Some Plot bunnies do not understand sublety.

Oct 14, 2006 11:50

Do you guys remember I mentioned a plot bunny who insisted on having conceptual art? I usually try and ignore those as, well, I have no time to draw. However, the sci-fi plot bunny was not to be denied. I screamed, yelled, kicked and even pleaded but it won't let me down. Already the thing is looking as a 20 chapter thingie (good for my popslash_100 table, not so good for my other bunnies) and... well, today I finished the first color draft of the *Nsync guys in said fic, so although the fic still is in the rough side of the path and not even ready for betaing, I wanted to share them with you.

Now, just picture Kevin's face when he sees them for the first time (Kevin, roughly, looks as he did on the Larger than Life video) ;)

*n sync:kevin/chris, art:fan art

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