Title: Remember When 2/? Pairing: Brittany/Santana Rating: Totally G for this part Word Count: 1002 Summary: Brittany's six... Warnings: Only for cute Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, blah blah woof woof.
omg this is so great. I need to save these for when I'm having a crappy day to read them again.
thanks. I can't wait for the next parts. btw you're making me feel really bad for Rachel. Gosh darn it someone be her friend. But Rachel wouldn't want my pity sooo
Then she tells Brittany she loves it and she loves Brittany, and Brittany can tell she's telling the truth because she's speaking in Spanish, and she only does that when she's at home or really excited. - This, and Kurt's Valentine were my favorite parts.
Comments 8
thanks. I can't wait for the next parts. btw you're making me feel really bad for Rachel. Gosh darn it someone be her friend. But Rachel wouldn't want my pity sooo
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