Be my Prince Charming? Extra Chapter: Short and Sweet

May 19, 2009 18:06

Heya xD This chapter is dedicated tocookierulez for being my editor as well as my best friend. This chapter shows how Chinen got his girlfriend :D It has lovey-dovey parts as well! The story takes place about after the "Your Seed" song came out, when Chii's voice was still very high xD WARNING: The starred words will be explained at the end! Hope you like it! Okay! Start story!

Read it

Money? Check. Ticket? Check.
-Jump into my heart-
Outfit? Makeup? Hair? All checked.
-Jump into my heeeart~-

I turn off the radio. Who was that girl with the really high pitched voice? I shrug and set off. Arashi concert, here I come.

The concert begins with the members throwing autographed paper at the audience. I'm determined to catch one of Ohno Satoshi's autographs. I keep my eye on him thouhout the song. He didn't even throw one yet. I see him moving his hand to the autograph and I reach out my hand. I NEED to catch this one. He throws the autograph. It sails above the crowd in my direction. I stand and stumble over a bag, some food and some random boy before I reach out and snatch it out of the air. I did it! I can hang it above my wall and worship it and brag to all my friends and-

"E-excuse me!" I hear someone yell. I turned to see a boy. 'Whoops' I think,'I thought it was a girl' It was the boy I stumbled over,"could I please have that?" He looks at me with shinning eyes. I almost faint. This boy is so cute and handsome at the same time.... His big eyes glistening and lips pulled into an adorable pout,"I really want the autograph. Could I have it, pleaaase?"

I stare into his shinning eyes and I can't say no. I regretfully give it to him and he bounces with joy.

"Ohmigod! My second one!" He squeals.

".....Second?" I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I just gave my one-in-a-lifetime autograph signed by Ohno Satoshi himself to a rabid fanboy.

"To add to my shrine of Ohno" He smiles.

"Shrine...." He has Ohno problems.....but a darn heck of a cute smile. What are you talking about? I ask myself. He's just some random fanboy that has issues. Why is he so good looking though?

We cheer for Arashi together for the rest of the concert. Fangirling peopling about Ohno. The concert ends and people start to leave.

"I forgot to ask" I say,"what's your name?"

"Chinen" He replies,"Chinen Yuri"


"Chicken onigiri* please" I take the onigiri. I've been craving ice cream all day. I walk around. Maybe there's and ice cream shop nearby? I come across an ice cream shop after devouring the onigiri and walking for a few minutes. I step inside. The shop is nearly empty. Barely any customers. I look for a seat and I see the cute boy I saw at the Arashi concert a few months ago. What was his name again? Chinen Yuri?

"Hey! You're that rabid fanboy with a shrine of Ohno!" I say.

"Uwah....So mean" Chinen answers,"you're that nice girl who gave me the autograph. Well.... you're not nice anymore.." He pouts.

I laugh,"Sorry..... May I sit here?" I point to the seat beside him.


I sit next to him and we have a whole blown disscution about Arashi and mostly Ohno.

"May I take your order?" asks the waitress.

"Ice cream sundae" we say at the same time.

I laugh."Two ice cream sundaes then" The waitress nods and goes to the counter, giving the other waitress the order which begins to scoop the ice cream. The waitress at the counter reminds me of......a princess, strangely enough.

I continue my conversation with Chinen as the waitress gives us the ice cream with the bill.

"I'll pay" says Chinen.

"No, you don't have to do that. I'll pay"

"You gave me the autograph. It's the least I could do for you."

I sigh,"Fine..." He pays the bill and we leave the shop.

"Let's go to the park" He says, putting on a hat, and sunglasses. Which was strange, considering the weather. We walk across the street to the park and sit in the grass, continuing our discussion.

"Arashi is probably my most favourite band in Johnny's Entertainment" I say

"Oh, did I tell you I work there?"

"No way. You're lying"

"I'm serious. Why else would I be wearing all this? I'm in the band Hey!Say!Jump"

"You mean that group with ten people in it?"


"I still don't believe you"

"Fine. I'll sing for you to prove it"

"This'll be good" I say, crossing my legs

-Jump into me heart. Jump into my heaaaart~. Fighting for my heart, Fighting for my heeeeeeeeeart~ oooh~-

I sit there, mouth hanging. His voice is so girly...I've heard this voice before. On the radio? Then it hits me.

"Oh! You're that girl I heard on the radio with a really high pitched voice!"

He clutches the front of his shirt,"That hurts" He pouts.

I laugh,"Sorry...You're voice is really pretty though. I believe you now"

"Thanks" He blushes

'He's in Johnny's Entertainment...' I sigh, 'that's so coool.......wait a minute...'

"Yuri-kun, since your in JE, don't you know all the new singles and news about Arashi?"

"Yeah" He says, obviously proud.

