then he lifted his snout and nuzzled into Samantha’s neck, like he wanted to hug her but as he didn’t have the arms to do so this was the next best thing. Jared spoke without even thinking about it.
“Jensen doesn’t want to shift, even though Jeff tried to bully him into it.” Samantha’s head snapped up quickly, her eyes sharp and Jared knew in that second that this was no mere woman, that she was a force to be reckoned with.

Then her eyes met her husbands and when she spoke her voice was sharp. “You ordered him to shift?” she accused, slightly alarmed.

“I needed to talk to him, Sam, and he was too scared to shift,” Jeff explained keeping his defensive tone to a minimum while talking to his wife. “But it appears that Jared’s influence over him is more powerful than mine.” Jared frowned at this, not understanding what Jeff meant while at the same time feeling like boasting about it, like he’d won something special.

“Is that so?” Samantha asked intrigued but she couldn’t hide the concern this news brought her. “Jeff, I think it may be best if I talk to Jared alone.” She quickly continued speaking before Jeff could voice his protest. “I will not have hostility at my table and it’s like a bolt of lightning waiting to strike between you two. Plus, I think it would make Jensen feel better.” She gave Jeff a pointed look and her husband set his shoulders before nodding stiffly and stalking away, murmuring something in Chris’ ear as he passed. Chris glared at Jared, saying something back to Jeff before strolling casually over to Chad and speaking quietly to him. It was clear they were setting up some kind of guard, making sure Samantha was protected while alone with Jared and Jared did his best to ignore them.

While Samantha set about serving up some breakfast, sitting herself on the log next to Jared, and Jensen settled on his belly on Jared’s other side, staring into the fire as though off in his own world, Jared took a moment to look more closely at the den as Jeff called it. He could see that the tents weren’t the only places people were living, there were a few shacks, but they were poorly built and Jared wondered what they were for, perhaps storage as he couldn’t see anyone actually living in them.
He noticed there were several holes in the ground that humans and wolves emerged from occasionally. He marvelled at the idea and wondered if some of these werewolves chose to stay in wolf form all the time, living underground like their cousins.

“This is quite a place you’ve got here,” Jared had to comment as he hungrily are up the food Samantha had prepared them. Although it breakfast was simple bread and bacon, fried over the camp fire, it was good and the cuts were thick and plentiful.

“Thank you, Jared,” Samantha said graciously, smiling as she placed a plateful of meat before Jensen who licked her hand in thanks. “We’ve put a lot of work into making it comfortable for everyone as each individual has their own needs and desires. I hope that you decide to stay for a while, learn more about us.”

Out of the corner of his eye Jared could see people watching them and whispering to each other. When their eyes fell on Jensen they were worried, afraid, even pitiful, but when they set their sights on Jared they were filled with brutal hatred and hostility. The looks unnerved Jared but even so, he sat up a little straighter and just glared right back at them, daring them to start something. A few looked away at the challenge but there were some-Chris included-who bared their teeth as though eager to take a bite.

“I’m not sure I’d be welcome,” Jared said distractedly.

“Don’t worry about them,” Samantha replied, sending a scolding look in the others direction making them turn away. “They’re just worried about Jensen, he means a lot to this pack.” Samantha gave Jensen a fond look but Jensen lowered his head as though ashamed.

“Why are they worried about him? Because…” he paused. “Jeff and Chris say I hurt him, that I’m responsible for his injuries, but I don’t remember a thing. I have no idea what happened or why I would do something like that,” Jared said, his voice beseeching. Samantha looked sympathetic and nodded her head.

“When a wolf first shifts, it can be very difficult to control their emotions and the animalistic side of the wolf tends to take over. You were acting more out of instinct that any personal feeling of your own.” She placed a hand on Jared’s arm and looked at him intently. “Jared, it’s not your fault. Unfortunately, with your memory loss it’s hard to say what actually happened last night.”

“Will I ever remember?” Jared wasn’t sure what answer he was looking for.

“I don’t know. It’s possible some things may come back to you but when and how much? No one can say,” Samantha explained kindly, her voice full of understanding.

“So that’s why everyone’s worried? They’re afraid I’m going to hurt him… again?” Jared asked, his anger rising again. He felt like he was being held on trial but not being allowed to enter the courtroom.

“That’s part of it,” Samantha agreed, looking sadly at Jensen.

“What else could it be? Is it because he doesn’t want to shift back? What’s wrong with that? I can see other wolves that haven’t shifted,” Jared said defensively, he lowered his voice and hissed at Samantha, “And I’m sick of the death glares? Everyone’s looking at me like I’m about to blow.”

Beside him, Jensen winced and shifted uncomfortably, only settling (or rather freezing) when Jared put an apologetic hand on his back. Samantha smile at the move, a secret sparkle in her eyes, and not a single bit deterred by Jared’s outburst.

“There are a lot of things you need to learn, about our ways and what being a wolf now means to you.” Jared visibly tensed at her words and Jensen seemed to sense it, shrinking closer to the ground. Tipping her head to the side, Samantha raised an eyebrow. Do you still deny that you’re a wolf now?”

