
Oct 10, 2009 06:38

Go ahead and click this for me please! There are some good songs to listen to, and you'd be helping me out XD

Jared Leto's 10 Records to Lose Yourself to - AOL Radio Blog

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Comments 3

dontelltheelf October 10 2009, 18:15:36 UTC
He picked Sigur Rós as #2!!! Gah. (I think Takk and Ágætis Byrjun were better albums, but anyways.) And he's right, they're AMAZING live! <3 I believe his stock just went up on my scale.


luvinjcnjt October 10 2009, 22:17:39 UTC
He always talks about his love for Sigur Ros. I love Takk and Ágætis Byrjun as well. Sigur Ros and M83 are like my chill bands, I love just relaxing and listening to them. I have never seen them live, but I would love to.

Yay! He has a pretty good taste in music. He picked one of my favorite Damien Rice songs and Numb by Portishead is my absolute favorite.


dontelltheelf October 11 2009, 07:43:15 UTC
Yeah he does. That's so awesome. I need to get Jonsi's new album, that he did with his boyfriend. *sigh* If you ever get the chance to, go. You won't be disappointed. I was so lucky to have seen them twice last year, at Bonnaroo and at the Greek.

I love those too, and I love the Beck song.


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