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Comments 8

fullwingedlove February 28 2012, 22:55:01 UTC
i would really like to be your friend! I love your fics! :)


luxuria_oceanus March 10 2012, 17:51:34 UTC
Aww, thank you :-) though I should mention, I don't post anything related to my fics here. All my fics are here and if you'd like to have updates on them, you can watch the community for my fics through here.


xfirefly9x January 31 2013, 19:24:07 UTC


luxuria_oceanus February 2 2013, 02:00:27 UTC


xfirefly9x July 15 2013, 18:44:56 UTC
Happy birthday! ♥


luxuria_oceanus July 16 2013, 02:06:04 UTC
Thanks, dear! You made me laugh while at work but I couldn't reply just then :-) you made me realize it was my birthday in Australia, yay!


xfirefly9x July 17 2013, 07:34:25 UTC
(: Yup indeeds. I almost waited so it'd be the actual day for you, but I figured Australian birthday would make it... longer? Or something?

Anyway. much ♥s


luxuria_oceanus July 18 2013, 01:57:12 UTC
Yup. You gave me something to look forward to *squish*

Wuvs you, too.


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