You owe a great debt to
Alan TuringTake any computer history class and you will learn about the Turing machine (perhaps having to simulate one) and the Turing Test for artificial intelligence. Take any mathematics course on codes and ciphers and you will encounter Enigma and the Turing-Welchman Bombe used to crack German codes. His name shows up at
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Comments 9
I should not speak further as I do not want to make myself mad this early in my day. I have far too many positive things to do. *nods and harumphs*
It is harsh and hateful.
Just something to think about.... :-|
If a government actually values a person's contributions, then why damn him by the laws that they could easily defang or revoke if they cared to? To let a man's whole life be ruined over his private life only proves that they have no honour and are ungrateful wretches undeserving of anyone's loyalties or crucial expertise.
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The man is a liar, and his mentors are enabling him to lie in the name of penance. Everyone with a realistic sense of their own sexuality knows that things are not black-and-white, and moreover that orientation is not determined by activity. It is not defined by deed but by desire -- if the desire exists, then there is no defense for defining one's orientation as 100% heterosexual. Neither does that automatically mean that one can be smeared nor claimed as 100% homosexual...but the people who are running this charade from the top have no intention of admitting such shades of gray into their discourse, because it would undermine the entire basis of their "therapy" and "rehabilitation" in the first place. Their own standing depends on verifying him as a God-fearing heterosexual male, rather than some innately-contaminated ( ... )
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