Title: As We Were Rating: G Pairing/s: N/A Character/s: Arthur, Merlin Summary: Arthur finally catches up to Merlin. Warnings: N/A Word Count: 100 Prompt: #33 Choices
Title: Summit of Two Rating: G Pairing/s: N/A Character/s: Arthur, Merlin Summary: Arthur and Merlin discuss economic intervention. Warnings: Thinly veiled political philosophy. Word Count: 431 Prompt: #32 Laugh
Title: Restless Rating: PG Pairing/s: N/A Character/s: Merlin Summary: Set after the S4 finale. Merlin is haunted by the actions he took in defense of his king. Warnings: N/A Word Count: 429 Prompt: #30 - Ghosts Author's Notes: Bit of a rush job. Probably should have left it at 210, but I didn't quite get the angle I was going for.
Title: Pursuing Rating: G Pairing/s: N/A Character/s: Arthur, Merlin Summary: It's not what it looks like. Warnings: N/A Word Count: 253 Prompt: #29 - Misunderstanding
Title: The Doors of Perception Rating: PG-13 Pairing/s: None. Character/s: Arthur, Merlin Summary: The day Arthur realizes there's more to Merlin's courage than he had originally assumed. Warnings: Some necromantic gore. Word Count: 660 Prompt: #26 Assumption
Title: Ward Rating: G Pairing/s: None. Character/s: Freya, Merlin Summary: Merlin turns his body into Camelot's first defense against a powerful dark magic, but his vigilance comes at a cost. Warnings: None. Word Count: 286 Prompt: Tattoos