Why is there's always a chosen one?

Mar 04, 2007 12:23

Been watching Supernatural, season I.

Started pretty cool, Dean is hot. Sam is sort of cute.

There's just one thing I can't stand of the whole thing.

And just in case, spoilers because it's a plotty thing, not a fandom thing )


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Comments 16

crazy_toffee March 4 2007, 19:32:22 UTC
Dunno, probably because it's a way of casting the characters directly into the story, without having to go through the trouble of justifying their behaviour through pure character development. Though it would be nice to find a story where the characters follow through out of a sense of justice and what is right, rather than pre-established involvement.

On the other hand, I watched two chapters of Supernatural and found it so horrifically boring, that I turned the tv off and never bothered with it again. It actually got better after chapter 2? (maybe it just wasn't my kind of thing...)


luxshine March 4 2007, 21:04:06 UTC
I don't mind the odd chosen one once in a while, but this time, it came sort of out of left field. It started as 'man sees his wife killed by demon, sets on a quest to find it and kill everything supernatural he happens to find, trains his sons to keep on the good fight. Older son takes to it like a pro, younger son wants a normal life. FAther disappears, older son looks for younger son and together try to find missing dad, while fighting uglies on the way' and suddenly it's "OOOh, the demon killed the woman because it wanted the younger son and it's all about the younger son" and that was kind of blah for me.

I'll say that it's not a show for everyone. In fact, if you loathed Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Steer clear away from Supernatural.


logovo March 4 2007, 20:13:12 UTC
Dude, do not worry about Dean being The Useless One. No, really. He... he gets a LOT of love, he is charasmatic and if anyone is seen as a little bit useless sometimes it's Sam. The writers are so in love with Dean, you can tell. They strugle with Sam, he gets dialog that makes people wince sometimes, but there is nothing in the second season to make anyone see Dean as anything but an incredible hero. Specially because he's not spechul in a supernatural way.


Oh, and the fic... logovo March 4 2007, 20:17:19 UTC
I read gen, slash and a bit of het. So far I think the gen has better writers, but to each their own taste, right?

So, here are my del.icio.us bookmarks for SPN.

Special favorites.


Re: Oh, and the fic... luxshine March 4 2007, 21:13:36 UTC
Yay! Thanks!

I'll be honest and say I'm looking for more gen/het stories given that without many other male characters, I realize that most of the slash will be wincest. (Although I would love a story about one of the brothers being gay/bi and how the other reacts to it. What I really liked about Supernatural is how the brother's are handled. I feel it very brother like)


Re: Oh, and the fic... logovo March 4 2007, 21:25:18 UTC
I would love a story about one of the brothers being gay/bi and how the other reacts to it.

Dean gets a lot more stories of him being bi than Sam. He is just more fun to write. So, here is a particular favorite that has a teen Sam figuring out that something is going on with his brother.

The Way It Is


ariadnem March 4 2007, 21:59:31 UTC
I really got nothing to say about Supernatural, I enjoy the show but I haven't read much that's fandom related. About recs, try this site out, http://www.slumberwalk.com/ghetto/index.htm You might find a thing or two that are really good.


luxshine March 4 2007, 23:45:28 UTC
Thanks Ari :)

(We can say Dean is hot ;) )


ariadnem March 4 2007, 23:50:24 UTC
More than hot, actually :P

Go and read those, though they're JuC. I just loved their narrative.


luxshine March 5 2007, 05:49:22 UTC
Oh, dear. Juc is that one pairing I try to avoid. But I'll keep the post in memories so I can brave them one day.


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