Title: Cookies
Author: Caz
lusciouspandora Rating: G-ish
Characters/Pairings: Mal/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Slight mush. It is, after all, a V-day fic. Also, do not own the and not making any cashy money yadda yadda yadda.
Description: Somethin' smells good in the kitchen.
Community: Written for
fireflyholidays Something smelling mighty fine dragged Mal’s haggard form towards the chow room. He wasn’t sure what it was, or if it was even edible, but is sure smelled like something he’d like to wrap his maw around if given half the chance and his boots seemed to be determined to get him to the origin of the delectable aroma. Rounding the doorway, the captain found himself bombarded by…pink?
“Kaylee, what in the blue blazes of hell is this?” he thundered, batting at a paper heart that had been strung from the ceiling.
Guiltily, Kaylee slunk out from behind the counter where she’d been tending to something or other. She rushed up to the captain, and gave him a soft peck on the cheek.
“Don’t be mad Capt’n,” she began, more cheerily than usual if that was possible, “I just decorated a li’l for Valentines Day is all. River helped me. She’s real good at cuttin’ out hearts.”
“They’re symmetrical,” River stepped out from the shadows, causing Mal to suffer what he feared were heart palpitations, “Every one of them is perfect. Not really symbolic of love though, is it?”
Mal gaped at her retreating form, absorbing the saucy look she tossed him as she left the room. It was clear that the last remark had been an entirely lucid jab at him.
“I made cookies too!” Kaylee exclaimed, scurrying back behind the counter and whipping out some more pink. The pink turned out to be the icing on some heart shaped cookies.
“Oh,” offered Mal, at a loss as to what he should say to such…pinkness.
“They ain’t nothing fancy,” she hemmed, “But Shepard Book helped me pick up the things I needed to make ‘em last time we was planetside and even lent me a recipe. Said maybe you needed some sweetinin’ up. Not that, of course, you do…”
The look in Kaylee’s eyes softened Mal a tad and he let go of his captainy manner a little, “Well I suppose I’ll just have to try one then, won’t I?”
Truth was, his mouth was waterin’ at the sight of them. That was what he’d smelled all the way from his bunk that had lured him here. He picked up one of the pink smeared cookies and put the whole thing in his mouth in one go. And damn if it didn’t taste even better than it smelled.
“This is good,” he mumbled, mouth full.
“My Ma always did say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Kaylee giggled triumphantly and planted another kiss on Mal’s cheek.
Grasping Kaylee’s hand lightly and kissing her on the top of the head, Mal conceded, “Well your Ma weren’t wrong.”