So! It seems I've made an accidental LUSH convert out of my picky father. ;) He was the type of person I had to twist the arm of to step foot in a LUSH store because he complained that it was too much of a "sensory overload." Pshaw, right? It happened on the fateful day he ran out of his commercial hairgels ( he's growing his hair back out and it's
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Comments 29
We're now one hardcore Lush pair. Nearly all the toiletries we own are Lush and we've even installed a rack & basket in our shower to hold our 500 ml bottles of shampoos and shower gels. :)
Hey, I'm from Arizona too! I feel ya on the hot summer. :) You made me wanna try a buttercream!
Oh I totally know it, even just coming home from work makes you feel all disgusting. If you can get past the funky in-shower smell, Emperor of Icecream is super refreshing and smooth when frozen. I've been wanting to toss a block of Ice Blue in the freezer and see how that works out too.
i got my boyfriend to start using the haircare. he was raving about the smell of i ♥ juicy for weeks, and soak & float is the only thing he's ever used that keeps his scalp even moderately happy. he still thinks i'm a tad crazy (i'm an SA, my bathroom is quite literally exploding with bombs and black tubs), but certainly has no complaints when my skin is silky soft, i come home from work smelling amazing, and there are tasty treats & the lure of conserving water when we hop into the shower together.
Well. She loved it. Our stylist couldn't get over how much better her hair looked. Now she's filching chunks of Jungle from me when she's over and eying the rest of my products! She's asked several times about parties, as well.
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