“Yes,” Jared exploded loudly, making several heads turn in their direction. “Well, no,” he reiterated and then deflated. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe and everything people say is all cryptic and vague, I don’t seem to be able to get a straight answer and I don’t remember anything that happened.”

Samantha leaned in and spoke conspiratorially, “I think they’re a little nervous about that temper of yours.” When Jared opened his mouth to protest Samantha simply smiled, chuckling a little, and Jared blew out a breath.

“But they’re not afraid to leave me with you?” he asked, half jokingly.

“Oh, believe me; I’m tougher than I look. Besides, you wouldn’t get within an inch of me before someone took you down.” Samantha winked and Jared decided he liked this woman, he didn’t think anybody wouldn’t, which was probably why Jared was sitting talking to her rather than Jeff.

Jared watched as a wolf shifted into a pretty woman with long dark hair. Everyone around treated it as though it were completely normal.

“Can I do that?” Jared asked, nodding to the woman. “Shift whenever I want?”

“In time,” Samantha confirmed. “You’re still just a cub, but with practice and help,” she tipped her head towards Jensen, “then I’ve no doubt you’ll get it in no time. When Jensen decides to join us he’ll talk you through it.”

“Why Jensen?” Jared questioned, glancing at the wolf that cringed rather than looked up at his name.

“Because you and Jensen-”

Jensen barked sharply. He lifted his head and glared into Samantha’s eyes. When Samantha asked, “Are you sure?” he shook his head and snorted in which Jared assumed was consent.

Placing her hands in her lap, Samantha regarded Jensen for a time before giving a sigh and nodding. “Alright,” she said. “It’s your choice.”

“What’s going on?” Jared interrupted the melding of minds, glancing from one to the other in confusion.

“Jensen wants to be the one to tell you himself, which is his right and I will not go against his wishes. Now, Jensen, why don’t you take Jared to where he can stay and get him settled, hmm?”

“Oh no, that’s alright. I was going to be heading out anyway, so I won’t be a bother anymore. I’m grateful for all the help when I was hurt but I think it’s best I leave now.” Jared got to his feet, stretching his muscles out. Samantha also rose, her head lifted to the sky.

“That won’t be possible today.” Jared looked at her sharply but Samantha was still focused on the sky. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. “Don’t you smell it? There’s a storm coming, I can feel it in the air. We have very few vehicles here but none that could make it through the terrain during a storm.”

“Why is everyone determined to keep me here. No one wants me to stay so just let me go already.” Jared’s shoulders were tense, that feeling of being kept against his will tightening his muscles, but Samantha didn’t seem to notice.

“Concentrate. You should be able to sense it too,” she said softly.

Jared huffed but let himself relax a little to feel the air around him. At first there was nothing, but then he could feel the weight of the air, it made the hairs rise on his skin like it was filled with static. He had a sneaking suspicion Sam was right but his pride refused to let him back down straight away. Yet before he could say anything Sam was talking again.

“At least wait until you’ve spoken to Jensen, get the answers to those questions you have?” She smiled as though she knew she’d won the argument.

Jared relented and looked down at Jensen with a sigh.

“Come on ‘White Fang’, let’s go somewhere we can talk… away from prying eyes.”

Jensen stared at Jared for a long while, his eyes wide and his ears stuck to his head. He took one quick glance at Samantha before leading Jared away from the fire and towards one of the tents near the edge of the camp. Jared was pleased to see he wasn’t being taken into one of the holes in the ground but as he ducked under the canvas he was slightly stunned to see Jensen disappearing into the ground via a hole positioned at the rear of the tent.

Apparently Jared hesitated for too long as a few seconds later Jensen’s snout appeared from the hole and snorted at him in question.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” Jared muttered, pleased that he only had to crouch and not get on his hands and knees to enter the wolf’s den. “Though I don’t know why we have to squat in a stinkin’ burrow.”

Jared wanted to eat his words as soon as he was clear of the entrance because even with the little light that got in he could see that this was no hovel, it really was someone’s home. There was a makeshift bed, mattress, pillow and clean sheets. It had a bookshelf filled with what must have been nearly a hundred books, but Jared couldn’t make out the titles.  There were unlit candles dotted around as well as oil lamps, one of which Jensen nudged and Jared got the hint, lighting it. It illuminated the den really well.

“Wow. Not exactly what I was expecting,” Jared admitted, looking to Jensen who simply sat there watching him cautiously. Jared sighed and sat on the bed, finding it a lot more comfortable than it looked. “You know, it’s going to be pretty hard to talk if you’re still all wolfie. Think you could turn into someone a little more talkative, you know someone that can hold their end of the conversation. Not that you aren’t cute as hell like that but I know Jensen’s in there somewhere.”

He tried to keep his tone light and friendly but Jensen lowered himself slightly, his eyes becoming pained as they darted about as though looking for an escape. Jared shook his head irritably. “Look, just shift already will ya?”

A second later the wolf before him began convulsing and an agonised howl broke passed gritted teeth. Jared watched in alarm as Jensen’s body lengthened and cracked, snapping back into human form as his soft fur was sucked back into his skin and Jensen cried out in pain.

