
Aug 22, 2007 11:02

Stars icons
[10] stars icons from their new video "take me to the riot"

i LOVED this video.

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icons, take me to the riot, stars

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Comments 19

exclusivelove August 22 2007, 11:16:34 UTC
Ohh, nice. I saved #2, thank you! Will credit. (:


lvoisa August 22 2007, 21:34:04 UTC
thank you! :D


jackiejunior August 22 2007, 12:07:20 UTC
Too cute.


lvoisa August 22 2007, 21:34:25 UTC
aw, thank you :)


stepliana August 22 2007, 18:02:13 UTC
These are great.

And seriously, the video was basically like 'Let's make it impossible to get a clear screencap! Yes!'


lvoisa August 22 2007, 21:35:04 UTC
YES! vicious minds behind it :P


respectmyright August 22 2007, 19:53:31 UTC
AHHHHHHHH! I'm not taking any - I'll probably try my hand at making some myself, later - but I just had to comment to say Torqamy are seriously HOT in this vid.


lvoisa August 22 2007, 21:35:44 UTC
they are so hot! i loved it, all that chemistry!


viktorakajeff August 22 2007, 20:45:25 UTC
Never heard of it before

so i looked it up and the song is awsome

It almost time for the big number now Lovisa ;)
(I haven´t disided what im going to do for you jet)


lvoisa August 22 2007, 21:37:03 UTC
aww you did? stars are great, theyre my favorite band. im glad you liked the song :D

haha yes. ill be 20 in no time :) and thats very sweet <3


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