Be my Prince Charming? Chapter 4: Wig, Hat, and Sunglasses

May 07, 2009 00:11

Hey, I'm back again, with a new chapter! I'm happy with this one! This chapter h a bit of lovey-dovey stuff happening so I hope you enjoy xD Creditcookierulez for editing at all that jazz xD WARNING! The starred words will be explained at the end of the story! Okay! Start story!

Read it

I wait in front of the ice cream shop with a bottle of Poripaki in my hands. I take another sip. Mmmm.....strawberry flavoured.

"Hidenka-chan!" I'm sorry for making you wait for so long!" I hear Yuto call. I turn to look for him. But I can't see him anywhere. Was it my hallucination? Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around and see Yuto in a wig, hat and sunglasses. The sight makes me burst out laughing.

"It's the wig isn't it? Doesn't it look strange?" Yuto scratches his head,"and it's itchy too"

"It's not just that" I laugh," your sunglasses look funny! Why are you dressed like this?"

"Because there could be fans at the amusement park." He answers," If I'm seen with you, fans will get jealous and I'll get in trouble with Johnny-san."

"I see..." I say," but if it's so much of a hassle just to hang out with me, you shouldn't come with me"

"It's not much of a hassle" Yuto smiles, " I like going to the amusement park. Even if it means going in a wig, hat and sunglasses"

I laugh again."Let's not just stand here talking, let's go to the amusement park!"


We arrive to see the amusement park booming with rides and stands of food open.

"Have you eaten yet? I'm really hungry" I say as I pull Yuto towards the food stands,"but then again, I'm always hungry"

Yuto laughs,"Want me to buy you a snack?"

"No thanks" I shake my head,"I have my own money. I'll have some Takoyaki*"

As we wait for the Takoyaki, I ask jokingly,"Are you the first member in Hey!Say!Jump to to out on a date?"

"Maaaybe" He giggles.

"Maybe as in yet or no?"

"Maybe as in I don't wanna tell you"

"Aw, come on. Just tell me! Are you just embarrassed that maybe you're the last?"

"No! I am NOT the last!"

"Then tell me" I said as I take the Takoyaki,"are you the fifth?"

"If you keep asking me, I'll never tell you"

"Then if I stop, then would you tell me?"


"Then why say that!?" I stuff a piece of Takoyaki in my mouth. I hold out a piece in front of him,"Want one?"

"Sure" He leans over and eats the Takoyaki "Ahui~" His voice muffles. He chews the Takoyaki slowly. His eyes waters up a bit "It's so hot, how can you eat it so quickly?" he said as he grabs some water to down it.

I laughed," Years of practice." I look towards the rides." Lets go on the rides now! The roller coaster looks fun" I begin to pull Yuto to the roller coaster...until I see the corner of my eye.... I thought it was something else, but I'm wrong. I didn't expect him to be here. I begin straining to pull Yuto faster.

"Hidenka-chan, you're walking so fast" Yuto laughs," You want to ride the roller coaster that bad?"

"Ah...yeah! I'm just so anxious" I laugh nervously." Come on, let's go" I begin running. I'm sure he saw me. I didn't want to be seen. Not with Yuto here. I run faster. I don't wanna be hurt again I don't wanna get hurt again I don't-

I fall to the floor, sobbing. Yuto constantly asks if I'm okay. I'm not okay. I'll never be, I'll never.... He moves his arm slightly. His lips quivering, he slowly wraps his arms around me. He's so warm... His scent brings me back home and I realize that I returned his embrace. I sit there in his arms, crying. We sat there for what seemed for a long time.

As we pull away, Yuto asks me,"Why are you crying?" as he pulls me up and brings me to a nearby bench. I let fresh tears roll down my cheeks as I tell the story about Charlie. My ex boyfriend.

"He's here" I say, not being able to keep the tears from flowing," I just saw him. I don't know what to do."

Yuto looks at me with a confused look. Like he doesn't know what to do. "Um... I know! When we ever see him again, just make sure to tell me and we could try to work together to escape!"

That makes me laugh," What kind of guy are you? Men don't run away!"

"They do if they're escaping with their Princess"

My blush comes back. "Stupid hormones", I think.

"Let's just enjoy ourselves right now. Since we lost him for the moment" Yuto stands up and extends his hand towards me shyly. I hesitate, but I take his hand and we go looking for more rides. Hand in hand.


"I think I see him again!" I exclaimed. We begin running.... again...

Once we lost him, I sighed, " This is getting so out of hand. I think he's starting to chase us now... How can this be a proper date?" I pout.

Yuto laughs," At least I'm spending time with you"

My face goes red. Once again, this guy is unintentionally making me die of embarrassment. I open my mouth to speak-

"Hey! I caught up with you!" I hear this voice behind me. I don't want to turn around. I don't want to see his face. The feeling of dread overcomes me as I stand there. Mouth gaping. I mouth to Yuto, " It's him, what do I do?" Yuto looks at me with a concerned face and takes a good look at Charlie, glaring throughout the whole time.

He brings me close and whispers into my ear,"I'll try to talk or reason with him, okay?"

I just nod. I don't know what to do. He turns me around and says," Who are you?" He asks Charlie.

Charlie gives a sneer and says," Do ya know who you're with? Hmm... Come 'ere, I'm gonna tell you a little something 'bout the chick your with, 'ya hear?"

Yuto gives me a long look and finally goes to Charlie. I see Charlie whispering in Yuto's ear. Yuto's face changes quickly. From apathetic to rage. Everything goes by so quickly. The next thing I know, Charlie is on the floor, holding his cheek

"Yo! What the hell was that for!?" Charlie gets up. Only to be pushed down by Yuto again.

"How could you do something so despicable!? Spreading such horrid rumours... about a girl even! Do you have no shame?" Yuto bellowed. I've never seen him so angry.

"I can do whatever I want!" Charlie snaps back," She dumped me! I have all the right to pay her back! She was my girlfriend!"

" Well, she was your girlfriend! It's too late, just let go of her!" Yuto yells," BECAUSE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND NOW!"


I hoped you all like this! I feel so proud of it xD

fanfiction, be my prince charming

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