I have a friend that does this and I would say that it doesn't increase the shelf life, but it does increase the volume (by a lot). She puts sugar into it to make it more like a scrub.
I would be worried about the shelf life if you're adding water or anything else to them. If you're just whipping the jelly I wouldn't think it would affect shelf life, but I don't know much about these things.
I whip up my jellies and I've never had any problems with them going bad. I don't add water or anything so I'm not changing the makeup of the product just its form. I find it's easier to use and I don't waste any from dropping it or having it break off (which is important to my precious Gold Frankincense and Beer, lol).
Do you do it in a blender or a food processor? I've seen alot of folks on the forums mention using a food processor, but I don't have access to one and I don't want to waste a batch in the blender if it won't turn out as well...
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