the language of a lover

Aug 08, 2005 19:18

holy crappola i have not updated this in forever! i am still alive, ladies and gentlemen ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

faded_facade August 8 2005, 23:29:08 UTC
Lyss! I haven't talked to you in like ages! Alex as in the one and only best friend Alex?

We need to chat on AIM sometime dork.


luvlyss August 10 2005, 15:30:14 UTC
yes! the one and only :)


faded_facade August 11 2005, 00:04:49 UTC
That's awesome! :D Gotta fill me in on everything now, lol.


undrockroll August 8 2005, 23:29:54 UTC
i totally watch BB!! addicted, of course. :):) kaysar MUST COME BACK. i miss you so much, so glad you are doing well!!!


luvlyss August 10 2005, 15:30:25 UTC
we NEED to talk, ho!


trafficchaser August 9 2005, 02:37:54 UTC
KING KAYSAR! I've been voting for him. I love him lol.


luvlyss August 10 2005, 15:30:45 UTC
i voted like 20 times yesterday. i don't know if it counts every time, but i hope so!


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