5 favorite fics that I wrote

Mar 08, 2007 20:33

Once I started reading fanfic, and got up the nerve to start writing my own stories, my goal has been to write stories that haven't been written before. Whether it be about Mal & Simon having children (Because there hadn't been any written with that plot, even though there were some with Simon/Jayne having children! What's up with that?) or exploring Mal & Simon's relationship via kinky sex or putting a twist on impossible plots, I've tried to write stories that don't fit the mold, don't reuse the same tired plot line. Obviously, I'm not always going to succeed at that, and sometimes that's deliberate, but my favorite fics that I've written are ones that, I feel, have reached that goal. So, with no further ado:

First, my Big Damn Story, Family. This was my first effort at writing a long involved story, and although I think there are some minor problems with it, I think I did a fairly decent job of keeping everyone in character and telling the story I wanted to tell. Also, this story was very personal for me, in that it helped me deal with my mother's death, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Second is a story I hadn't even planned to write. *g* But people kept asking me to write Mal & Simon's wedding from Family, so what could I do. *eg* And once I wrote Commitment, I was so glad I had! Yes, it's schmoopy, but aren't weddings supposed to be? Besides, who can resist romantic!Mal? Not me. *g*

Third would have to be Full Circle. Yes, it involves kink, BDSM to be specific, but it's about so much more than that. So few kink fics take the time to explore the relationship between the characters, and that's what I wanted to do--and my beta and I worked really hard to get it right. If the comments I received are any indication, I think we succeeded.

Trip No Further was my second story for the Dom!Simon ficathon, and what can I say? There's just not enough Dom!Simon out there, especially when he's paired with Mal. *g* Also, this was written for executrix who gives the…oddest…prompts! *bg* Plus, as a bit of an experiment, I used a more expositional style when writing it. So I challenged myself in several ways with this one, and I think I was successful in meeting that challenge.

And finally…another story I thought I'd never write. Medically Impossible is about male pregnancy, and I hate male pregnancy stories! They just don't make sense! But this bunny insisted on being written, so what could I do? *eg* But, wait, there's a twist! I said it's about male pregnancy. I didn't say a man was pregnant. *wink*

So, did I pick some of your favorites, too?


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