An imaged of Jensen changing into a wolf slivered into Jared’s head, a memory, when Jensen had proved to him that he really was a wolf. That change had been easy and painless, over in a matter of seconds. It was nothing like what was happening in front of him right now and all Jared could do was witness it with a hand over his mouth and bile in his throat.
Eventually, a naked Jensen lay sobbing on the dirt ground, his body-still covered in blood-wracked with tremors as though he were still in pain. Jared acted quickly, pulling the sheet off the bed and draping it over the shaking man.

“Jesus. What the hell?” He rubbed against Jensen’s back in an attempt to sooth him while Jensen fought hard to get himself under control. Finally Jensen moved, pulling himself away from Jared, taking the sheet with him and muttering, “Sorry,” as he went. He made quick work of gathering some clothes and pulling them on over his dirty skin. Jensen reached for a flask, tipping it over his head and letting water cascade over him before wiping his face with a towel until he was refreshed and mostly clean.

Knowing he should look away, give Jensen some privacy, Jared gulped when he found he couldn’t. He was transfixed by the way the water ran over Jensen’s skin and soaked into the collar of his t-shirt. He expected Jensen to turn to him after that and they would actually talk, like they’d done the night before, instead Jensen started moving frantically around the den, picking things up and reorganising them, making it neater.

“Are you okay?” Jared asked, watching him curiously.

“I’m sorry the place is in such a mess, I’ll make sure to keep it better for you from now on,” Jensen said quietly, his eyes on everything but Jared.

“What do you mean, for me?” Jared asked, deciding that everyone in this place was out to confuse him as much as possible and wished he was a mind reader so he could just get everything straight out of their heads instead of waiting for them to give up the goods.

“For you because this is you home, of course,” Jensen told him with a crack in his voice and Jared was afraid he was about to start crying again.

“My home?” Jared examined the place, frowning. This wasn’t right. “Whose home was it before?” he questioned, afraid he already knew the answer.

Jensen paused, flashing him a quick look before going back to what he was doing, even though the place was pretty much as spotless as a hole under the ground could get. The word slipped across the gap between them softly and Jared only made it out because it was the answer he was expecting.

“Mine.” Jensen stopped moving, his hands clenched around the bindings of a book and his shoulders shaking. “But it’s yours now.”

“Whoa. Hold your horses. I’m not sticking around and even if I was there’s no way I’m taking yours or anyone else’s home from them.” Jared stepped in front of Jensen, gently taking the book from him before he cracked the fragile spine.

Jensen gazed up at him for a moment, his eyes a little lost, as though he hadn’t expected Jared to say what he did. Then he blinked rapidly as he started speaking, his mouth and mind working a mile a minute.

“Um. If you don’t like this place I could dig you your own den, but Sam was right, there’s a storm coming and there’s no way I could get it done before the rain starts. I guess I could work through it, but you’ll still need somewhere to stay until I’ve finished and I really don’t think anyone else is willing to share with you so I don’t know-”

“Stop, stop, stop,” Jared called, grabbing Jensen by the arms to halt his rambling. “Are you crazy?”

Jensen did stop and looked up in confusion. “What?”

“I said are you crazy? You want to go out there and dig a big hole during a rainstorm so I could have somewhere to stay to wait out said rainstorm before I blow this joint? ’Cause if you’re not crazy I don’t know what else to call you.”

“But… you don’t like it here and you still need somewhere to stay… I…” Jensen shook his head helplessly, tears forming in his eyes.

Seeing the tears broke Jared and he pulled Jensen into his arms, wondering when he got so concerned about another persons comfort. “Hey, hey, just stop okay? I’ll stay here but I’m not kicking you out of your own home, we’ll share, okay?”
Jensen remained tense in Jared’s arms and Jared marvelled at how shy the man appeared now. Could he have been replaced by a body snatcher or something during the full moon because this man was nothing like the Jensen he’d met the day before.

Then Jared remembered the things that Samantha and the others had said about him hurting Jensen and realised that Jensen was afraid of him. He found that idea upset him more than any of the other crazy stuff that had happened over the last few days.

Pushing Jensen back a little, he searched his water-filled, emerald eyes, getting lost in them for a moment.

“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you,” he said as gently as he could. “I’m not sure what happened last night but I promise, you’re safe with me. Okay?”

Jensen searched Jared’s eye for a moment, breathing hard and steady, as though trying not to hyperventilate. “Okay,” Jensen said weakly.

“Right,” Jared said, pleased that they’d gotten somewhere. “So, Sam said that we should talk, but I’m guessing there are some things you’re reluctant to tell me.” In the light of the oil lamp Jared watched as Jensen’s cheeks flushed and he smiled and licked his lips. The guy was adorable. “So, how about you just start where you feel comfortable and we’ll work our way to the hard stuff?”

Nodding, Jensen actually smiled a little, his lips just picking up at the corners. He motioned to the bed and waited for Jared to settle himself on it before sitting on the ground in front of him in favour of being seated next to him where it was more comfortable. Jared thought the move odd but refrained from saying anything seeing as everything was odd around here.

Part 3 | Part 5 | Master Post

bigbang, ownership, j2

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