Hello and a poem

Jul 02, 2012 00:16

I'm staying a week or so at friends' house, house/dog/plant sitting and taking some time to myself, which is always awesome. I love my parents, but sometimes I need the space. Did some art this last week and am very pleased with how it turned out. Haven't been doing much writing of late, but I'll get back to it. I always do ( Read more... )

poetry, sharing is caring, jack's raging bile duct, stand back there may be vomit, the package is the warning, i smell crickets, once upon a midnight dreary

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Comments 4

amberdreams July 2 2012, 08:51:07 UTC
Love the poem and that you are making art... :D


lustmordred July 2 2012, 16:46:44 UTC
Cool. I like it, too, and I don't often find entire poems that I like enough to share so awesome.

Yeah, but it's not like fan art or anything so Idk if it will get shared. Maybe though. It might be locked. Lol.


portraitofafool July 2 2012, 15:52:14 UTC
For the skunk stuff, tell them to forgo the tomato juice method and try this instead:

4 cups hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tablespoons liquid dish soap (the sink kind, not the dishwasher stuff)

Mix it all together and massage it into the dog's coat (obv. avoiding her eyes). Leave it on for at least five minutes, but a little longer is probably better. Then rinse it out and repeat if necessary. After that, they can wash her as they normally would.


What art did you do and when can I see it? Lol. *always excite about Lucy Pictures*

And now I am going to read the poem. Poem has been read and I love it. I've read a couple of other things by her before and liked them, too. I am starting to think I may need to look into finding out if she has a book available for the purchasing.


lustmordred July 2 2012, 16:50:14 UTC
I may have to wash the dog myself. They got up this morning and I'm sure they did wash her, but probably only with soap or something. She's outside right now, but she'll be around later and has to be in all night so no way am I going to let that just pass. Thanks for the skunk washing recipe, lol. I'll try anything at this point and the only tomato juice we've got here is the spicy drink mix kind, which would be mean.

I did some illustration things. I really like them, but they were a fucking ton of work and took days. I'll send them to you and post them in my other journal when I've gotten them off my camera.

I like it. Don't really know her stuff or anything though.


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