Valentine for mariannnne

Feb 14, 2009 14:42

Title: What Happens in the Cloak Room...
Author: somandalicious 
Prompt: drabble; "caught out"
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: What interesting things you find in the dark...

What Happens in the Cloak Room…

His lips were like candent wild fire upon her skin, leaving invisible brands of his desire and she responded more wantonly than she ever imagined she could. Soft coos and breathy moans escaped her throat in a song of her eagerness. This was more than pleasure, this was more than lust, this was raw magic in the truest sense. Magic Hermione Granger wanted to possess and wield against Draco Malfoy.

A distant part of her conscious, the sensible, logical and proper side of her psyche, called out to her, admonishing her for her impetuousness, and reminding her that it was not appropriate to snog her lover in the cloak room at a Ministry Function. That if they were found, there would be scandal, broken hearts and ugly words.

She couldn’t find the occasion to care. Not with his hands pushing and pulling at her body, strumming at her soul until all she could do was curl around him and languor in the tang of his mouth.

Suddenly the door knob began to turn, and with a suave pivot, Draco twirled them into the abyss of the cloaks on the hangers, hidden from the view of whoever had intruded upon their clandestine tryst.

Before Hermione could panic, Draco cupped her nape and pulled her mouth to his again, bringing her to the brink of mindlessness.

She was so caught up in the sensations that she barely heard the whisper. “Someone else is in here, Potter.”

But Draco heard it and he broke off immediately, hushing Hermione’s protest with a finger against her swollen lips.

“Only us, now shut up and kiss me.” There was some shuffling and a grunt. “Jesus Parkinson, you pinch like the devil.”

Hermione’s eyes widened with realization and gasped despite Draco’s attempt to keep her silent.

When the light of a wand illuminated, she could see the grimace thinning his mouth as he shook his head with chagrin. She mouthed her apology and inwardly prayed that neither Harry nor Pansy would search for them.

“Look, if someone else is in here, let’s leave them their privacy,” said Harry. “We can pick this up later.”

“I don’t think so. I haven’t been alone with you in a week and I want to know who is ruining this for me.” She replied and the wand light hovered closer to Draco and Hermione’s hiding spot. Who instinctively pressed themselves closer to the wall and Draco took Hermione’s hand, lacing his fingers with her and squeezing supportively. Hermione glanced at him and smiled slightly. The gestured told her that even if they were found by Pansy, he wouldn’t bail out on her. She needed to know that, since she didn’t know where she stood with him. Whether she was just a fling or something more.

She loved him, although her affection remained untold. She rubbed her thumb against his to let him know she appreciated the comfort.

At that moment, the cloaks parted with a crescendo and Pansy Parkinson began laughing hysterically. “Draco!”

“Pansy,” murmured Draco from a smirk.

Behind her, Harry Potter’s mouth fell open with disbelief and he squeaked Hermione’s name.

Heat rose in her cheeks and she knew her face was scarlet. “Harry.”

“Oh, Draco,” the dark-haired witch chuckled, her wandlight bobbing.


Harry cleared his throat, his eyes flickering to each person. “Hermione?”





“All Right!” She exclaimed, closing her eyes and gripping the curls at her temples. “Yes we are all here, clearly for the same reasons, now what are we going to do? Explain ourselves?” She narrowed her eyes at both Pansy and Harry, for she didn’t know they were seeing each other either. “Or just pretend none of this happened and go our own ways?”

“Well I’m a straight shot with a memory altercation.” Draco offered as he withdrew his wand.

“Not happening, Malfoy!” Harry stepped forward and pulled his out as well.

“A body-binding then?” One of Draco’s eyebrows quirked maliciously as his smirk deepened.

“How about a nice itching charm.”

“Child’s play.” Draco scoffed. “A Confundus, perhaps?”

“I’ll do you a favor and just return you to your natural state, a twitchy ferret.”

Draco’s smirk rose into an angry sneer and suddenly they had their wands at each other’s throat’s. In a hectic eruption of protest, expletives and threats, both witches rushed forward to intervene, each pushing their wizard back.

“Stop it, Draco.” Hermione ordered, grabbing his chin and forcing his focus to her. Immediately his malicious features softened and his arms relaxed as they came around her.

“Get your slimy hands off of her!” Harry shouted, pushing against Pansy’s restraint while she chastised him.
“Hullo, kettle, cauldron calling.” Draco antagonized.

“It isn’t the same!” Harry exclaimed.

“Yes it is!” Pansy shouted. “They are sneaking around for the same reasons we are, and I bet my bottom galleon that they are just as tired of it.”

Hermione agreed. She wanted more with Draco than secrets and veiled affections. She wanted to go about their relationship as a normal couple, not caring what others thought or said. She just couldn’t find the will to say it aloud. Not without knowing how Draco felt.

“He isn’t serious about her!” Harry argued.

“Yes I am, Potter. In fact, I’ve never been more serious about a witch in my life.” He turned to Hermione then. “It is going to be difficult, and a lot of people are going to try to break us, but you have to trust me. We can do this. We can make it.”

Tears prickled at her eyes. “Do you mean it?”

He nodded, pulling her against him. “I do.” And then he kissed her.

Pansy, swatted Harry on the arm. “See! Why can’t we be like that?”

Harry gulped. “We can.” He took her hand, and gave her a chaste kiss. “Let’s go dance.”

The end.

a.n: I stretched the prompt a little, but I hope you still like it, and I also took the repeating names bit from Rocky Horror Picture Show, I just had to! I hope you enjoyed it bb.

gift: flash fic, 2009-valentines

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