
Jul 01, 2007 21:30

76 icons

under the cut: 
[01-12] Skins, 1.05 "Sid"
[13-21] Natalie Portman
[22-26] Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen
[27-30] Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet
[31-37] Kate Winslet
[38-44] 21 Jump Street, 2.18 "Higher Education"
[45-48] 21 Jump Street, 2. 29 "Champagne High"
[49-53] 21 Jump Street, various episodes (animated)
[54-60] Finding Neverland
[61-64] ( Read more... )

veronica mars, johnny depp, skins, winona ryder, 21 jump street, kate winslet, natalie portman, hayden christensen, finding neverland, hugh jackman, icons

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Comments 38

at_the_stars July 1 2007, 20:38:30 UTC
took 59 - will credit when used =)


lvoisa July 2 2007, 22:22:48 UTC
enjoy! :D


chosen_johnny July 1 2007, 20:41:18 UTC
Wow, pretty big batch you got there. Amazing job on these, they're truly fantastic. Love all the skins ones especially the ones with Cassie and Cassie and Sid <3. My my my, hard to pick faves from all of these but I'll try my best without picking all of them. Faves are : 1,3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38,40, 42, 46(PERV!)49, 55, 62, 69, 71, 72, 75, 75. Jesus christ thats just about all of them. Well thats how great they are. Truly outdid yourself, they're really beautiful. Awesome job on the gifs as well *hugs* I want more!


chosen_johnny July 1 2007, 21:20:07 UTC
Add 27,29,30, 39, 43(BIG TIME PERV) 59, 60, 66, 68. Since I had a sneak preview I only judged the new ones :) Slow Johnny


lvoisa July 2 2007, 22:23:39 UTC
oh johnny youre crazy! you love all of them. youre so sweet though and thank you! *hugs* youre the best inspiration a girl could have when making icons :)


asian_soul July 1 2007, 22:03:18 UTC
I love the Kate icons!
not taking.


lvoisa July 2 2007, 22:23:57 UTC
thank you <3


eden_in_love July 1 2007, 22:07:29 UTC
Wow. great icons, dude. <333 You have always had great talent! :]


lvoisa July 2 2007, 22:25:22 UTC
thank you, thats so sweet :)


(The comment has been removed)

lvoisa July 2 2007, 22:26:32 UTC
im glad you did :)


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