Valentine for little_dollface

Feb 14, 2009 15:17

Title: Hairline Fracture
Author: kate0404
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nudity
Word Count: 797

Hairline Fracture

“No! Not again!” Draco’s frustrated groan rang out through the bedroom.

Hermione sighed before rolling out of bed and wrapping her red, silk robe around her naked body. “You’re just not concentrating,” she said, hoping it was enough to placate him.

“It has nothing to do with concentration, Hermione!” She frowned at Draco’s outburst. So, it was going to be one of those times.

This was not the first time Draco’s little problem had interrupted their intimate time together and it had been getting increasingly worse over the last few months. Frankly, Hermione was starting to feel deprived. He was so distracted all the time, he could barely fulfill his obligation to her, and when they did complete said acts, it was purely out of duty rather than enjoyment.

She was sick of it.

He stood from the bed and started to pace the bedroom. “I don’t bloody understand!”

Hermione, feeling sexually and emotionally frustrated, nearly snapped back at him. However, the sight of his uncovered body, sweaty and flushed with his previous excitement, was calling to her. She was only human, after all, and Draco was as beautiful and sexy as a god. She was powerless when around him.

Feeling all her frustration (well, maybe not all her frustration) slowly leak from the pores of her skin, Hermione looked him over, head to toe, and let her mind wander. Not ten minutes ago they had been doing delicious and naughty things to each other, causing pleasure to course from the tips of her toes through each follicle of hair on her head. Hermione felt the familiar burning knot form in the pit of her stomach and she almost moaned aloud when Draco ran a frustrated hand through his wet hair.

“It should be simple,” Draco muttered and Hermione focused on his full bottom lip that was pouting in an adorable way. She licked her own lips.

“Merlin knows I’ve been doing this for years.” Draco stood in front of Hermione and then raised his eyes to look at her. She had a lustful look in her eyes and he huffed. “Could you focus, please?” he grumbled.

Hermione shook her head slightly to break her thoughts. “Sorry,” she murmured but couldn’t stop her eyes from traveling over his rounded shoulders, hard chest, tight torso and down to his-


Hermione jumped, “Right, sorry.”

Draco huffed again and started pacing the room once again. “I feel like some bleeding child.” He stopped and turned toward Hermione again, a look of sheer horror on his face. “Even worse,” he said, “I feel like a first year Hufflepuff.” Both hands went to his hair and started pulling, a bad habit he had picked up in the middle of the Second War.

Hermione rushed forward and with sure, but gentle hands, removed his from his head. “Shhh, love, it’s okay.”

Draco’s eyes were huge when he said, “A Hufflepuff, Hermione! Merlin, even in my first year I had more bleeding experience than a Hufflepuff!”

Hermione smoothed her hands over his chest and continued to shush him like a protective mother. Only a protective mother would not be having the thoughts Hermione was having at this very moment.

“I don’t even know why you’d want to be with me,” he grumbled in a defeated voice. “I’m no use to you like this.”

“Stop it right there, Draco,” Hermione murmured as she brushed her lips against his. “I love you no matter what kind of… problem you may have.”

Draco snorted, “Please.”

Hermione bit her bottom lip, ran her hands down his chest suggestively, and said, “Love, it’s just a little wand trouble. It happens to everyone.” Her hand went down his stomach and continued in a southerly direction. “I can help you with it, if you’d just relax.”

“Relax? Relax! How can I relax?” Draco bit out as he whirled out of her arms to pace again. Hermione rolled her eyes and groaned. “I can’t even satisfy you properly because of it. Just look at you,” he said as he waved his arms at her manically, “you’re practically salivating and I can’t even mop up your drool.”


Draco grabbed his wand from the side table and interrupted her with a shouted, “Scourgify!”

Draco proved his point.

The hairline fracture - running from butt to tip of the Hawthorn wand that was acquired after being chased down by his adoring Quidditch fans three months ago - emitted tiny, white sparks, but nothing more happened.

“AGH! WHY?!” Draco shouted, his defeatist attitude disappearing and being replaced by another perturbed rant.

Hermione sighed, resigned to being done with their previous activities. “We’ll get you a new wand tomorrow,” she said and sat down on the edge of the bed as Draco paced the bedroom again.

gift: flash fic, 2009-valentines

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