Halfway From Hell

Sep 15, 2010 22:00

Author: Me
Title: Halfway From Hell
Rating: G for now will get to nc-17 if I continue to write and not squeak out at the sex part
Characters: This chapter only has Luke. Perhaps in other chapters that I have not thought about, Luke's family, maybe Noah, made up people, will come in to play. Not sure yet. I'll let you know when it happens.
Warnings: Reid is dead. Not coming back from the dead or being a ghost, but dead.
Summary: Luke is pissed at everyone because Reid is dead. What does he turn to when everyone else has left or pissed him off by being insensitive jerks?

Author's Note:

So I wrote this after something I posted in the "Luke and Sex" thread over at the Luke and Reid site. I'm not sure if I'll ever write anymore of it, but this part came to me, so I wrote it down and decided to share it. I really do like the idea, and it's dark, will get darker, if I write more. So we shall see. I'll call this a prologue.

I'm trying to write it in present-tense but I'm really bad at that and keep switching to past-tense, so forgive me. No beta, mistakes are mine so yell at me :) Feedback is always welcome, I'm sure you all know that.

Luke hurt. His body shook in unfathomable pain, for a reality he would never agree to. All his body will let him do is lay on the edge of the pond, stroking his fingers over the sand, imagining Reid laying beside him, his fingers stroking over Reid’s perfect chest. He’d seen it once. Only once, how pathetic. He remembered Reid’s hair and skin still wet from a frantic shower taken after a botched surgery. And now all Luke can see is Reid’s chest, imagining what it would have felt like under his fingers. Would Reid moan, or stay quiet? How was he in bed? Whenever Luke thought about touching himself he stopped. Guilt and pain of what never was overwhelming him, reducing him unable to move any further. He’d sleep at the pond. Lily or Holden or Ethan or someone would find him there in the morning, dirty and bruised. The water lapping at his fingers that stretched across the shore. When he did go home, to Lily’s house, he’d stall at the front door. The image of Reid with his swollen face and bruised ego would flash across Luke’s eyes. As he moved farther into the room he’d see the coffee table where the chess set used to stay. The couch where they first cuddled, sort of, Reid would never agree that they had, when Luke helped him prepare for the Union meeting. Luke moved up to his room, remembering Reid commenting about he and Noah having made love there. Noah didn’t matter anymore. Luke had been a stupid boy. He should have shoved Reid on to his bed at that second, with the party going on downstairs, and ravished Reid until he couldn’t think anymore; until he couldn’t remember Noah and what his bedroom used to mean. Luke laid on his bed and looks to his side. Tangled on the pillow next to him lay Reid’s stethoscope. Katie had given it to him a month after Reid died. Luke used it one last time to listen to Reid’s heart beating in Chris’ chest. He never went back to visit Katie, or Jacob, or Reid’s heart. He didn’t want to see any of them, Katie’s diamond ring, their smiling faces, hear Jacob’s coo’s, see their happiness. They got happiness because Luke got misery. After a month, after all their bravado, the town forgot about the man they once gushed as being Oakdale’s noble hero. A tale they pretended they’d tell their grandchildren, got lost amongst weddings, proposals, births, college, and moving vans. In a week, everyone left. Noah, Casey, Alison, Faith, Parker, Liberty, Grandmother and John Dixon. Bob left the hospital, Chris left to be nursed back to health.

Luke opens his eyes, quickly shot them to the pillow beside him. The warmth he felt pulsating is only his own beating heart. Instead of Reid, there is Reid’s stethoscope, which for all intensive purposes could have been Reid. That is, could have defined Reid before Luke came along. Reid was much more than a doctor. He was a lover, a good one, an honest, mature, supportive, respectful one. In the days after Reid’s death the citizens of Oakdale waxed poetic about the love and connection between two people they had hardly ever seen or met. What they were saying was true, but they didn’t know it. They were only glorifying their hero and the hero’s widow. A few days more and Luke was the only one laying by the pond, cheeks and chest raw with tears.

Luke got off his bed and went back downstairs. The glass liquor bottles twinkle in the setting sun. A bolt of electricity surges through Luke. The first thing he has felt in a month. He licks his lips and looks around the room. “Mom? Dad? Natalie? Ethan? Faith?” He pauses, no response. A devilish grin appears on his face as he grabs the whiskey, chugging it down, letting it spill over his cheeks and chin. It feels better than the usual onslaught of tears. Before he came out, the alcohol felt so good in his veins. All the bad things that he felt, everything his parents would hate him for, went away. Maybe this time, Reid would go away too.

I have no idea where this is going. Should I continue? Does anyone want to read a just Luke fic? (with of course memories and implications of Reid and the effect on Luke)

!author|artist: hotlen, fan fiction

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