"That's so great!" I take out my cell phone," let's exchange e-mails! You HAVE to tell me EVERYTHING bout Arashi! And mostly Ohno!"

"Okay! Ohno fans unite!" He exclaims.


"No way!" I exclaim

"Yes way!" he squeals back.

" Meet me at the park! You have to show me it!"

"I'm there already. I'll just wait for you okay? Bye" He hangs up.

I grab my bag and quickly fix my hair, then rush out of the house. The walk was about a fifteen minute walk, but I was sprinting as fast as I could. Considering my lack of stamina and physical strength, I wouldn't have been able to run that fast, but though Arashi makes me run faster, I also really wanted so see Chinen, but I can't tell him that. I reach the park panting and sweating.

Chinen came over and laughed,"You wanted to hear it that badly?"

"Y-yes" I gasp.

He laughs again. "Here" ha hands me a bottle of soft drink. It was labled "Poripaki"

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's a soft drink" he replies,"you should see the commercial for this stuff, the model is one of the members from Hey!Say!Jump"

I take a sip,"It's really good"

"I know right? This stuff is flying of the racks." He takes out his music player,"So, you wanted to hear this?"

"So much!" I exclaim, taking one of the ear buds.

"This new song is called 'Kaze no Mukou e'" he grins. l listen to the song. It was really catchy....

"It's so cute" I say, bobbing my head slightly to the beat. We hear Ohno's voice and squeal together. The song ends and I laugh."It's so pretty! Can you send me the song later?"

"Sure." He smiles. Ah....what an adorable smile."want to get some ice cream while we're here?"

I nod and follow him to the ice cream shop. On the way, I stumble over a coke can on the road. I brace myself for the pain, I feel arms wrap around me, suspending me about a foot from the ground. I look up to see Chinen, with a worried face.

"Are you okay?"


He puts me down and takes my hand, leading me toward the shop.

I stutter,"W-what are you doing?"

"Keeping you from falling again" He smiles back. My heart skips a beat. His hand is so warm and soft.... My face burns. We walk into the ice cream shop and find a table. He releases my hand. I can't help but feel sad without his hand in mine.

"What do you want?" he asks,"ice cream sundae again?"

I laugh,"I always order that, don't I? I guess I'll choose something about strawberrry ice cream? The picture on the menu has actual strawberries in it"

"Sounds good" He grins,"I'll have the same thing then"

The waitress comes to take our orders. It's the girl that reminds me of a princess somehow. The waitress stares at my bottled soft drink on the table.

"Do you want it?" I ask, pointing at the drink.

"N-no thank you!" She stammers,"w-what would you like to order?"

"Two strawberry ice creams"

The waitress writes it down and scurries away. What an odd girl....

"You know...."Chinen says, looking at his feet,"I know we've only knew each other for a few months....but recently....I'm starting to feel odd when I'm around you...and my heart...." He says, clutching his chest,"it hurts...It feels strange...."

"It hurts, doesn't it... sometimes the loneliness it too quiet..." I say, lowering my eyes,"I-I have that same feeling...."

"It's a strange feeling isn't it?" He says. We spend the rest of the time there not speaking. As I walk home, I begin to think. Was he really serious? I pondered about it the whole time while walking home. I closed my front door and stomped to my bed and sat down, heaving a sigh. What's wrong with me? This is wrong....getting involved with a Johnny's boy.... but he told me how he felt..... or he could be joking.... or maybe pulling a cruel prank?

"I don't even know anymore" I whisper to myself."This is all so complicated"

The next day, it was the weekend, so I decided to go to the ice cream shop again. I sit in the seat Chinen sat in yesterday. I sigh. How I wish he was here.... I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. A few minutes later, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see Chinen. I gasp and sit up straight.

"I didn't expect to see you again today" He smiles.

I take a deep breath. I had thought alot last night. I'm ready to tell him."Yuri-kun...I've decided"

"Hey, I've decided."

"No, I decided first"

"but that's not fair!"

"Fine, what did you decide?"

"... that was your plan to make me say it first, wasn't it!?"

"..... mayyybeeee" I look away, giggling.

He smiles and takes my hand."Okay, i've decided." I blush madly.

"Okay, we've decided."

"What did you decide on?" Chinen asks.

"... Strawberry ice cream?"


"KIDDING!" I laugh."You looked so disappointed at first! You're so cute!"

He smiles again,"Then I can say this" He kisses my hand he's holding and looks at me with his brilliant, shinning eyes," I love you"

" I-I love you too" I stammer back. Trying to hold back my squeal of joy.

"Of course I know that" he grins and leans forward, brushing his lips against mine. It was short and sweet..... Like a sip of poripaki....Short and sweet...


Onigiri: Rice ball.

Oh my gosh, I found this fic really hard to write. I don't know Chinen that well so I just about winged it :P Hope you all liked it

fanfiction, be my prince charming

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