Valentine for operatingroom

Feb 14, 2009 14:58

Title: What You Need to Know About Draco Malfoy
Author: ldymusyc 
Prompt: #5

What You Need To Know About Draco Malfoy

01. When Draco was a child, he owned a stuffed Kneazle named Mister Mittens. Mister Mittens went everywhere with him from breakfast to bedtime, and by the time he was ten, Mister Mittens had just a stub of a tail and only one ear. He had to be left behind when Draco went to Hogwarts, and for the first two weeks at school, Draco couldn’t sleep. The insomnia only lasted until he found a battered bruiser of a cat slinking along the wall of a corridor on the third floor. The cat’s crumpled face and mussed fur reminded him of Mister Mittens so much that he carried it to his dorm and slept with it on his pillow. The next morning, Granger’s shrill complaining that her Crookshanks had been out all night stopped him from slipping a few kippers into his pocket. It took him another month before he could sleep through the night.

02. When Draco was thirteen, his parents went on holiday to Paris for a week. It took him a couple of days, but he managed to break the charms Lucius had put on the liquor cabinet, and when they returned unexpectedly due to Narcissa’s inability to stomach the crowds of Muggle tourists, they found Draco drunk. Foxed out of his mind in the topiary garden, exhorting the landscaping house-elf to resculpt the box hedges into obscene shapes. He was grounded for a month - quite literally, as Lucius took his broom away. The hangover was not worth it, Draco decided.

03. The ‘Ferret Incident’, as he insisted on referring to it ever after it happened, left him in the infirmary for two days while Madam Pomfrey stuffed him full of potions to knit the broken rib and the multiple bruises. The first night he was there, he heard a quiet voice saying his name. He opened his eyes to peer through the dim light, and saw a bushy stack of hair talking to Pomfrey. The nurse said, "He’ll be all right,” and the hair-stack slumped with a sharp exhale that sounded distinctly like relief. When Pomfrey checked on him later that night and asked why he wasn’t sleeping, he claimed his ribs hurt and never mentioned that he’d seen Granger or that he couldn’t stop wondering why she’d bothered to care.

04. Draco expected that he’d join the Death Eaters after school. He didn't expect to be initiated so early. And he didn’t expect the pain involved. It was a midnight ceremony, with torches and masks, and a lot of blood, and far too much screaming. His own screaming. The process of burning the Mark into his arm, the Dark magic used to make it a permanent part of his body, was excruciating. Draco screamed to the point where it was a week before his voice returned. Until the Mark healed, he couldn’t stand to have even light fabrics touching his skin, and after, he couldn’t stand to even unbutton his cuffs no matter how hot the weather. After the war ended and the Mark faded, he kept to that habit. Nothing in his wardrobe has short sleeves.

05. Draco’s frightened of fire. He hates using the Floo because stepping into the flames reminds him too much of the accident at the end of the war, reminds him too much of the day that Crabbe died. He remembers the heat, the crackling, the smell. Burnt paper and wood, burnt flesh. He’d heard Crabbe screaming. He still hears it in his dreams, some nights, and he wakes up with his sheets damp from piss and his hair soaked with sweat. What he remembers most from the dream, though, isn't looking back as he gave up on his friend, but looking at Granger. Sitting curled up in the corridor, breathing hard and panicked, and looking up through watery, smoke-stung eyes to see the smallest glimmer of shared pain in hers.

06. Draco loves drinking coffee, but hates the taste of it. He'll fill the bottom quarter of the cup with sugar and flavored syrup, then add coffee to taste. He thinks that if he can't get the spoon to stand up in the cup, there's not enough sugar and there's no point in drinking it. Without the flavor and the sweetness, it just tastes burnt, like someone left the beans under the sun too long. He's not elitist about his coffee - anything from anywhere is good, if it's caffeinated.

07. Draco started looking at Granger differently after he heard her lecturing a coworker on the rights of goblins. He didn't agree with a word of it, but the passion in her speech caught his attention. He'd always hated the mousy, giggly society girls who agreed with everything he said. The flattery was nice, but eventually the fawning got on his nerves. Granger never fawned. She rolled her eyes and huffed at him for weeks whenever he tried to talk to her.

08. Draco had started growing his hair longer after he left school. That lasted until he looked in a mirror and actually turned around to see when his father had walked up behind him. After that, he kept it cut above his collar at all times.

09. He first hit on Granger when he was drunk at a Ministry interdepartmental party. He'd been watching her all night, and a copious amount of gin finally gave him a little Gryffindor courage. He approached her as she was laughing with a friend, cocktail in hand. He meant to say "You're looking pretty" but it came out "Bet you're a tiger in bed." She slapped him harder than she had the first time, when they were kids, and spun him to the floor. As she left, he shouted after her "Friday, nine o'clock, I'll turn the other cheek!" He didn't think she'd heard him, but Friday morning, she popped her bushy head into his office and informed him that he had better own a nicer tie than the one he was wearing, because she expected a good dinner.

10. Draco wears a concealing charm on his face at all times. The Sectumsempra attack in sixth year and the explosion of the chandelier in seventh left several scars on him. He's allergic to dittany, and couldn't use it to help the injuries heal. He thinks the scars look much worse than they actually are, and wears the charm to hide what he thinks is a terrible disfigurement. No matter how often Granger tells him that they're hardly visible and that they don't bother her, he still wears the charm.

11. He loves her. She loves him. He doesn't need to know anything but that.

gift: flash fic, gift: list, 2009-valentines

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