So I never retained most of book 7. (Seriously, I'm rereading it, and a lot of it is a huge surprise to me.) I later realized this was because it read like fanfic to me
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*entrance from random lj-er* I was struck by that too. It's strange, because I've only read the 7th once, and yet went through all the others so many times that I can recite the first page of the 1st, 4th and 5th, and quote randomly from other places. (which, considering my strange memory functionality, is amazing.)
Anyway-I stumbled on your journal through searching for something or other (...I get distracted easily)-would you mind if I friended you?
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Anyway-I stumbled on your journal through searching for something or other (...I get distracted easily)-would you mind if I friended you?
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