50+ Various Icons and 2 Banners

Jan 31, 2009 21:49

These are the icons that I have been working on since the end of december. There is quite a mix in there. These are also kind of experimental in regards to cropping and texture use, so I can use the feedback <3

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dexter, graphics, mars, icons, katy perry, kings of leon, britney

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Comments 22

gental February 1 2009, 08:49:34 UTC
Amazing icons!!!


luvinjcnjt February 2 2009, 00:54:47 UTC
Thank You XD


dig_behind February 1 2009, 11:25:25 UTC
Very pretty icons!! #20 is my favorite xD


luvinjcnjt February 2 2009, 00:55:16 UTC
Thanks! It's one of my favorites too.


hxcfairy February 1 2009, 12:33:55 UTC
Nabbing #1,2 & 14! Will credit :D


luvinjcnjt February 2 2009, 00:56:38 UTC
Thanks! Enjoy ♥


kleemoon February 1 2009, 15:51:01 UTC
Wow - great icons. Borrowing 10, 14 and 20 - will credit.
Thanks so much.


luvinjcnjt February 2 2009, 00:57:13 UTC
Thank You XD I'm glad you like them.


paperdollkisses February 1 2009, 17:57:37 UTC
Very well done.

I like both crops in 2 and 3. They kind of highlight different things. The crop in 14, 33 and 35 is brilliant. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. I really like the coloring in all of them. Very crisp and precise and natural. Nothing too harsh or garish. FTW. I like a crazy mised up icon now and again. But there's so much amazing stuff to be done with natural coloring.

Were you seriously that close in # 11? Or was your camera just that good?

I would like to take # 33 and 35 if I may.


luvinjcnjt February 2 2009, 01:10:23 UTC
Thank You. I do prefer the natural look that I used with these.

Yeah I was. I was front row right up against the barrier. I did a review here: http://luvinjcnjt.livejournal.com/85822.html#cutid1

I also have video here:http://luvinjcnjt.livejournal.com/87178.html

They're yours ♥


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