Snow pictures

Dec 21, 2008 19:22

We had another storm, today, in New England.  It is letting up.  I would say we got about a foot, today.  It is always nice to have a white Christmas.  I was glad to have all the snow on a day when I didn't have to go to work.  And it is beautiful.  Under the cut are some pictures I took.

Snow pictures )

pictures, snow

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Comments 22

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lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 01:19:13 UTC
I forget where you are, Sarah. NYC? Anyway, we have enough to share. White Christmas/Yule/Hanukkah/Boxing Day/Kwanza/New Year's for everyone!


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lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 04:43:28 UTC
Stay warm. That wind chill will get you every time.


ez_as_pi December 22 2008, 01:14:57 UTC
*stares at the pretty*


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 01:19:56 UTC
Sophie would love it. :D *pets Sophie*


ez_as_pi December 22 2008, 01:21:19 UTC
I bet she would....

This would be her:

Except, she's white.... that could be an issue... :D


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 01:45:46 UTC
Nah, just yell "cookie" and see how fast that one lump of snow turns back into Sophie. Hee.


cherylad December 22 2008, 01:23:28 UTC
I'll have my daughter take some pics of our snow and our trees and decorations in the next few days .... sure has been coming through here toward you! I saw the Patriots game today and that y'all were getting what we had the last two. Big-time brrrrrr chilly coming next!!!

How's the smoking cessation coming? That is sooooo hard! Hang in there Doll! You CAN do it and it will be totally worth it all.


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 01:49:32 UTC
Yes, you've been so generous about sending us all your snow. Grrr. What do you think the chances are of my brother flying from Madison to Boston tomorrow with anything resembling his original schedule?

I was LMAO - they were playing Phoenix in a foot of snow. Anyone in the world think Phoenix had a chance?

Eeep on the chilly. *runs for long underwear*

Better than I thought. Two weeks tomorrow morning. Will be tough to see my dad later this week, though, he smokes. Lots of gum and support from the rest of the fam.


stardust_20 December 22 2008, 01:26:36 UTC
Wow, more snow than us and that's saying something. :)

Very pretty, so long as you don't have to drive anywhere.


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 01:51:31 UTC
But two weeks ago we had nothing. Very strange winter. Where are you, again?

Everything today was canceled. Will have to work tomorrow, but it seems to have let up.


stardust_20 December 22 2008, 02:14:54 UTC
Winnipeg, Canada. Directly north of North Dakota. It's usually extremely cold (which it is now) and snowy. (Not so much as you).

It's a strange winter everywhere in North America it seems. I have friends all over and they're all experiencing odd weather.


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 02:48:10 UTC
Ooooo, that's cold up there, yes.

It is, it is.


arielmoondance December 22 2008, 02:33:52 UTC
Gorgeous pics! Thanks for sharing!


lurkrealclose December 22 2008, 02:36:58 UTC
I love my new camera :)


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