Title: Dan Post Rating: PG-13 Summary: Canon one-shot, Jack and Lureen, and an old pair of boots. AN: For wannabebrit, who gave me a hug in the form of Dan Post.
[quote]But even though she fought it off, the memory of a Christmas Day came floating to her across the living room, and she understood why she'd put the boots on. If she couldn't get a hug from Jack, at least she could always get one from Dan Post.[quote]
Poor Lureen, to be in love with Jack (who wouldn't be) and never really have him, never get the love she so deeply craves. Great writing Jess!! Love your Lureen pov.
Your Lureen is the gold standard, really. You handle her with such depth and emotion - giving her this richness that we didn't get to see in the movie itself. It's like you take her over and for that, I am grateful.
I can see Lureen finding satisfaction and comfort in a pair of worn boots, especially on days when Jack is far away from Texas, even when he is there. It's a connection to her past, to when Jack *did* pay attention her, and when he was trying.
Comments 6
But thanks. I need to write more Lureen. I used to write a Lureen drabble pretty much daily.
Poor Lureen, to be in love with Jack (who wouldn't be) and never really have him, never get the love she so deeply craves. Great writing Jess!! Love your Lureen pov.
I can see Lureen finding satisfaction and comfort in a pair of worn boots, especially on days when Jack is far away from Texas, even when he is there. It's a connection to her past, to when Jack *did* pay attention her, and when he was trying.
Wonderfully done. *snuggles*
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